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# Balaji Srinivasan at Startup School 2013 > `[00:00:00]` I can talk about why coming here. `[00:00:00]` 我可以谈谈为什么来这里。 > I guess so I guess you all know about that. 所以我想你们都知道。 > Let me interrupt myself briefly while things are loading here. 在这里装货的时候,让我简短地打断一下自己。 > So my name is biology\'s Srini boss and there\'s actually 12 people with my same first and last name in the Bay Area alone. 所以我的名字是生物学的斯里尼老板,实际上在湾区有 12 个人和我同名。 > In fact I randomly ran into another one of them at Stanford and founded a genomics company for them. 事实上,我在斯坦福偶然遇到了另一家公司,并为他们创建了一家基因组公司。 > So my I go by my full initials SS and I am a Stanford lifer. 所以我用我的首字母 SS,我是斯坦福大学的一员。 > I got myB.S. 我拿到了我的指纹。 > Stanford in 2006 I started teaching computer science and statistics there. 2006 年,我开始在斯坦福大学教授计算机科学和统计学。 > I left Stanford in early 2008 scandalising the department to found a genomics company which has become very successful. 2008 年初,我离开了斯坦福大学,让该部门丑闻缠身,成立了一家已经非常成功的基因组公司。 > Our names counsel and we test about 3 percent of all births in the United States. 我们的名字,法律顾问,我们测试大约 3%的出生在美国。 > I\'ve also taught a Moog at staff at Stanford WVU which has become quite successful. 我还在斯坦福大学(StanfordWVU)的员工中教过一门 Moog 课程,这门课程已经相当成功。 > But I\'m going to talk about something fairly different today. 但我今天要谈一些完全不同的事情。 > `[00:01:01]` So can we go yes or so we can talked about today is something I\'m calling Silicon Valley\'s ultimate exit and so as motivation here you know it\'s a bit topical. `[00:01:01]` 那么,我们能不能说,是的,或者说,我们今天可以谈论的是我所说的硅谷的最终退出,因此,作为动机,你知道,这是一个有点热门的话题。 > Is the USA the Microsoft of nations we can take this sort of thing and we can expand it. 是美国,是国家的微软,我们可以采取这种做法,我们可以扩大它。 > Mark. 马克。 > Code base is 30 years old run an office gated language system was shut down for two weeks straight systematic FUD on security issues fairly ruthless treatment of key suppliers generally favors its rich enterprise customers. 代码库是 30 年前运行的一种办公门控语言系统,连续两周关闭,系统 FUD 在安全问题上相当冷酷无情地对待关键供应商,一般有利于其富有的企业客户。 > But we still have to buy up and you know if we think about Microsoft itself there\'s a great quote from Bill Gates in 1998 what displaced Microsoft what you know what did he fear. 但是我们仍然需要收购,你知道,如果我们考虑微软本身,有一句来自比尔盖茨(BillGates)1998 年的名言,它取代了微软(Microsoft),你知道他害怕的是什么。 > It wasn\'t Oracle or anybody like that. 不是甲骨文或者其他类似的人。 > What he feared were some guys in a garage who happened to be. 他担心的是车库里的一些人碰巧是。 > Ultimately we found was Larin Serguei back in 1998. 最终我们在 1998 年发现了 LarinSerguei。 > And the thing about what parents figured did is there\'s no way that they could have reform Microsoft from the inside at that time. 家长们的想法是,他们不可能在那个时候从内部对微软进行改革。 > Microsoft already had 26000 employees joining in those numbers twenty six thousand twenty six thousand one of them trying to push for 20 percent time or free lunches they probably wouldn\'t have done too far. 微软已经有 26000 名员工加入了这一数字,其中一人试图争取 20%的时间或免费午餐,他们可能不会做得太远。 > So what they had to do was start their own company. 所以他们要做的就是开一家自己的公司。 > `[00:02:42]` They had to exit and with success in that in that alternative then Microsoft imitate them. `[00:02:42]` 他们不得不退出,成功地选择了另一种选择,然后微软模仿他们。 > And this is actually relate to a fundamental concept in political science the concept of boys versus exit the company or a country is in decline. 这实际上与政治学中的一个基本概念有关,男孩和退出的概念-公司或国家正在衰落。 > `[00:02:58]` You can try Foy\'s or you can try exit Boyce\'s basically changing the system from within. `[00:02:58]` 您可以尝试 Foy\s,或者您可以尝试退出 Boyce 从内部改变系统。 > Whereas exit is leaving to create a new system a new startup or to join a competitor. 而退出是为了创建一个新的系统,一个新的启动或加入一个竞争对手。 > Sometimes loyalty can modulate this sometimes that\'s patriotism which is voluntary and sometimes it\'s Lockean which are involuntary barriers to exit and we can think about this in the context of various examples and start to get a feel for this so you know voice in the context open source would be a patch exit it would be a fork voice in the context of a customer would be a complaint form whereas exit would be taking your business elsewhere. 有时忠诚度可以调节这一点,有时是出于自愿的爱国情操,有时是非自愿退出的障碍,我们可以在各种例子的背景下考虑这一点,并开始对此有一种感觉,因此,在上下文中,开放源码中的声音将是一个补丁出口,而在客户的上下文中,它将是一个分叉的声音。投诉表,而退出则会把你的业务转移到别处。 > Voice in the context of a company that\'s a turnaround plan Exodus leaving to found a startup and voice in the context of a country is voting while exit is immigration. 在一家公司的背景下,这是一项扭亏为盈的计划 > So are those two images on the left is the normal Rockwell painting on voice on the rise actually my dad in the center and that\'s kind of a grass hut on the right hand side to grow up on a dirt floor in India and left because India was an economic basket case and there is no way that he could have voted to change things within his lifetime. 这两幅画的左边是普通的罗克韦尔,声音在上升,实际上是我的父亲在中间,那是一间在右边的草屋,在印度的一层土地上长大,而左边,因为印度是一个经济篮子,他不可能在他的有生之年投票改变一切。 > So he left and it turns out that while we talk a lot about voice in the context ofU.S. 所以他离开了,结果我们在美国谈论了很多关于声音的话题。 > and talk about democracy that\'s very important. 谈论民主是非常重要的。 > But you know we\'re not just a nation of immigrants or a nation of immigrants were shaped by both boys. 但你知道,我们不仅是一个移民的国家,或者一个由两个男孩组成的移民国家。 > And it started with the Puritans you know they fled religious persecution. 从清教徒开始,你们知道他们逃离了宗教迫害。 > The American revolutionaries which you know left England\'s orbit. 你们知道的美国革命家离开了英国的轨道。 > You know then we started moving west leaving the East Coast bureaucracy to go to Western nations. 你知道,然后我们开始向西迁移,离开东海岸的官僚机构去西方国家。 > Later late eighteen hundreds. 晚些时候是十八世纪末。 > Ellis Island people living pogroms and in the century fleeing Naziism and communism and sometimes people didn\'t just come here for a better life they came here to save their life. 埃利斯岛人生活着大屠杀,在本世纪逃离纳粹主义和共产主义,有时人们来这里不仅仅是为了更好的生活,他们来这里是为了拯救他们的生命。 > That\'s the airlift in the end of Saigon. 那是西贡尽头的空运。 > `[00:04:50]` And it\'s not just theU.S. `[00:04:50]` 而且不只是美国。 > that ship by eggs at Silicon Valley itself is also shaped by eggs that you can date back to the founding of Fairchild Semiconductor with the Traitorous Eight and the founding of Fairchild. 硅谷的鸡蛋船本身也是由鸡蛋塑造的,你可以追溯到费尔柴尔德半导体公司(Fairchild SemSystems)的创立,以及费尔柴尔德公司(Fairchild)的成立。 > The fact that non-competing are not enforceable in California. 事实上,非竞争在加州是不可执行的。 > `[00:05:04]` And you know the fact that DC funds disruption not just turn around you know the concept of walking an open source you know if you think about the back button that is in some ways the cheapest ways to exit something. `[00:05:04]` 你知道 DC 资金中断的事实,不仅仅是扭转局面,你知道走开源的概念,如果你想到后退按钮,在某种程度上,这是退出某些东西最便宜的方式。 > And of course the concept startup itself. 当然,这个概念本身就启动了。 > That right there if you guys haven\'t seen as one of why commandeers first ads Laren Serguei won\'t respect you in the morning. 就在这里,如果你们还没有被视为第一次征兵的原因之一的话,拉伦?塞尔盖早上就不会尊重你了。 > So the concept here is that it was actually an extremely important force in compliment to voice. 所以这里的概念是,它实际上是一种非常重要的力量,它是对声音的恭维。 > And it\'s something which is something that gives voice its strength. 这是一种赋予声音力量的东西。 > So in particular protects minority rights in the upper left corner. 因此,特别保护左上角的少数族裔权利。 > For example you can imagine two countries and country one is foreign policy a country. 例如,你可以想象两个国家和一个国家是一个国家的外交政策。 > Falling policy be some minority you know is potentially interested in following policy B but is very stridently promulgated by the majority. 下跌政策是一些少数,你知道,可能有兴趣遵循政策 B,但是非常鲜明的颁布,由大多数。 > However there are some other country maybe a smaller country maybe another country that\'s actually quite into be. 然而,还有其他一些国家,可能是一个较小的国家,也许是另一个国家 > And so that person leaves and you know they\'re not initially super into B but they think it might be interesting just be questionmark and what happens is it all the other guys in a sea that people are actually leaving. 所以那个人离开了,你知道他们最初并不是超级进入 B,但是他们认为这可能很有趣,只是做个问号,而发生的是人们实际上要离开的海洋中的所有其他人。 > They really care about this particular policy so much that they actually left. 他们真的非常关心这个特定的政策,以至于他们真的离开了。 > It could be a feature where people are leaving for a competitor. 这可能是一项功能,人们将前往竞争对手。 > It could be a bug that you haven\'t fixed so people fork the project and take it somewhere else. 它可能是一个你还没有修复的 bug,所以人们会把这个项目转移到其他地方。 > What happens is exit amplifies voice. 所发生的是出口放大声音。 > Right. 右(边),正确的 > So it\'s a it\'s a crucial additional feature for democracy is to reduce the barrier to exit to make democratic voice more powerful more successful. 因此,民主的另一个重要特点是减少退出的障碍,使民主的声音更有力、更成功。 > And so a voice gains much more attention when people are leaving in droves. 因此,当人们成群结队地离开时,声音会得到更多的关注。 > And you know if I would bet that exit is a reason why half this audience is alive. 你知道,如果我敢打赌,退出是一半观众还活着的原因。 > Many of us have our ancestors who came from China Vietnam Korea you know Iran places where there\'s war famine economic basket cases. 我们中的许多人都有来自中国、越南、朝鲜的祖先,你们知道,伊朗是战争、饥荒、经济死灰复燃的地方。 > It is something that I believe we need to preserve and exist with this talk is about so is really a medic concept. 这是我认为我们需要保留和存在的东西,这是关于这个话题的,所以这是一个真正的医疗概念。 > It\'s about alternatives it\'s a medic concept that subsumes competition forking founding and physical immigration. 它是关于可供选择的,它是一个医疗概念,包含竞争,分叉,创建和物理移民。 > It means giving people the tools will lose influence of bad policies over their lives without getting involved in politics the tools to peacefully opt out. 这意味着给人们的工具,将失去不良政策对他们的生活的影响,而不介入政治的工具,和平选择退出。 > And if you combine those three things you know this concept of theU.S. 如果你把这三件事结合起来,你就会知道美国的概念。 > is a much softer nations. 是一个软弱得多的国家。 > The quote from Gates and Hirschmann is treatise. 盖茨和赫希曼的引文是论文。 > `[00:07:29]` You get this concept of Silicon Valley\'s ultimate exit. `[00:07:29]` 你明白硅谷最终退出的概念。 > `[00:07:33]` Basically I believe that the ability to reduce the importance of decisions made in DC in particular without lobbying or sloganeering it\'s actually going to become extremely important over the next 10 years. `[00:07:33]` 基本上,我认为,在没有游说或口号的情况下,降低 DC 决策的重要性的能力在未来 10 年实际上将变得极为重要。 > And you might ask why what does this have to do with anything. 你可能会问为什么这和任何事情都有什么关系。 > `[00:07:45]` So the reason why is that today it\'s Silicon Valley versus what I call the paper belt just for cities that used to run the United States in the post-war era. `[00:07:45]` 所以,原因是今天的硅谷与我所说的“纸带”相比,它只适用于那些在战后时代统治美国的城市。 > Okay Boston with higher ed in New York City with Madison Avenue books Wall Street newspapers Los Angeles with movies music Hollywood and of courseD.C. 好吧,波士顿,纽约高等教育,麦迪逊大道书籍,华尔街报纸,洛杉矶,电影,音乐,好莱坞,当然还有华盛顿特区。 > with laws and regulations formerly running the country. 有着以前管理国家的法律法规。 > And so I called them the paper belt after the rust belt of yore. 所以我把它们叫做纸带,跟过去的铁锈带一样。 > And in the last 20 years a new competitor to the paper belt arose out of nowhere Silicon Valley and by accident we\'re putting Horsehead in all of their beds. 在过去的 20 年里,纸带的一个新竞争对手突然出现在硅谷,我们偶然地把马头放到了他们所有的床上。 > We are becoming stronger than all of them combined. 我们正在变得比所有这些因素加起来更强大。 > `[00:08:29]` And to get a sense of this you know Silicon Valley is reinventing every industry and cities that accept there is possibly a screenplay for you know the paper ofL.A. `[00:08:29]` 为了了解这一点,你知道硅谷正在改造每一个接受的行业和城市,可能会有一部剧本给你看“洛杉矶报”。 > andL.A. 和 L.A. > is going to iTunes you know BitTorrent your Netflix Spotify Youtube. 要去 iTunes 你知道 BitTorrent 你的 Netflix Spotify YouTube > That\'s really those are really the first on the hit list starting in 99 with Napster. 这真的是第一次进入热门榜,从 99 年的纳普斯特开始。 > `[00:08:46]` New York right alongside AdWords Twitter Blogger Facebook Kindle Aereo. `[00:08:46]` 纽约就在 AdWords Twitter 博主 Facebook KindleAereo 旁边。 > We\'re going after newspapers we\'re going after Madison Avenue we\'re going after book publishing we\'re going after television Aereo figured out how to put a salted antenna in a server farm so you don\'t have to pay any TV fees over there recording recently Boston was next in the gun sights Khan Academy Coursera Udacity and most interestingly DC and by DC I\'m using as a medium for just government regulation in general because not justD.C. 我们要关注报纸,我们要去麦迪逊大道,我们要去看书,我们要看电视,Aereo 想出了在服务器场里放一个咸天线的方法,这样你就不用支付任何电视费用了,最近波士顿是枪击案中的下一个,可汗学院,古瑟拉·乌迪,最有趣的是华盛顿特区,华盛顿特区把它作为一般政府监管的媒介,因为不只是华盛顿特区。 > It includes local and state governments Uber Airbnb NBA Stripe Square and of course you know the big one bitcoin are all things that threatenD.C. 它包括地方和州政府,优步,Airbnb,NBA,条形广场,当然,你知道,大比特币都是威胁特区的东西。 > power. 权力。 > It is not necessarily clear that theU.S. 不一定清楚的是美国。 > government can ban something that it wants to ban anymore. 政府可以禁止它想要禁止的东西。 > And so because of this it\'s something called a paper jam. 因此,这就是所谓的卡纸。 > The backlash is beginning. 反弹开始了。 > No more jobs predicted for machines not people job automation is a future unemployment crisis looming imprisoned by innovation as you know. 正如你所知,没有更多的机器工作,而不是人,工作自动化是一场未来的失业危机,被创新所囚禁。 > Tech wealth explodes Silicon Valley poverty spikes. 科技财富猛增,硅谷的贫困急剧增加。 > `[00:09:51]` They are basically going to try to blame the economy on Silicon Valley to see that as the iPhone and Google that done did it not the bailouts of bankruptcies and the bombings. `[00:09:51]` 他们基本上是想把经济归咎于硅谷,让他们看到的是 iPhone 和谷歌所做的事情,而不是破产救助和爆炸案。 > And you know this is something which we need to identify as false and we need to actively repudiate so we must respond via a voice you know the obvious counter argument is that the value reduces prices and the top it\'s a little small but that\'s the famous graph. 你知道,这是我们需要识别为虚假的东西,我们需要积极地拒绝,所以我们必须通过一个声音来回应,你知道,明显的相反论点是,价值降低了价格,顶部它有点小,但那是著名的图表。 > You know consumption spreads faster today. 你知道,今天消费的传播速度更快。 > That shows the absolute exponential rise of technologies over the last century. 这表明技术在上个世纪的绝对指数上升。 > `[00:10:26]` You know anything that is initially just the province of the 1 percent whether it be computers or cell phones quickly becomes the province of the 5 percent and the 10 percent that MBP that barely works that someone is willing to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for allows you to fix the bugs to get economies of scale to bring it to the 10 percent and then 20 percent and 50 percent the middle class and the 99 percent. `[00:10:26]` 你知道的任何事情,最初只是 1%的范围,不管是电脑还是手机,很快就变成了 5%的范围,而 MBP 的 10%几乎不起作用-有人愿意花上成千上万美元-可以让你修复 bug,使其达到 10%的规模效益,然后再把它提高到 10%。20%和 50%的中产阶级和 99%的人。 > That\'s how we got cell phones from you know a toy from Wall Street to something that\'s helping the poorest of the poor all over the world. 这就是我们是如何得到手机的-你知道,华尔街的一个玩具正在帮助世界上最贫穷的人。 > Technology is about reducing prices the bottom curve there is Moore\'s Law. 技术是降低价格的最底层曲线,有摩尔定律。 > `[00:10:59]` And by contrast the paper built raises them. `[00:10:59]` 与之形成对比的是,这篇论文提出了它们。 > There is a tuition bubble and the mortgage bubble and the medical care bubble in too many bubbles to name and so the argument that the Valley is a problem is inherent but it\'s not going to be sufficient to respond to Viard voice. 这里有一个学费泡沫、抵押贷款泡沫和医疗保健泡沫,太多的泡沫让人难以启齿,因此,关于硅谷是一个问题的观点是固有的,但它不足以回应维亚德的声音。 > We can make this argument but Dopeman counter argument is actually exit and not in the Scholey physical exit but exit in a variety of different forms. 我们可以提出这个论点,但多普曼反论点实际上是退出,而不是在斯科利物理出口,而是退出,以各种不同的形式。 > What they\'re basically saying is ruled by DC means people are going back to work and emerging meme is that rule by us is ruled by Terminator\'s. 他们说的基本上是由 DC 统治的,这意味着人们要回去工作,而新兴的模因是,我们的规则是由终结者统治的。 > We\'re going to take all the jobs. 我们将接管所有的工作。 > Whereas we can say and we can argue Deasy\'s role is more like a building in Detroit and downright there is actually like google data center right. 我们可以说,而且我们可以说,Deasy 的角色更像是底特律的一栋大楼,实际上就像谷歌的数据中心。 > And so we can go back and forth verbally but ultimately this about counterfactuals. 所以我们可以用口头的方式来重复,但最终,这是关于反事实的。 > They have aircraft carriers we don\'t. 他们有我们没有的航空母舰。 > We don\'t actually want to fight them. 我们其实不想和他们打。 > `[00:11:54]` Wouldn\'t be smart. `[00:11:54]` 不会很聪明的。 > So we want to show what a society run by Silicon Valley would look like without actually affecting anyone who still really believes the paper belt is actually good. 所以我们想要展示一个由硅谷管理的社会是什么样子,而不会影响到那些仍然相信纸带真的很好的人。 > `[00:12:06]` And that\'s where EXID comes in. `[00:12:06]` 那就是 EXID 进来的地方。 > So what do I mean by this. 我这么说是什么意思。 > What I mean by Silicon Valley is ultimate exit. 我所说的硅谷是终极退出。 > It basically means build an opt in society. 它基本上意味着在社会中建立一个选择。 > Ultimately outside theU.S. 最终走出美国。 > run by technology and this is actually where the value is going. 由技术运行,这实际上是价值的去处。 > `[00:12:22]` This is where we\'re going over the next 10 years. `[00:12:22]` 这是未来 10 年我们要去的地方。 > That\'s where mobile is going. 这就是移动公司的发展方向。 > It\'s not about a location based app it\'s about making location completely irrelevant. 它不是关于一个基于位置的应用程序,而是关于使位置完全无关。 > So Larry Page for example wants to set aside a part of the world for unregulated experimentation that\'s carefully phrase. 例如,拉里·佩奇(LarryPage)想要留出世界的一部分,用于不受监管的实验,这是一句谨慎的话。 > He\'s not saying you know take away the laws in theU.S. 他不是说你知道拿走美国的法律。 > if you like your country you can keep it. 如果你喜欢你的国家,你可以保留它。 > Same with Mark Anderson Right the world is going to see an explosion of countries in the years ahead double triple or quadruple countries. 同样,马克·安德森(MarkAnderson)也是如此,在未来几年,世界上的国家数量将增加两倍、三倍或四倍。 > Right since end of the Cold War we\'ve just been seeing them burst up in all kinds of places and some of the best. 就在冷战结束后,我们就看到他们在各种地方和最好的地方爆发了。 > We\'ll have lessons for all the rest. 剩下的课我们都有课。 > You know Singapore\'s healthcare system is an example to the rest of world. 你知道,新加坡的医疗体系就是世界其他国家的榜样。 > Estonia actually has digital parking meters and all kinds of things we can copy those things without necessarily taking the risk let them take the risk and then we can we can copy them. 爱沙尼亚实际上有数字停车收费表和各种各样的东西,我们可以复制这些东西,而不一定要冒风险,让它们承担风险,然后我们就可以复制它们。 > `[00:13:07]` It amplifies so importantly you don\'t have to fight a war to start a new company. `[00:13:07]` 它放大了非常重要的一点,你不必为了建立一家新公司而打一场战争。 > You don\'t you know killed the former CEO in a dual so a very important medic concept is create peaceful ways to exit and start new countries. 你不知道,这位前首席执行官被杀是双重的,因此,一个非常重要的医疗概念是创造和平的方式退出并开创新的国家。 > `[00:13:25]` So you know to the founders of PayPal Peter TEEAL is into seasteading Elon Musk wants to build a Mars colony and you can scale it back to you know even on Hacker News just recently within the realm of someone on unstaffed number one versus starting number two. `[00:13:25]` 所以你知道 PayPal 的创始人 Peter TEEAL 对航海很感兴趣,埃隆·马斯克想要建造一个火星殖民地,你可以把它缩小到你知道的哈克新闻上,就在最近,在第一名和第二名的人的范围内。 > These guys just went and bought a private island is random. 这些人只是去买了一个私人岛屿是随机的。 > So you know in middle Canada it\'s freezing cold it\'s their sticks over there doesn\'t exactly look like a walk who but the best part is this the people who think this is weird. 所以你知道,在加拿大中部,那里很冷,那是他们的树枝,看起来不像散步,但最棒的是,那些认为这很奇怪的人。 > `[00:13:53]` The people who sneer at the frontier right who hate technology they won\'t follow you out there. `[00:13:53]` 那些对边疆右派嗤之以鼻的人,他们讨厌科技,他们不会跟着你们出去。 > `[00:13:59]` OK. `[00:13:59]` 好的。 > That\'s the thing about you know it is you can take as much or little of it as you want. 这就是你所知道的,你可以想吃多少就吃多少。 > You don\'t have to actually go and get your own island you can do the equivalent of dual booting or telecommuting you can opt out to whatever level that you prefer. 你不必真的去拿你自己的岛,你可以做双启动或远程办公,你可以选择到任何你喜欢的水平。 > Right. 右(边),正确的 > Simply going onto Reddit rather than you know watching television is a way of opting out. 只是去 Reddit,而不是你知道,看电视是一种选择退出的方式。 > There is this entire digital world up here which we can jack our brains into and we can opt out the bill may stop us from leaving. 这里有一个完整的数字世界,我们可以将我们的大脑插入其中,我们可以选择退出,这一法案可能会阻止我们离开。 > And that\'s actually what I think of as one of the most important things over the next 10 years is to use technology especially mobile to reduce the barriers to exit. 这就是我认为未来 10 年最重要的事情之一,就是使用技术,特别是移动技术,以减少退出的障碍。 > You know we can build a world run by software. 你知道我们可以建立一个软件运行的世界。 > Here are some examples. 以下是一些例子。 > `[00:14:41]` 3D printing will turn regulation to DRM they\'ll be impossible to ban physical objects from medical devices to drones to cars you can 3D print all these things and their entire 3 letter regulatory agencies that are just you know devoted to banning goods with Bitcoin you know capital controls become packet filtering. `[00:14:41]` 3D 打印将把监管转到 DRM,他们将不可能禁止从医疗设备到无人机到汽车的实物,你可以打印所有这些东西,而他们的全部 3 封信都是专门用于禁止使用比特币的商品的监管机构,你知道资本管制变成了包过滤。 > It\'s impossible to do Bailin if everyone\'s on bitcoin to seize money as they did in Cyprus or in Poland with quantified self medicine is going to become mobile you\'re gonna be able to measure yourself with telepresence your immigration policy is going to turn into your firewall w robotics is just a start. 如果每个人都像在塞浦路斯或波兰那样,用量化的自我医学手段攫取资金,那么贝利是不可能做到的。你将能够用远程存在来衡量自己,你的移民政策将变成你的防火墙-机器人只是一个开始。 > `[00:15:17]` You know anybody sees you know robots are controlled remotely moving them around like a doom game. `[00:15:17]` 你知道有人看见你知道机器人是遥控的,把它们像毁灭游戏一样移动。 > Soon they\'ll be humanoid on their site and they\'re going to get pretty good so you can be anywhere in the world walking around with a humanoid robot on their side and you know without paying a plane to get drones. 很快,他们就会在他们的网站上变成人形机器人,而且他们会变得非常好,这样你就可以在世界上任何地方都能用一个人形机器人在他们身边行走,你知道的,不用付飞机就能买到无人机。 > `[00:15:34]` Warfare is going to become software law is going to become code management via robotics is going to become automation and property rights are going to become a network effect if you know about bitcoins smart property. `[00:15:34]` 如果你知道比特币的智能属性,战争将成为软件法律,通过机器人进行代码管理将成为自动化,产权将成为一种网络效应。 > `[00:15:44]` It\'s the technological details these are topics for the next move you can sign up at corsairs or from such core startup. `[00:15:44]` 这是技术细节-这些都是你可以在 corsair 或者这样的核心创业公司注册的下一步的话题。 > `[00:15:51]` Will be better the third time around. `[00:15:51]` 第三次会更好。 > `[00:15:56]` But that\'s what I think you know if you if you want to think big if you want to think about things that are next. `[00:15:56]` 但这就是我想知道的,如果你想要想大,如果你想思考接下来的事情。 > `[00:16:02]` Build technologies as minimal or as maximal as you want for the next society looks like it could be something as simple as long. `[00:16:02]` 为下一个社会构建尽可能少或最大的技术,看起来可能是简单的事情。 > People in the middle class to make tax shelters apps that allow people to travel and relocate better because that huge pain to move from city to city. 中产阶层的人们为了让人们能够更好地旅行和迁移而制作避税软件,因为从一个城市搬到另一个城市会带来巨大的痛苦。 > Anything you can think of that reduces the barriers to exit. 你能想到的任何事情都可以减少退出的障碍。 > `[00:16:19]` That reduces Lockean if we\'re determined to build something like this thanks. `[00:16:19]` 如果我们决心建造这样的东西,那就可以减少 Lockean,谢谢。 > Applause. 掌声。