# SCIM provisioning using SAML SSO for GitLab.com groups
> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/group/saml_sso/scim_setup.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/group/saml_sso/scim_setup.html)
* [Features](#features)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [GitLab configuration](#gitlab-configuration)
* [Identity Provider configuration](#identity-provider-configuration)
* [Azure configuration steps](#azure-configuration-steps)
* [Configure attribute mapping](#configure-attribute-mapping)
* [Okta configuration steps](#okta-configuration-steps)
* [Okta Known Issues](#okta-known-issues)
* [User access and linking setup](#user-access-and-linking-setup)
* [Blocking access](#blocking-access)
* [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
* [Azure](#azure)
* [How do I verify my SCIM configuration is correct?](#how-do-i-verify-my-scim-configuration-is-correct)
* [Testing Azure connection: invalid credentials](#testing-azure-connection-invalid-credentials)
* [Azure: (Field) can’t be blank sync error](#azure-field-cant-be-blank-sync-error)
* [How do I diagnose why a user is unable to sign in](#how-do-i-diagnose-why-a-user-is-unable-to-sign-in)
* [How do I verify user’s SAML NameId matches the SCIM externalId](#how-do-i-verify-users-saml-nameid-matches-the-scim-externalid)
* [Update or fix mismatched SCIM externalId and SAML NameId](#update-or-fix-mismatched-scim-externalid-and-saml-nameid)
* [I need to change my SCIM app](#i-need-to-change-my-scim-app)
# SCIM provisioning using SAML SSO for GitLab.com groups[](#scim-provisioning-using-saml-sso-for-gitlabcom-groups-silver-only "Permalink")
[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/9388) in [GitLab.com Silver](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 11.10.
跨域身份管理系统(SCIM)是一种开放标准,可实现用户自动配置. 当为 GitLab 组配置 SCIM 时,该组的成员资格将在 GitLab 和身份提供者之间同步.
GitLab 的[SCIM API](../../../api/scim.html)实现[了 RFC7644 协议的](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7644)一部分.
## Features[](#features "Permalink")
* 建立使用者
* 更新用户(仅限 Azure)
* 停用用户
* Azure
* Okta
## Requirements[](#requirements "Permalink")
* 必须配置[组单一登录](index.html) .
## GitLab configuration[](#gitlab-configuration "Permalink")
配置[组单一登录后](index.html) ,我们可以:
1. 导航到该组,然后单击**管理> SAML SSO** .
2. 单击**生成 SCIM 令牌**按钮.
3. 保存令牌和 URL,以便可以在下一步中使用它们.
## Identity Provider configuration[](#identity-provider-configuration "Permalink")
* [Azure](#azure-configuration-steps)
* [Okta](#okta-configuration-steps)
### Azure configuration steps[](#azure-configuration-steps "Permalink")
现在需要为 SCIM 设置在[Azure 的](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-single-sign-on-non-gallery-applications) [单点登录](index.html)安装过程中创建的 SAML 应用程序.
1. 检查您的 GitLab SAML 应用程序的配置,并确保**名称标识符值** (NameID)指向`user.objectid`或另一个唯一标识符. 这将与 GitLab 上使用的`extern_uid`匹配.
2. 通过遵循针对 Azure [支持](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/app-provisioning/use-scim-to-provision-users-and-groups#provisioning-users-and-groups-to-applications-that-support-scim)的 SCIM 安装文档[中支持 SCIM 的应用程序](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/app-provisioning/use-scim-to-provision-users-and-groups#provisioning-users-and-groups-to-applications-that-support-scim)的[供应用户和组,来](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/app-provisioning/use-scim-to-provision-users-and-groups#provisioning-users-and-groups-to-applications-that-support-scim)设置自动供应和管理凭据.
During this configuration, note the following:
* `Tenant URL`和`secret token`是在[上一步中](#gitlab-configuration)检索到的.
* 如果 GitLab 的可用性有任何问题或类似错误,则通知电子邮件集将获得这些信息.
* 建议设置通知电子邮件并选中**发生故障时发送电子邮件通知**复选框.
* 对于映射,我们将仅启用"将`Synchronize Azure Active Directory Users to AppName`启用状态.
然后,您可以通过单击" **测试连接"**来**测试连接** . 如果连接成功,请确保在继续操作之前保存配置. 请参阅下面的[疑难解答](#troubleshooting) .
#### Configure attribute mapping[](#configure-attribute-mapping "Permalink")
1. 单击"将`Synchronize Azure Active Directory Users to AppName`以配置属性映射.
2. 单击`mail`映射旁边的**删除** .
3. 将`userPrincipalName`映射到`emails[type eq "work"].value`并将其**Matching 优先级**更改为`2` .
4. Map `mailNickname` to `userName`.
5. 确定 GitLab 如何唯一标识用户.
* 除非用户已经为您的组链接了 SAML,否则请使用`objectId` .
* 如果已经有链接 SAML 的用户,则使用[SAML 配置中](#azure)的" `Name ID`值. 使用其他值可能会导致用户重复并阻止用户访问 GitLab 组.
6. 创建一个新的映射:
1. 单击**添加新映射** .
2. 组:
* 上面确定的唯一标识符的**Source 属性** ,通常是`objectId` .
* **目标属性**为`externalId` .
* **使用此属性**将**对象匹配**为`Yes` .
* **匹配优先级**为`1` .
7. 单击`userPrincipalName`映射,然后**使用此属性**将**Match 对象**更改为`No`
8. 保存您的更改. 作为参考,您可以[在故障排除参考中](../../../administration/troubleshooting/group_saml_scim.html#azure-active-directory)查看[示例配置](../../../administration/troubleshooting/group_saml_scim.html#azure-active-directory) .
**注意:**如果您使用**除** `objectId` **之外**的唯一标识符,请确保将其映射到`externalId` .
9. 在映射列表下,单击**显示高级选项>编辑 AppName 的属性列表** .
10. 确保`id`是主要字段和必填字段,并且还需要`externalId` .
**注意:** `username`既不是主要`username`也不是必需的,因为我们尚不支持 GitLab SCIM 上的该字段.
11. 保存所有屏幕,然后在**Provisioning**步骤中将`Provisioning Status`设置为`On` .
**注意:**您可以通过选择`Scope`来控制实际同步的内容. 例如, `Sync only assigned users and groups`将仅同步分配给应用程序的`Users and groups` ( `Users and groups` ),否则,它将同步整个 Active Directory.
**警告:**同步后,将映射到`id`和`externalId`的字段更改可能会导致配置错误,用户重复,并阻止现有用户访问 GitLab 组.
### Okta configuration steps[](#okta-configuration-steps "Permalink")
现在需要为 SCIM 设置在[Okta 的](https://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/build-sso-integration/saml2/overview/) [单点登录](index.html#okta-setup-notes)安装过程中创建的 SAML 应用程序. 在继续之前,请确保完成[GitLab 配置](#gitlab-configuration)过程.
1. 登录到 Okta.
2. 如果您在右上角看到一个**管理**按钮,请单击该按钮. 这将确保您位于"管理"区域.
**提示:**如果您在使用开发者控制台,点击**开发者控制台**顶部栏并选择**经典的 UI.** 否则,您可能看不到以下步骤中描述的按钮:
3. 在" **应用程序"**选项卡中,单击" **添加应用程序"** .
4. Search for **GitLab**, find and click on the ‘GitLab’ application.
5. 在 GitLab 应用程序概述页面上,单击**添加** .
6. 在" **应用程序可见性"下,**选中两个复选框. 当前,GitLab 应用程序不支持 SAML 身份验证,因此不应向用户显示该图标.
7. 单击**"完成"**以完成添加应用程序.
8. 在**供应**标签中,点击**配置 API 集成** .
9. Select **启用 API 集成**.
* 对于**基本 URL,**输入从 GitLab SCIM 配置页面获得的 URL.
* 对于**API 令牌,**输入从 GitLab SCIM 配置页面获得的 SCIM 令牌.
10. 点击"测试 API 凭据"以验证配置.
11. 单击**保存**以应用设置.
12. After saving the API integration details, new settings tabs will appear on the left. Choose **到应用**.
13. Click **Edit**.
14. 选中"为**创建用户**和**停用用户** **启用** "复选框.
15. Click **Save**.
16. 在" **分配"**选项卡中分配用户. 分配的用户将在您的 GitLab 组中创建和管理.
#### Okta Known Issues[](#okta-known-issues "Permalink")
Okta GitLab 应用程序当前仅支持 SCIM. 继续使用单独的 Okta [SAML SSO](index.html)配置以及上述新的 SCIM 应用程序.
## User access and linking setup[](#user-access-and-linking-setup "Permalink")
只要已经配置了[Group SAML](index.html) ,就可以在启用同步之前,在激活同步之前,现有的 GitLab.com 用户可以通过以下方式之一链接到其帐户:
* 通过更新其 GitLab.com 用户帐户中的*主要*电子邮件地址以匹配其身份提供商的用户个人资料电子邮件地址.
* 通过执行以下步骤:
1. 如果需要,登录到 GitLab.com.
2. 在身份提供商的仪表板上单击 GitLab 应用程序,或访问**GitLab 单一登录 URL** .
3. 单击**授权**按钮.
有关角色信息,请参阅[组 SAML 页面](index.html#user-access-and-management)
### Blocking access[](#blocking-access "Permalink")
在下一次同步时,将取消提供该用户,这意味着该用户将从组中删除. 除非使用[组托管帐户,](group_managed_accounts.html)否则不会删除该用户帐户.
## Troubleshooting[](#troubleshooting "Permalink")
### Azure[](#azure "Permalink")
#### How do I verify my SCIM configuration is correct?[](#how-do-i-verify-my-scim-configuration-is-correct "Permalink")
* 确保`id`的 SCIM 值与`NameId`的 SAML 值匹配.
* 确保`externalId`的 SCIM 值与`NameId`的 SAML 值匹配.
查看以下 SCIM 参数以获取合理的值:
* `userName`
* `displayName`
* `emails[type eq "work"].value`
#### Testing Azure connection: invalid credentials[](#testing-azure-connection-invalid-credentials "Permalink")
测试连接时,您可能会遇到错误: **您似乎输入了无效的凭据.** **请确认您使用的管理帐户信息正确** . 如果`Tenant URL`和`secret token`正确,请检查您的组路径中是否包含可能被视为无效 JSON 原语的字符(例如`.` ). 从组路径中删除此类字符通常可以解决该错误.
#### Azure: (Field) can’t be blank sync error[](#azure-field-cant-be-blank-sync-error "Permalink")
在检查供应的审核日志时,有时您会看到错误`Namespace can't be blank, Name can't be blank, and User can't be blank.`
1. 请按照上面的 Azure 映射说明进行操作.
2. 删除`name.formatted`目标属性条目.
3. 将`displayName`源属性更改为具有`name.formatted`目标属性.
#### How do I diagnose why a user is unable to sign in[](#how-do-i-diagnose-why-a-user-is-unable-to-sign-in "Permalink")
每当`id`或`externalId`更改时,SCIM 都会更新 GitLab 存储的**Identity** ( `extern_uid` )值. 除非 GitLab 标识( `extern_uid` )值与 SAML 发送的`NameId`匹配,否则用户将无法登录.
SCIM 还将使用此值来匹配`id`上的用户,并且只要`id`或`externalId`值发生更改,SCIM 就会更新此值.
将此 SCIM `id`和 SCIM `externalId`配置为与 SAML `NameId`相同的值很重要. 可以使用[调试工具](./index.html#saml-debugging-tools)跟踪 SAML 响应,并且可以根据我们的[SAML 故障排除文档](./index.html#troubleshooting)检查任何错误.
#### How do I verify user’s SAML NameId matches the SCIM externalId[](#how-do-i-verify-users-saml-nameid-matches-the-scim-externalid "Permalink")
组所有者可以在组 SAML SSO 设置页面中查看用户列表和为每个用户存储的`externalId` .
另外,在[SCIM API](../../../api/scim.html#get-a-list-of-saml-users)可用于手动检索`externalId` ,我们已经存储了用户,也被称为`external_uid`或`NameId` .
curl 'https://example.gitlab.com/api/scim/v2/groups/GROUP_NAME/Users?startIndex=1"' --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_scim_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/scim+json"
要查看它与作为 SAML NameId 返回的值的比较,可以让用户使用[SAML Tracer](index.html#saml-debugging-tools) .
#### Update or fix mismatched SCIM externalId and SAML NameId[](#update-or-fix-mismatched-scim-externalid-and-saml-nameid "Permalink")
无论是更改值还是需要映射到其他字段,请确保`id` , `externalId`和`NameId`都映射到同一字段.
如果 GitLab 的`externalId`与 SAML NameId 不匹配,则需要对其进行更新才能使用户登录.理想情况下,将身份标识提供者配置为进行此类更新,但是在某些情况下,它可能无法这样做. ,例如在查找用户时由于 ID 更改而失败.
如果您修改 SCIM 身份提供程序使用的字段,请务必谨慎,通常为`id`和`externalId` . 我们使用这些 ID 查找用户. 如果身份提供者不知道这些字段的当前值,则该提供者可以创建重复的用户.
如果用户的`externalId`不正确,并且也与 SAML NameID 不匹配,则可以通过以下方式解决该问题:
* 您可以根据[" SAML 身份验证失败:用户已被使用"](./index.html#message-saml-authentication-failed-user-has-already-been-taken)部分,使用户取消链接并重新链接自己.
* 通过在启用预配置的同时从 SAML 应用中删除所有用户,可以同时取消所有用户的链接.
* 您可以使用[SCIM API](../../../api/scim.html#update-a-single-saml-user)手动更正为用户存储的`externalId`以匹配 SAML `NameId` . 要查找用户,您需要知道与`NameId`以及当前`externalId`匹配的`NameId` .
然后可以发出手动 SCIM#update 请求,例如:
curl --verbose --request PATCH 'https://gitlab.com/api/scim/v2/groups/YOUR_GROUP/Users/OLD_EXTERNAL_UID' --data '{ "Operations": [{"op":"Replace","path":"externalId","value":"NEW_EXTERNAL_UID"}] }' --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_scim_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/scim+json"
#### I need to change my SCIM app[](#i-need-to-change-my-scim-app "Permalink")
各个用户可以按照[" SAML 身份验证失败:用户已被使用"](./index.html#i-need-to-change-my-saml-app)部分中的说明进行操作.
或者,可以从 SCIM 应用程序中删除用户,这将取消所有已删除用户的链接. 然后可以为新的 SCIM 应用打开同步,以[链接现有用户](#user-access-and-linking-setup) .
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- Group clusters API
- Instance clusters API
- Commits API
- Container Registry API
- Custom Attributes API
- Dashboard annotations API
- Dependencies API
- Deploy Keys API
- Deployments API
- Discussions API
- Dockerfiles API
- Environments API
- Epics API
- Events
- Feature Flags API
- Feature flag user lists API
- Freeze Periods API
- Geo Nodes API
- Group Activity Analytics API
- Groups API
- Import API
- Issue Boards API
- Group Issue Boards API
- Issues API
- Epic Issues API
- Issues Statistics API
- Jobs API
- Keys API
- Labels API
- Group Labels API
- License
- Licenses API
- Issue links API
- Epic Links API
- Managed Licenses API
- Markdown API
- Group and project members API
- Merge request approvals API
- Merge requests API
- Project milestones API
- Group milestones API
- Namespaces API
- Notes API
- Notification settings API
- Packages API
- Pages domains API
- Pipeline schedules API
- Pipeline triggers API
- Pipelines API
- Project Aliases API
- Project import/export API
- Project repository storage moves API
- Project statistics API
- Project templates API
- Projects API
- Protected branches API
- Protected tags API
- Releases API
- Release links API
- Repositories API
- Repository files API
- Repository submodules API
- Resource label events API
- Resource milestone events API
- Resource weight events API
- Runners API
- Search API
- Services API
- Application settings API
- Sidekiq Metrics API
- Snippets API
- Project snippets
- Application statistics API
- Suggest Changes API
- System hooks API
- Tags API
- Todos API
- Users API
- Project-level Variables API
- Group-level Variables API
- Version API
- Vulnerabilities API
- Vulnerability Findings API
- Wikis API
- GraphQL API
- Getting started with GitLab GraphQL API
- GraphQL API Resources
- API V3 to API V4
- Validate the .gitlab-ci.yml (API)
- User Docs
- Abuse reports
- User account
- Active sessions
- Deleting a User account
- Permissions
- Personal access tokens
- Profile preferences
- Threads
- GitLab and SSH keys
- GitLab integrations
- Git
- GitLab.com settings
- Infrastructure as code with Terraform and GitLab
- GitLab keyboard shortcuts
- GitLab Markdown
- AsciiDoc
- GitLab Notification Emails
- GitLab Quick Actions
- Autocomplete characters
- Reserved project and group names
- Search through GitLab
- Advanced Global Search
- Advanced Syntax Search
- Time Tracking
- GitLab To-Do List
- Administrator Docs
- Reference architectures
- Reference architecture: up to 1,000 users
- Reference architecture: up to 2,000 users
- Reference architecture: up to 3,000 users
- Reference architecture: up to 5,000 users
- Reference architecture: up to 10,000 users
- Reference architecture: up to 25,000 users
- Reference architecture: up to 50,000 users
- Troubleshooting a reference architecture set up
- Working with the bundled Consul service
- Configuring PostgreSQL for scaling
- Configuring GitLab application (Rails)
- Load Balancer for multi-node GitLab
- Configuring a Monitoring node for Scaling and High Availability
- Working with the bundled PgBouncer service
- Configuring Redis for scaling
- Configuring Sidekiq
- Admin Area settings
- Continuous Integration and Deployment Admin settings
- Custom instance-level project templates
- Diff limits administration
- Enable and disable GitLab features deployed behind feature flags
- Geo nodes Admin Area
- GitLab Pages administration
- Health Check
- Job logs
- Labels administration
- Log system
- PlantUML & GitLab
- Repository checks
- Repository storage paths
- Repository storage types
- Account and limit settings
- Service templates
- System hooks
- Changing your time zone
- Uploads administration
- Abuse reports
- Activating and deactivating users
- Audit Events
- Blocking and unblocking users
- Broadcast Messages
- Elasticsearch integration
- Gitaly
- Gitaly Cluster
- Gitaly reference
- Monitoring GitLab
- Monitoring GitLab with Prometheus
- Performance Bar
- Usage statistics
- Object Storage
- Performing Operations in GitLab
- Cleaning up stale Redis sessions
- Fast lookup of authorized SSH keys in the database
- Filesystem Performance Benchmarking
- Moving repositories managed by GitLab
- Run multiple Sidekiq processes
- Sidekiq MemoryKiller
- Switching to Puma
- Understanding Unicorn and unicorn-worker-killer
- User lookup via OpenSSH's AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand
- GitLab Package Registry administration
- GitLab Container Registry administration
- Replication (Geo)
- Geo database replication
- Geo with external PostgreSQL instances
- Geo configuration
- Using a Geo Server
- Updating the Geo nodes
- Geo with Object storage
- Docker Registry for a secondary node
- Geo for multiple nodes
- Geo security review (Q&A)
- Location-aware Git remote URL with AWS Route53
- Tuning Geo
- Removing secondary Geo nodes
- Geo data types support
- Geo Frequently Asked Questions
- Geo Troubleshooting
- Geo validation tests
- Disaster Recovery (Geo)
- Disaster recovery for planned failover
- Bring a demoted primary node back online
- Automatic background verification
- Rake tasks
- Back up and restore GitLab
- Clean up
- Namespaces
- Maintenance Rake tasks
- Geo Rake Tasks
- GitHub import
- Import bare repositories
- Integrity check Rake task
- LDAP Rake tasks
- Listing repository directories
- Praefect Rake tasks
- Project import/export administration
- Repository storage Rake tasks
- Generate sample Prometheus data
- Uploads migrate Rake tasks
- Uploads sanitize Rake tasks
- User management
- Webhooks administration
- X.509 signatures
- Server hooks
- Static objects external storage
- Updating GitLab
- GitLab release and maintenance policy
- Security
- Password Storage
- Custom password length limits
- Restrict allowed SSH key technologies and minimum length
- Rate limits
- Webhooks and insecure internal web services
- Information exclusivity
- How to reset your root password
- How to unlock a locked user from the command line
- User File Uploads
- How we manage the TLS protocol CRIME vulnerability
- User email confirmation at sign-up
- Security of running jobs
- Proxying assets
- CI/CD Environment Variables
- Contributor and Development Docs
- Contribute to GitLab
- Community members & roles
- Implement design & UI elements
- Issues workflow
- Merge requests workflow
- Code Review Guidelines
- Style guides
- GitLab Architecture Overview
- CI/CD development documentation
- Database guides
- Database Review Guidelines
- Database Review Guidelines
- Migration Style Guide
- What requires downtime?
- Understanding EXPLAIN plans
- Rake tasks for developers
- Mass inserting Rails models
- GitLab Documentation guidelines
- Documentation Style Guide
- Documentation structure and template
- Documentation process
- Documentation site architecture
- Global navigation
- GitLab Docs monthly release process
- Telemetry Guide
- Usage Ping Guide
- Snowplow Guide
- Experiment Guide
- Feature flags in development of GitLab
- Feature flags process
- Developing with feature flags
- Feature flag controls
- Document features deployed behind feature flags
- Frontend Development Guidelines
- Accessibility & Readability
- Ajax
- Architecture
- Axios
- Design Patterns
- Frontend Development Process
- DropLab
- Emojis
- Filter
- Frontend FAQ
- GraphQL
- Icons and SVG Illustrations
- InputSetter
- Performance
- Principles
- Security
- Tooling
- Vuex
- Vue
- Geo (development)
- Geo self-service framework (alpha)
- Gitaly developers guide
- GitLab development style guides
- API style guide
- Go standards and style guidelines
- GraphQL API style guide
- Guidelines for shell commands in the GitLab codebase
- HTML style guide
- JavaScript style guide
- Migration Style Guide
- Newlines style guide
- Python Development Guidelines
- SCSS style guide
- Shell scripting standards and style guidelines
- Sidekiq debugging
- Sidekiq Style Guide
- SQL Query Guidelines
- Vue.js style guide
- Instrumenting Ruby code
- Testing standards and style guidelines
- Flaky tests
- Frontend testing standards and style guidelines
- GitLab tests in the Continuous Integration (CI) context
- Review Apps
- Smoke Tests
- Testing best practices
- Testing levels
- Testing Rails migrations at GitLab
- Testing Rake tasks
- End-to-end Testing
- Beginner's guide to writing end-to-end tests
- End-to-end testing Best Practices
- Dynamic Element Validation
- Flows in GitLab QA
- Page objects in GitLab QA
- Resource class in GitLab QA
- Style guide for writing end-to-end tests
- Testing with feature flags
- Translate GitLab to your language
- Internationalization for GitLab
- Translating GitLab
- Proofread Translations
- Merging translations from CrowdIn
- Value Stream Analytics development guide
- GitLab subscription
- Activate GitLab EE with a license