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# Chapter 4 Getting started Phing buildfiles are written in XML, and so you will need to know at least some basic things about XML to understand the following chapter. There is a lot of information available on the web: - The Standard Recommendation of XML by the W3C <>: very technical but exhaustive. - XML In 10 Points <>: Quick introduction into XML. - A technical introduction to XML <>: Interesting article by the creator of DocBook. 4.1 XML And Phing A valid Phing buildfile has the following basic structure: - The document prolog - Exactly one root element called `<project>` . - Several Phing `type` elements (i.e. `<property>` , `<fileset>` , `<patternset>` etc.) - One or more `<target>` elements containing built-in or user defined Phing `task` elements (i.e. `<install>` , `<bcc>` , etc).