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# Closing Remarks at Startup School NY 2014 > `[00:00:00]` Wow. `[00:00:00]` 哇。 > It is it is a good thing we close the show with Chase and Wannsee. 这是一件好事,我们结束了与蔡斯和万西。 > I am so proud that Y Combinator started accepting non-profit applications and we could not have had a better inaugural nonprofit than Wazza if any of you are starting a nonprofit to have friends who are here all are just as welcome to apply to ISY as you are would be with your for profit startups. 我很自豪,Y Combinator 开始接受非盈利的申请,我们没有比 Wazza 更好的成立非营利组织了,如果你们中的任何一个想要在这里有朋友的话,我们都同样欢迎你们申请 ISY,就像你们会和你们的盈利初创公司一样。 > Well. 井 > A zit. 一个青春痘。 > It\'s all over. 一切都结束了。 > Not totally over we\'ve got some mingling and some pizza afterwards but before we get there I have a couple announcements one Cameroon has lost 40 0. 不完全结束,我们有一些交融和一些比萨饼之后,但在我们到达之前,我有几个公告,一个喀麦隆已经输了 40 0。 > It\'s not close unfortunately. 不幸的是它不是很近。 > Croatia were the victors. 克罗地亚是胜利者。 > Now in other news this whole event this was a first time effort here in New York and I could not be happier. 在其他新闻中,这整个事件是我在纽约的第一次努力,而我再高兴不过了。 > `[00:00:50]` But I want all of you to let us know everyone who is on stage. `[00:00:50]` 但我希望你们都能让我们知道舞台上的每一个人。 > Please tweet at them with questions you can tweet at Y Combinator we\'re reading those who tweet at me at Alexis Ohanian. 请用问题向他们发推,你可以在 Y 组合器上发推文,我们正在读那些在 Alexis Ohanian 向我发推文的人。 > We want the feedback because we want to keep doing this. 我们需要反馈,因为我们想继续这样做。 > We want to keep improving and an event like this doesn\'t happen without the work of a lot of amazing people. 我们想要不断的进步,如果没有很多了不起的人的努力,这样的事情是不可能发生的。 > So first I want to thank all the speakers who came up here. 首先,我要感谢在座的所有发言者。 > I want to thank the startups because those startups. 我想感谢那些初创公司因为那些初创公司。 > Yes I will. 是的我会的。 > Clap. 鼓掌 > Through this. 通过这个。 > These startups who came up and presented they were just randomly chosen from the audience. 这些刚出现并展示的初创公司只是随机从观众中挑选出来的。 > OK. 好的 > On top of all that pressure there just attendees just like all of you I\'m covering for them yes. 除了所有的压力之外,还有与会者,就像你们所有人一样,我在为他们打掩护,是的。 > And. 和 > And finally all the people here behind the scenes made this work. 最后,所有幕后的人都做了这件事。 > All the people the best buy theater rock and the cameras the sound and then everyone at Y Combinator and in particular Tara Irina and Kat for putting on this amazing event. 所有的人,最好的购买剧院,摇滚和相机,声音,然后每个人在 Y 组合,特别是塔拉伊琳娜和凯特为举办这一令人惊异的活动。 > `[00:01:42]` So please thank you to all of you really made has made this wonderful. `[00:01:42]` 所以请感谢你们所有的人,让这一切变得美好。 > `[00:01:49]` And of course you all. `[00:01:49]` 当然还有你们所有人。 > You all made this great. 你们都做得很好。 > And I hope this is like I said we\'ll clap clap for you guys too. 我希望这就像我说的那样,我们也会为你们鼓掌。 > Yes. 是 > Thank you. 谢谢。 > Like I said Please keep the feedback coming please keep the conversations coming. 就像我说的,请保持反馈,请继续对话。 > And remember this isn\'t the last time this isn\'t the last start of school. 记住,这不是最后一次,这不是学校的最后一次开学。 > In fact we\'re doing one in London next month if you guys Fancy a trip across the pond there\'ll be another one in the valley a few months from now and we\'re actually having the first ever Y Combinator hackathon which you can still apply to August 2nd and 3rd. 事实上,我们下个月将在伦敦做一次,如果你们想要一次穿越池塘的旅行,几个月后在山谷里还会有另一次,我们实际上正在举办第一次 Y 组合黑客马拉松,你仍然可以申请到 8 月 2 日和 3 日。 > Please go online apply if you want to come out of the valley. 如果你想从山谷里出来,请上网申请。 > The pizza is not as good but the hackathon should be a lot of fun. 比萨饼没那么好吃,但黑客马拉松应该很有趣。 > It\'s our first ever effort. 这是我们第一次努力。 > So finally guys again thank you so much for coming out. 最后,伙计们再次感谢你们的出柜。 > Please keep the feedback coming. 请保持反馈。 > Please keep the conversations coming. 请让谈话继续进行下去。 > And yes there is pizza and the best way to get it is through either one of these side exits. 是的,有比萨饼,最好的办法是通过这两个出口中的任何一个出口。 > You will not be left behind. 你不会落在后面。 > I guarantee it will be a slice of pizza waiting for you. 我保证会有一片比萨饼等着你。 > Thank you again thank you so much. 再次感谢,非常感谢。 > `[00:02:41]` Wonderful Night. `[00:02:41]` 美妙的夜晚。