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# Appendix C. Optional tasks This appendix contains a reference of all optional tasks, i.e. tasks that are not directly needed for building projects, but can assist in various aspects of development and deployment. This reference lists the tasks alphabetically by the name of the classes that implement the tasks. So if you are searching for the reference to the `<phplint>` tag, for example, you will want to look at the reference of PhpLintTask. C.1 ApiGenTask This task runs [ApiGen](http://apigen.org/), a tool for creating professional API documentation from PHP source code, similar to discontinued phpDocumentor/phpDoc. Table C.1:聽Attributes NameTypeDescriptionDefaultRequired`executable``String`ApiGen executable name.apigenNo`action``String`ApiGen action to be executed.generateNo`config``String`Config file name.n/aSource and destination are required - either set explicitly or using a config file. Attribute values set explicitly have precedence over values from a config file.`source``String`List of source files or directories.n/a`destination``String`Destination directory.n/a`exclude``String`List of masks (case sensitive) to exclude files or directories from processing.n/aNo`skipdocpath``String`List of masks (case sensitive) to exclude elements from documentation generating.n/aNo`charset``String`Character set of source files.UTF-8No`main``String`Main project name prefix.n/aNo`title``String`Title of generated documentation.n/aNo`baseurl``String`Documentation base URL.n/aNo`googlecseid``String`Google Custom Search ID.n/aNo`googlecselabel``String`Google Custom Search label.n/aNo`googleanalytics``String`Google Analytics tracking code.n/aNo`templateconfig``String`Template config file name.n/aIf not set the default template is used.`templatetheme``String`Template theme file name.n/aIf not set the default template is used.`accesslevels``String`Element access levels. Documentation only for methods and properties with the given access level will be generated.public, protectedNo`internal``Boolean`Whether to generate documentation for elements marked as internal and internal documentation parts or not.NoNo`php``Boolean`Whether to generate documentation for PHP internal classes or not.YesNo`tree``Boolean`Whether to generate tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions or not.YesNo`deprecated``Boolean`Whether to generate documentation for deprecated elements or not.NoNo`todo``Boolean`Whether to generate documentation of tasks or not.NoNo`sourcecode``Boolean`Whether to generate highlighted source code files or not.YesNo`download``Boolean`Whether to generate a link to download documentation as a ZIP archive or not.NoNo`debug``Boolean`Whether to enable the debug mode or not.NoNo C.1.1 Example ``` <apigen source="classes" destination="api" exclude="*/tests/*" title="My Project API Documentation" deprecated="true" todo="true"/> ```