💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
## **Empty Default Goods** You need to empty the default goods in order to set up your goods. Run **POSManager** ———— **Tools** ———— **Backup**.Click "**Empty Menu Items**" to clear up defauly goods. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/b1/68/b1684ffbdfed01b7de2949468c701545_189x220.png) ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/8507c0a59b14b54511ec5d9b042e2fae_801x579.png) ![![](https://box.kancloud.cn/ebce5ca92e3329f9dca279a8f6f9b53c_644x429.png)](images/screenshot_1598254103471.png) ## **Add a Group** The goods in Pudding POS system follows this hierarchy, **Major Group**, **Secondary Group**, and **Goods Item**. Each major group should contain at least one secondary group. 1. Run **POSManager** ———— **Sales** ———— **Menu item/Course**. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/91/ff/91ff1bf5eba25a58e6d497c4def8ac47_799x581.png) 2. Add a new **Major Group**: The left column in black are major groups. Right click the black area and select "Add Main Menu", or click "+ Main" on the bottom to add a major group. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/4cce6ec6f936422041eacec246347c4d_1131x967.png) 3. Add a new **Secondary Group**: right click on a major group and select "Add Sub Menu", or click "+ Sub" on the bottom to add a secondary group. Note: The name of major group contains NO., "-", and name. NO. and "-" can not be modified. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a56075124e10f82910d334bfbd3bd315_1025x945.png) ## **Add a goods Item** 1. Choose a secondary group, click "Add Item" on the top. 2. Fill in the **Name**, **Price**, **Unit**, etc. of the item, and you can enter the code of the goods with barcode gun in the 10102 NLU Input box,then **Save** it. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/57ae6fc939b3d6b55f870817cdea3ba9_1096x782.png) ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/3b/71/3b71b75def41660ce2ae6dcddd7d0c5f_842x726.png) ## **Delete a goods Item** Choose a secondary group, and click the left-most cell to choose the item that you want to delete, click "Recycle" to delete it from the items. You can delete it from database permanently by clicking "Delete". ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/89/2b/892b91e05a1c2321789a4f5e0c952ab7_955x501.png)