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# Compiler Error CS0269 使用了未赋值的 out 参数“parameter” 编译器未能验证在使用 out 参数之前是否已给它赋值,它的值在赋值时可能未定义。在访问值之前,请确保为调用的方法中的 **out** 参数赋值。如果您需要使用传入的变量的值,请改用 **ref** 参数。有关更多信息,请参见[传递参数(C# 编程指南)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/0f66670z.aspx)。 下面的示例生成 CS0269: ``` // CS0269.cs class C { public static void F(out int i) // One way to resolve the error is to use a ref parameter instead // of an out parameter. //public static void F(ref int i) { // The following line causes a compiler error because no value // has been assigned to i. int k = i; // CS0269 i = 1; // The error does not occur if the order of the two previous // lines is reversed. } public static void Main() { int myInt = 1; F(out myInt); // If the declaration of method F is changed to require a ref // parameter, ref must be specified in the call as well. //F(ref myInt); } } ``` 如果变量的初始化发生在 try 块中,则也会出现此错误,因为编译器无法验证 try 块是否可以成功执行: ``` // CS0269b.cs class C { public static void F(out int i) { try { // Assignment occurs, but compiler can't verify it i = 1; } catch { } int k = i; // CS0269 i = 1; } public static void Main() { int myInt; F(out myInt); } } ```