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# Compiler Error CS1729 “type”不包含采用“number”参数的构造函数。 在直接或间接调用类的构造函数时,如果编译器找不到具有相同数量参数的任意构造函数,则会发生此错误。在下面的示例中,test 类没有采用任意参数的构造函数。因此,该类只有不含参数的默认构造函数。由于在生成该错误的第二行上,派生类没有声明其自己的构造函数,因此编译器将提供默认构造函数。该构造函数在基类中调用无参数构造函数。由于基类没有此类构造函数,因此会生成 CS1729。 ## 更正此错误 1. 调整构造函数调用中的参数数量。 2. 修改相应的类,提供包含必须调用的参数的构造函数。 3. 在基类中提供无参数构造函数。 下面的示例生成 CS1729: ``` // cs1729.cs class Test { static int Main() { // Class Test has only a default constructor, which takes no arguments. Test test1 = new Test(2); // CS1729 // The following line resolves the error. Test test2 = new Test(); // Class Parent has only one constructor, which takes two int parameters. Parent exampleParent1 = new Parent(10); // CS1729 // The following line resolves the error. Parent exampleParent2 = new Parent(10, 1); return 1; } } public class Parent { // The only constructor for this class has two parameters. public Parent(int i, int j) { } } // The following declaration causes a compiler error because class Parent // does not have a constructor that takes no arguments. The declaration of // class Child2 shows how to resolve this error. public class Child : Parent { } // CS1729 public class Child2 : Parent { // The constructor for Child2 has only one parameter. To access the // constructor in Parent, and prevent this compiler error, you must provide // a value for the second parameter of Parent. The following example provides 0. public Child2(int k) : base(k, 0) { // Add the body of the constructor here. } } ``` ## 请参阅 [继承(C# 编程指南)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms173149.aspx) [构造函数(C# 编程指南)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ace5hbzh.aspx)