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# Bibliography International Standards \[osi-model\] *OSI (Open System Interconnect) Model*. <http://www.iso.org> . <http://www.instantweb.com/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?OSI> . \[xml10-spec\] *W3C XML 1.0 Specifications*. <http://www.w3.org/XML/> . \[unicode\] *Unicode*. <http://www.unicode.org> . Licenses \[gnu-lgpl\] *The GPL (Gnu Lesser Public License)*. <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html> . \[gnu-fdl\] *The Gnu FDL (Free Documentation License), the license used for this documentation*. <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html> . Open Source Projects \[bc \] *Binarycloud*. <http://www.binarycloud.com> <http://binarycloud.tigris.org> . \[w3c-tidy \] *HTMLTidy, a W3C (x)HTML and XML syntax checker and code beautifier*. [http://www.w3c.org/People/Ragget/tidy/](http://www.w3c.org/People/Raggett/tidy/) . \[phpdoc \] *The PHPDoc Project*. <http://www.phpdoc.de> . \[phpclasses\] *Manuel Lemos' PHPClasses Repository*. <http://www.phpclasses.org> . \[pear \] *PEAR (Php Extension Archive Repository)*. <http://pear.php.net> . \[ant \] *Ant, a Java Build Tool, the main inspiration for Phing*. <http://ant.apache.org> . \[gnumake \] *GNU make, an inspiration for Phing*. <http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html> . \[pollo\] *Pollo, a visual editor for XML files. A schema to edit phing build files is shipped with Phing.*. <http://pollo.sourceforge.net> . \[gingerall \] *Ginger Alliance - Home Of Sablotorn*. <http://www.gingerall.com> . \[php \] *The PHP homepage - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor*. <http://www.php.net> . \[gnu\] *The GNU (GNU's Not Unix) Organization*. <http://www.gnu.org> . \[phing \] *Phing (PHing Is Not Gnumake)*. <http://www.phing.info> . Manuals \[svn-howto \] *Version Control with Subversion (free book)*. <http://svnbook.red-bean.com/> . \[git-book\] *Pro-git (free book)*. <http://progit.org/> . Other Resources \[javadoc \] *Sun Javadoc*. <http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/> . \[zend\] *Zend Technologies, Ltd.*. <http://www.zend.com> .