💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
# Instance clusters API > 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/instance_clusters.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/instance_clusters.html) * [List instance clusters](#list-instance-clusters) * [Get a single instance cluster](#get-a-single-instance-cluster) * [Add existing instance cluster](#add-existing-instance-cluster) * [Edit instance cluster](#edit-instance-cluster) * [Delete instance cluster](#delete-instance-cluster) # Instance clusters API[](#instance-clusters-api "Permalink") 在 GitLab 13.2 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/36001) . **注意:**用户将需要管理员权限才能使用这些端点. 将这些 API 端点与实例集群一起使用,使您可以在多个项目中使用同一集群. [更多信息](../user/instance/clusters/index.html) ## List instance clusters[](#list-instance-clusters "Permalink") 返回实例集群的列表. ``` GET /admin/clusters ``` 请求示例: ``` curl --header "Private-Token: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/admin/clusters" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 9, "name": "cluster-1", "created_at": "2020-07-14T18:36:10.440Z", "domain": null, "provider_type": "user", "platform_type": "kubernetes", "environment_scope": "*", "cluster_type": "instance_type", "user": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon", "web_url": "https://gitlab.example.com/root" }, "platform_kubernetes": { "api_url": "https://example.com", "namespace": null, "authorization_type": "rbac", "ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----IxMDM1MV0ZDJkZjM...-----END CERTIFICATE-----" }, "provider_gcp": null, "management_project": null }, { "id": 10, "name": "cluster-2", "created_at": "2020-07-14T18:39:05.383Z", "domain": null, "provider_type": "user", "platform_type": "kubernetes", "environment_scope": "staging", "cluster_type": "instance_type", "user": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon", "web_url": "https://gitlab.example.com/root" }, "platform_kubernetes": { "api_url": "https://example.com", "namespace": null, "authorization_type": "rbac", "ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----LzEtMCadtaLGxcsGAZjM...-----END CERTIFICATE-----" }, "provider_gcp": null, "management_project": null } { "id": 11, "name": "cluster-3", ... } ] ``` ## Get a single instance cluster[](#get-a-single-instance-cluster "Permalink") 返回单个实例集群. Parameters: | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `cluster_id` | integer | yes | 集群的 ID | ``` GET /admin/clusters/:cluster_id ``` 请求示例: ``` curl --header "Private-Token: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/admin/clusters/9" ``` 响应示例: ``` { "id": 9, "name": "cluster-1", "created_at": "2020-07-14T18:36:10.440Z", "domain": null, "provider_type": "user", "platform_type": "kubernetes", "environment_scope": "*", "cluster_type": "instance_type", "user": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon", "web_url": "https://gitlab.example.com/root" }, "platform_kubernetes": { "api_url": "https://example.com", "namespace": null, "authorization_type": "rbac", "ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----IxMDM1MV0ZDJkZjM...-----END CERTIFICATE-----" }, "provider_gcp": null, "management_project": null } ``` ## Add existing instance cluster[](#add-existing-instance-cluster "Permalink") 添加现有的 Kubernetes 实例集群. ``` POST /admin/clusters/add ``` Parameters: | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `name` | string | yes | 集群名称 | | `domain` | string | no | 集群的[基础域](../user/project/clusters/index.html#base-domain) | | `environment_scope` | string | no | 集群的关联环境. 默认为`*` | | `management_project_id` | integer | no | The ID of the [management project](../user/clusters/management_project.html) for the cluster | | `enabled` | boolean | no | 确定集群是否处于活动状态,默认为 true | | `managed` | boolean | no | 确定 GitLab 是否将管理该集群的名称空间和服务帐户,默认为 true | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[api_url]` | string | yes | 访问 Kubernetes API 的 URL | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[token]` | string | yes | 针对 Kubernetes 进行身份验证的令牌 | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[ca_cert]` | string | no | TLS 证书. 如果 API 使用自签名 TLS 证书,则为必填. | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[namespace]` | string | no | 与项目相关的唯一名称空间 | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[authorization_type]` | string | no | 集群授权类型: `rbac` , `abac`或`unknown_authorization` . 默认为`rbac` . | 请求示例: ``` curl --header "Private-Token:<your_access_token>" "http://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/admin/clusters/add" \ -H "Accept:application/json" \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -X POST --data '{"name":"cluster-3", "environment_scope":"production", "platform_kubernetes_attributes":{"api_url":"https://example.com", "token":"12345", "ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----qpoeiXXZafCM0ZDJkZjM...-----END CERTIFICATE-----"}}' ``` 响应示例: ``` { "id": 11, "name": "cluster-3", "created_at": "2020-07-14T18:42:50.805Z", "domain": null, "provider_type": "user", "platform_type": "kubernetes", "environment_scope": "production", "cluster_type": "instance_type", "user": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon", "web_url": "http://gitlab.example.com:3000/root" }, "platform_kubernetes": { "api_url": "https://example.com", "namespace": null, "authorization_type": "rbac", "ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----qpoeiXXZafCM0ZDJkZjM...-----END CERTIFICATE-----" }, "provider_gcp": null, "management_project": null } ``` ## Edit instance cluster[](#edit-instance-cluster "Permalink") 更新现有的实例集群. ``` PUT /admin/clusters/:cluster_id ``` Parameters: | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `cluster_id` | integer | yes | 集群的 ID | | `name` | string | no | 集群名称 | | `domain` | string | no | 集群的[基础域](../user/project/clusters/index.html#base-domain) | | `environment_scope` | string | no | 集群的关联环境 | | `management_project_id` | integer | no | 集群[管理项目](../user/clusters/management_project.html)的 ID | | `enabled` | boolean | no | 确定集群是否处于活动状态,默认为 true | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[api_url]` | string | no | 访问 Kubernetes API 的 URL | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[token]` | string | no | 针对 Kubernetes 进行身份验证的令牌 | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[ca_cert]` | string | no | TLS 证书. 如果 API 使用自签名 TLS 证书,则为必填. | | `platform_kubernetes_attributes[namespace]` | string | no | 与项目相关的唯一名称空间 | **注意:**仅通过通过[添加现有 Kubernetes 集群](../user/project/clusters/add_remove_clusters.html#add-existing-cluster)选项或通过[添加现有实例集群](#add-existing-instance-cluster)端点[添加](#add-existing-instance-cluster)集群时,才能更新`name` , `api_url` , `ca_cert`和`token` . 请求示例: ``` curl --header "Private-Token: <your_access_token>" "http://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/admin/clusters/9" \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -X PUT --data '{"name":"update-cluster-name", "platform_kubernetes_attributes":{"api_url":"https://new-example.com","token":"new-token"}}' ``` 响应示例: ``` { "id": 9, "name": "update-cluster-name", "created_at": "2020-07-14T18:36:10.440Z", "domain": null, "provider_type": "user", "platform_type": "kubernetes", "environment_scope": "*", "cluster_type": "instance_type", "user": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon", "web_url": "https://gitlab.example.com/root" }, "platform_kubernetes": { "api_url": "https://new-example.com", "namespace": null, "authorization_type": "rbac", "ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----IxMDM1MV0ZDJkZjM...-----END CERTIFICATE-----" }, "provider_gcp": null, "management_project": null, "project": null } ``` ## Delete instance cluster[](#delete-instance-cluster "Permalink") 删除现有的实例集群. ``` DELETE /admin/clusters/:cluster_id ``` Parameters: | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `cluster_id` | integer | yes | 集群的 ID | 请求示例: ``` curl --request DELETE --header "Private-Token: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/admin/clusters/11" ```