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# 如何:从方法中返回查询(C# 编程指南) 此示例演示如何从某一方法以返回值和 **out** 参数的形式返回查询。 任何查询的类型都必须为 [IEnumerable]( 或 [IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;](,或一种派生类型(如 [IQueryable&lt;T&gt;](。因此,返回查询的方法的任何返回值或 **out** 参数也必须具有该类型。如果某个方法将查询具体化为具体的 [List&lt;T&gt;]( 或 [Array]( 类型,则认为该方法在返回查询结果(而不是查询本身)。仍然能够编写或修改从方法返回的查询变量。 在下面的示例中,第一个方法以返回值的形式返回查询,第二个方法以 **out** 参数的形式返回查询。请注意,在这两种情况下,返回的都是查询,而不是查询结果。 ``` class MQ { // QueryMethhod1 returns a query as its value. IEnumerable<string> QueryMethod1(ref int[] ints) { var intsToStrings = from i in ints where i > 4 select i.ToString(); return intsToStrings; } // QueryMethod2 returns a query as the value of parameter returnQ. void QueryMethod2(ref int[] ints, out IEnumerable<string> returnQ) { var intsToStrings = from i in ints where i < 4 select i.ToString(); returnQ = intsToStrings; } static void Main() { MQ app = new MQ(); int[] nums = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; // QueryMethod1 returns a query as the value of the method. var myQuery1 = app.QueryMethod1(ref nums); // Query myQuery1 is executed in the following foreach loop. Console.WriteLine("Results of executing myQuery1:"); // Rest the mouse pointer over myQuery1 to see its type. foreach (string s in myQuery1) { Console.WriteLine(s); } // You also can execute the query returned from QueryMethod1 // directly, without using myQuery1. Console.WriteLine("\nResults of executing myQuery1 directly:"); // Rest the mouse pointer over the call to QueryMethod1 to see its // return type. foreach (string s in app.QueryMethod1(ref nums)) { Console.WriteLine(s); } IEnumerable<string> myQuery2; // QueryMethod2 returns a query as the value of its out parameter. app.QueryMethod2(ref nums, out myQuery2); // Execute the returned query. Console.WriteLine("\nResults of executing myQuery2:"); foreach (string s in myQuery2) { Console.WriteLine(s); } // You can modify a query by using query composition. A saved query // is nested inside a new query definition that revises the results // of the first query. myQuery1 = from item in myQuery1 orderby item descending select item; // Execute the modified query. Console.WriteLine("\nResults of executing modified myQuery1:"); foreach (string s in myQuery1) { Console.WriteLine(s); } // Keep console window open in debug mode. Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } ``` ## 编译代码 * 创建面向 .NET Framework 3.5 或更高版本的 Visual Studio 项目。默认情况下,该项目具有一个对 System.Core.dll 的引用以及一条针对 System.Linq 命名空间的 **using** 指令。 * 将类替换为示例中的代码。 * 按 F5 编译并运行程序。 * 按任意键退出控制台窗口。 ## 请参阅 [LINQ 查询表达式(C# 编程指南)](