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# Introduction by Kirsty Nathoo > `[00:00:03]` Hi everyone. `[00:00:03]` 嗨,大家好。 > My name\'s curst enough. 我的名字够诅咒的了。 > I\'m one of the partners are Y Combinator. 我是 YCombinator 的合伙人之一。 > And I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to this amazing venue for a start up school. 我希望你能来到这个令人惊叹的开学场所,对此表示热烈的欢迎。 > This is our first international start up school that we\'ve done so we\'re very excited to be here in London with you all. 这是我们的第一所国际创业学校,所以我们非常高兴能和你们一起来到伦敦。 > We\'ve traveled a long way and we\'d like to thank you as well. 我们走了很远的路,也想谢谢你。 > We know from reading the applications that a lot of you have traveled not just within the UK but also from Europe and from the rest of the world. 我们从阅读应用程序中了解到,你们中的许多人不仅在英国旅行,而且还从欧洲和世界其他地方旅行过。 > So thank you for coming here today. 谢谢你今天来这里。 > We have an amazing day of events of speakers for you today. 今天,我们将为各位举办精彩的演讲活动。 > But before we start with those just a couple of housekeeping points. 但在我们开始之前,这只是几个管家点。 > We have the hash tag start up school so please do tweet throughout the day and use that hashtag so you can see what\'s going on. 我们有哈希标签,开办学校,所以请全天发推文并使用这个标签,这样你就可以看到发生了什么事。 > You can follow us on Twitter at Startup School and at Y Combinator. 您可以在 Twitter 上跟踪我们在创业学校和 Y 组合。 > Also be sure to download the weave app so that you can see who else is here today and find people that you would like to meet with and arrange times to meet up with them. 另外,一定要下载编织应用程序,这样你就可以看到今天还有谁在这里,并找到你想要见的人,并安排时间与他们见面。 > There is plenty of time to talk to people both in breaks and at lunchtime and we will be serving food and drinks at that point. 在休息时间和午餐时间都有足够的时间和人们交谈,届时我们将提供食物和饮料。 > We\'re also going to be doing a question and answer session today with some of the Y Combinator partners and it\'s your chance to ask us any questions that you have. 我们今天还将与一些 Y 组合合作伙伴一起进行问答会议,这是你向我们提出任何问题的机会。 > `[00:01:29]` So the way that we\'re going to do this is you\'re going to email us any questions to start up school at Rhi Combinator and you\'ll see that coming up on the screen during breaks to remind you please get your questions in by 4:00p.m. `[00:01:29]` 所以我们要这么做的方式是,你会给我们发电子邮件,让我们开始在 Rhi Combinator 上学,你会在休息的时候看到屏幕上出现这个问题,提醒你下午 4 点之前把问题提出来。 > And then we can go through it and we\'ll do our best to answer as many as we possibly can in the short time that we have available to us. 然后我们就可以通过它,我们将尽最大努力在我们可用的短时间内尽可能多地回答问题。