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# Jessica Livingston Introduces Startup School SV 2014 > `[00:00:03]` Good morning. `[00:00:03]` 早上好。 > `[00:00:04]` Laughter Hello everyone welcome I\'m Jessica Livingston with Y Combinator to get started. 笑声大家好欢迎我是带 Y 组合器的杰西卡·利文斯顿。 > Now today\'s. 今天。 > Special. 特别的。 > `[00:00:22]` Today is the 10th Startup School we\'ve ever done. 今天是我们做过的第 10 所创业学校。 > It\'s pretty amazing to think we\'ve been doing this for a decade. 想到我们这么做已经十年了,真是太令人惊讶了。 > Out of curiosity was anyone at the first like rainy muddy day at Harvard in 2005. 出于好奇,在 2005 年哈佛大学,第一个像雨天一样的人都是好奇的。 > That\'s so cool. 太酷了。 > Anyway we\'ve gotten as you can attest it\'s gotten much more higher production value we actually have this beautiful carpeting on the stage today. 不管怎样,你可以证明,我们已经得到了更高的生产价值,我们今天的舞台上有这么漂亮的地毯。 > So we\'re excited. 所以我们很兴奋。 > And we have a great lineup of speakers so thank you all. 我们的演讲者阵容很好,所以谢谢大家。 > I know a lot of you traveled here to come and I hope you have a great day. 我知道你们很多人都来了,希望你们今天过得愉快。 > `[00:01:00]` We\'re going to get started we have Ron Conway of Espey Angel as our first guest speaker and there three remarkable things about Ron. `[00:01:00]` 我们要开始了,我们有 Espey 天使的罗恩·康维(RonConway)作为我们的第一位客座演讲者,还有关于罗恩的三件了不起的事情。 > First of all he knows everyone in and everything about the world of startup investing. 首先,他了解每个人以及创业投资领域的一切情况。 > He was basically the first Internet investor so he knows a lot of stuff and he\'s also rare in that he\'s totally upstanding. 他基本上是第一个互联网投资者,所以他知道很多东西,而且他也很少见,因为他完全正直。 > You can trust him implicitly and you can\'t really say that about all investors at all. 你可以含蓄地信任他,你不能对所有的投资者都这么说。 > And lastly he works his butt off. 最后他拼命工作。 > He does an unbelievable amount of work for the startups he funds most of which he\'s not able to even discuss. 他为他资助的初创公司做了令人难以置信的大量工作,其中大部分他甚至无法讨论。 > But we\'re going to hope to get a few of his stories out of him today. 但我们希望今天能从他身上得到一些他的故事。 > I\'m also delighted to announce that Paul Graham is making a guest appearance this morning to interview Ron. 我也很高兴地宣布,保罗格雷厄姆今天上午将出席采访罗恩。