ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、视频、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
# Search API > 原文:[]( * [Global Search API](#global-search-api) * [Scope: projects](#scope-projects) * [Scope: issues](#scope-issues) * [Scope: merge_requests](#scope-merge_requests) * [Scope: milestones](#scope-milestones) * [Scope: snippet_titles](#scope-snippet_titles) * [Scope: wiki_blobs](#scope-wiki_blobs-starter) * [Scope: commits](#scope-commits-starter) * [Scope: blobs](#scope-blobs-starter) * [Scope: users](#scope-users) * [Group Search API](#group-search-api) * [Scope: projects](#scope-projects-1) * [Scope: issues](#scope-issues-1) * [Scope: merge_requests](#scope-merge_requests-1) * [Scope: milestones](#scope-milestones-1) * [Scope: wiki_blobs](#scope-wiki_blobs-starter-1) * [Scope: commits](#scope-commits-starter-1) * [Scope: blobs](#scope-blobs-starter-1) * [Scope: users](#scope-users-1) * [Project Search API](#project-search-api) * [Scope: issues](#scope-issues-2) * [Scope: merge_requests](#scope-merge_requests-2) * [Scope: milestones](#scope-milestones-2) * [Scope: notes](#scope-notes) * [Scope: wiki_blobs](#scope-wiki_blobs) * [Scope: commits](#scope-commits) * [Scope: blobs](#scope-blobs) * [Scope: users](#scope-users-2) # Search API[](#search-api "Permalink") 在 GitLab 10.5 中[引入]( . 搜索的每个 API 调用都必须经过验证. ## Global Search API[](#global-search-api "Permalink") 在整个 GitLab 实例中进行全局搜索. ``` GET /search ``` | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `scope` | string | yes | 搜索范围 | | `search` | string | yes | 搜索查询 | 在指定范围内搜索表达式. 当前支持以下范围:项目,问题,merge_requests,里程碑,snippet_titles,用户. 如果启用了 Elasticsearch,则其他可用范围是 blob,wiki_blobs 和 commits. 查找有关[该功能的](../integration/elasticsearch.html)更多信息. 响应取决于请求的范围. ### Scope: projects[](#scope-projects "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 6, "description": "Nobis sed ipsam vero quod cupiditate veritatis hic.", "name": "Flight", "name_with_namespace": "Twitter / Flight", "path": "flight", "path_with_namespace": "twitter/flight", "created_at": "2017-09-05T07:58:01.621Z", "default_branch": "master", "tag_list":[], "ssh_url_to_repo": "ssh://jarka@localhost:2222/twitter/flight.git", "http_url_to_repo": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight.git", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight", "avatar_url": null, "star_count": 0, "forks_count": 0, "last_activity_at": "2018-01-31T09:56:30.902Z" } ] ``` ### Scope: issues[](#scope-issues "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 83, "iid": 1, "project_id": 12, "title": "Add file", "description": "Add first file", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2018-01-24T06:02:15.514Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:36:23.263Z", "closed_at": null, "labels":[], "milestone": null, "assignees": [{ "id": 20, "name": "Ceola Deckow", "username": "sammy.collier", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/sammy.collier" }], "author": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root" }, "assignee": { "id": 20, "name": "Ceola Deckow", "username": "sammy.collier", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/sammy.collier" }, "user_notes_count": 0, "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "due_date": null, "confidential": false, "discussion_locked": null, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/h5bp/7bp/subgroup-prj/issues/1", "time_stats": { "time_estimate": 0, "total_time_spent": 0, "human_time_estimate": null, "human_total_time_spent": null } } ] ``` **注意** :不建议使用`assignee`列,现在我们将其显示为符合 GitLab EE API 的单一大小的数组`assignees` . ### Scope: merge_requests[](#scope-merge_requests "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 56, "iid": 8, "project_id": 6, "title": "Add first file", "description": "This is a test MR to add file", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2018-01-22T14:21:50.830Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:40:33.295Z", "target_branch": "master", "source_branch": "jaja-test", "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "author": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root" }, "assignee": { "id": 5, "name": "Jacquelyn Kutch", "username": "abigail", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/abigail" }, "source_project_id": 6, "target_project_id": 6, "labels": [ "ruby", "tests" ], "work_in_progress": false, "milestone": { "id": 13, "iid": 3, "project_id": 6, "title": "v2.0", "description": "Qui aut qui eos dolor beatae itaque tempore molestiae.", "state": "active", "created_at": "2017-09-05T07:58:29.099Z", "updated_at": "2017-09-05T07:58:29.099Z", "due_date": null, "start_date": null }, "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false, "merge_status": "can_be_merged", "sha": "78765a2d5e0a43585945c58e61ba2f822e4d090b", "merge_commit_sha": null, "squash_commit_sha": null, "user_notes_count": 0, "discussion_locked": null, "should_remove_source_branch": null, "force_remove_source_branch": true, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight/merge_requests/8", "time_stats": { "time_estimate": 0, "total_time_spent": 0, "human_time_estimate": null, "human_total_time_spent": null } } ] ``` ### Scope: milestones[](#scope-milestones "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 44, "iid": 1, "project_id": 12, "title": "next release", "description": "Next release milestone", "state": "active", "created_at": "2018-02-06T12:43:39.271Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:44:01.298Z", "due_date": "2018-04-18", "start_date": "2018-02-04" } ] ``` ### Scope: snippet_titles[](#scope-snippet_titles "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 50, "title": "Sample file", "file_name": "file.rb", "description": "Simple ruby file", "author": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root" }, "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:49:29.104Z", "created_at": "2017-11-28T08:20:18.071Z", "project_id": 9, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root/jira-test/snippets/50" } ] ``` ### Scope: wiki_blobs[](#scope-wiki_blobs-starter "Permalink") 仅当启用[Elasticsearch 时,](../integration/elasticsearch.html)此范围才可用. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` Example response: ``` [ { "basename": "home", "data": "hello\n\nand bye\n\nend", "path": "", "filename": "", "id": null, "ref": "master", "startline": 5, "project_id": 6 } ] ``` **注意:**不建议使用`filename`而推荐使用`path` . 两者都返回存储库中文件的完整路径,但将来`filename`名将仅是文件名,而不是完整路径. 有关详细信息,请参见[问题 34521]( . ### Scope: commits[](#scope-commits-starter "Permalink") 仅当启用[Elasticsearch 时,](../integration/elasticsearch.html)此范围才可用. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": "4109c2d872d5fdb1ed057400d103766aaea97f98", "short_id": "4109c2d8", "title": "goodbye $.browser", "created_at": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "parent_ids": [ "59d05353ab575bcc2aa958fe1782e93297de64c9" ], "message": "goodbye $.browser\n", "author_name": "angus croll", "author_email": "", "authored_date": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "committer_name": "angus croll", "committer_email": "", "committed_date": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "project_id": 6 } ] ``` ### Scope: blobs[](#scope-blobs-starter "Permalink") 仅当启用[Elasticsearch 时,](../integration/elasticsearch.html)此范围才可用. 过滤器可用于以下范围: * filename * path * extension 要使用过滤器,只需将其包含在查询中,如下所示: `a query filename:some_name*` . 您可以使用通配符( `*` )使用全局匹配. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "basename": "README", "data": "```\n\n## Installation\n\nQuick start using the [pre-built", "path": "", "filename": "", "id": null, "ref": "master", "startline": 46, "project_id": 6 } ] ``` **注意:**不建议使用`filename`而推荐使用`path` . 两者都返回存储库中文件的完整路径,但将来`filename`名将仅是文件名,而不是完整路径. 有关详细信息,请参见[问题 34521]( . ### Scope: users[](#scope-users "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe1", "username": "user1", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost/user1" } ] ``` ## Group Search API[](#group-search-api "Permalink") 在指定的组中搜索. 如果用户不是组的成员,并且该组是私有的,则对该组的`GET`请求将导致`404`状态代码. ``` GET /groups/:id/search ``` | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `id` | integer/string | yes | 认证用户拥有[的组](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) | | `scope` | string | yes | 搜索范围 | | `search` | string | yes | 搜索查询 | 在指定范围内搜索表达式. 当前支持以下范围:项目,问题,merge_requests,里程碑,用户. 如果启用了 Elasticsearch,则其他可用范围是 blob,wiki_blobs 和 commits. 查找有关[该功能的](../integration/elasticsearch.html)更多信息. 响应取决于请求的范围. ### Scope: projects[](#scope-projects-1 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 6, "description": "Nobis sed ipsam vero quod cupiditate veritatis hic.", "name": "Flight", "name_with_namespace": "Twitter / Flight", "path": "flight", "path_with_namespace": "twitter/flight", "created_at": "2017-09-05T07:58:01.621Z", "default_branch": "master", "tag_list":[], "ssh_url_to_repo": "ssh://jarka@localhost:2222/twitter/flight.git", "http_url_to_repo": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight.git", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight", "avatar_url": null, "star_count": 0, "forks_count": 0, "last_activity_at": "2018-01-31T09:56:30.902Z" } ] ``` ### Scope: issues[](#scope-issues-1 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 83, "iid": 1, "project_id": 12, "title": "Add file", "description": "Add first file", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2018-01-24T06:02:15.514Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:36:23.263Z", "closed_at": null, "labels":[], "milestone": null, "assignees": [{ "id": 20, "name": "Ceola Deckow", "username": "sammy.collier", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/sammy.collier" }], "author": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root" }, "assignee": { "id": 20, "name": "Ceola Deckow", "username": "sammy.collier", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/sammy.collier" }, "user_notes_count": 0, "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "due_date": null, "confidential": false, "discussion_locked": null, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/h5bp/7bp/subgroup-prj/issues/1", "time_stats": { "time_estimate": 0, "total_time_spent": 0, "human_time_estimate": null, "human_total_time_spent": null } } ] ``` **注意** :不建议使用`assignee`列,现在我们将其显示为符合 GitLab EE API 的单一大小的数组`assignees` . ### Scope: merge_requests[](#scope-merge_requests-1 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 56, "iid": 8, "project_id": 6, "title": "Add first file", "description": "This is a test MR to add file", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2018-01-22T14:21:50.830Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:40:33.295Z", "target_branch": "master", "source_branch": "jaja-test", "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "author": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root" }, "assignee": { "id": 5, "name": "Jacquelyn Kutch", "username": "abigail", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/abigail" }, "source_project_id": 6, "target_project_id": 6, "labels": [ "ruby", "tests" ], "work_in_progress": false, "milestone": { "id": 13, "iid": 3, "project_id": 6, "title": "v2.0", "description": "Qui aut qui eos dolor beatae itaque tempore molestiae.", "state": "active", "created_at": "2017-09-05T07:58:29.099Z", "updated_at": "2017-09-05T07:58:29.099Z", "due_date": null, "start_date": null }, "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false, "merge_status": "can_be_merged", "sha": "78765a2d5e0a43585945c58e61ba2f822e4d090b", "merge_commit_sha": null, "squash_commit_sha": null, "user_notes_count": 0, "discussion_locked": null, "should_remove_source_branch": null, "force_remove_source_branch": true, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight/merge_requests/8", "time_stats": { "time_estimate": 0, "total_time_spent": 0, "human_time_estimate": null, "human_total_time_spent": null } } ] ``` ### Scope: milestones[](#scope-milestones-1 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 44, "iid": 1, "project_id": 12, "title": "next release", "description": "Next release milestone", "state": "active", "created_at": "2018-02-06T12:43:39.271Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:44:01.298Z", "due_date": "2018-04-18", "start_date": "2018-02-04" } ] ``` ### Scope: wiki_blobs[](#scope-wiki_blobs-starter-1 "Permalink") 仅当启用[Elasticsearch 时,](../integration/elasticsearch.html)此范围才可用. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "basename": "home", "data": "hello\n\nand bye\n\nend", "path": "", "filename": "", "id": null, "ref": "master", "startline": 5, "project_id": 6 } ] ``` **注意:**不建议使用`filename`而推荐使用`path` . 两者都返回存储库中文件的完整路径,但将来`filename`名将仅是文件名,而不是完整路径. 有关详细信息,请参见[问题 34521]( . ### Scope: commits[](#scope-commits-starter-1 "Permalink") 仅当启用[Elasticsearch 时,](../integration/elasticsearch.html)此范围才可用. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": "4109c2d872d5fdb1ed057400d103766aaea97f98", "short_id": "4109c2d8", "title": "goodbye $.browser", "created_at": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "parent_ids": [ "59d05353ab575bcc2aa958fe1782e93297de64c9" ], "message": "goodbye $.browser\n", "author_name": "angus croll", "author_email": "", "authored_date": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "committer_name": "angus croll", "committer_email": "", "committed_date": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "project_id": 6 } ] ``` ### Scope: blobs[](#scope-blobs-starter-1 "Permalink") 仅当启用[Elasticsearch 时,](../integration/elasticsearch.html)此范围才可用. 过滤器可用于以下范围: * filename * path * extension 要使用过滤器,只需将其包含在查询中,如下所示: `a query filename:some_name*` . 您可以使用通配符( `*` )使用全局匹配. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "basename": "README", "data": "```\n\n## Installation\n\nQuick start using the [pre-built", "path": "", "filename": "", "id": null, "ref": "master", "startline": 46, "project_id": 6 } ] ``` **注意:**不建议使用`filename`而推荐使用`path` . 两者都返回存储库中文件的完整路径,但将来`filename`名将仅是文件名,而不是完整路径. 有关详细信息,请参见[问题 34521]( . ### Scope: users[](#scope-users-1 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe1", "username": "user1", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost/user1" } ] ``` ## Project Search API[](#project-search-api "Permalink") 在指定项目中搜索. 如果用户不是项目成员,并且该项目是私有项目,则对该项目的`GET`请求将导致`404`状态代码. ``` GET /projects/:id/search ``` | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `id` | integer/string | yes | 经过身份验证的用户拥有[的项目](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) | | `scope` | string | yes | 搜索范围 | | `search` | string | yes | 搜索查询 | | `ref` | string | no | 要搜索的存储库分支或标记的名称. 默认情况下使用项目的默认分支. 这仅适用于范围:commit,blob 和 wiki_blobs. | 在指定范围内搜索表达式. 当前支持以下范围:问题,merge_requests,里程碑,注释,wiki_blob,提交,blob,用户. 响应取决于请求的范围. ### Scope: issues[](#scope-issues-2 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 83, "iid": 1, "project_id": 12, "title": "Add file", "description": "Add first file", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2018-01-24T06:02:15.514Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:36:23.263Z", "closed_at": null, "labels":[], "milestone": null, "assignees": [{ "id": 20, "name": "Ceola Deckow", "username": "sammy.collier", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/sammy.collier" }], "author": { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root" }, "assignee": { "id": 20, "name": "Ceola Deckow", "username": "sammy.collier", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/sammy.collier" }, "user_notes_count": 0, "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "due_date": null, "confidential": false, "discussion_locked": null, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/h5bp/7bp/subgroup-prj/issues/1", "time_stats": { "time_estimate": 0, "total_time_spent": 0, "human_time_estimate": null, "human_total_time_spent": null } } ] ``` **注意** :不建议使用`assignee`列,现在我们将其显示为符合 GitLab EE API 的单一大小的数组`assignees` . ### Scope: merge_requests[](#scope-merge_requests-2 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 56, "iid": 8, "project_id": 6, "title": "Add first file", "description": "This is a test MR to add file", 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"78765a2d5e0a43585945c58e61ba2f822e4d090b", "merge_commit_sha": null, "squash_commit_sha": null, "user_notes_count": 0, "discussion_locked": null, "should_remove_source_branch": null, "force_remove_source_branch": true, "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/twitter/flight/merge_requests/8", "time_stats": { "time_estimate": 0, "total_time_spent": 0, "human_time_estimate": null, "human_total_time_spent": null } } ] ``` ### Scope: milestones[](#scope-milestones-2 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 44, "iid": 1, "project_id": 12, "title": "next release", "description": "Next release milestone", "state": "active", "created_at": "2018-02-06T12:43:39.271Z", "updated_at": "2018-02-06T12:44:01.298Z", "due_date": "2018-04-18", "start_date": "2018-02-04" } ] ``` ### Scope: notes[](#scope-notes "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 191, "body": "Harum maxime consequuntur et et deleniti assumenda facilis.", "attachment": null, "author": { "id": 23, "name": "User 1", "username": "user1", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/user1" }, "created_at": "2017-09-05T08:01:32.068Z", "updated_at": "2017-09-05T08:01:32.068Z", "system": false, "noteable_id": 22, "noteable_type": "Issue", "noteable_iid": 2 } ] ``` ### Scope: wiki_blobs[](#scope-wiki_blobs "Permalink") 过滤器可用于以下范围: * filename * path * extension 要使用过滤器,只需将其包含在查询中,例如: `a query filename:some_name*` . 您可以使用通配符( `*` )使用全局匹配. Wiki blobs searches are performed on both filenames and contents. Search results: * 在文件名中找到的结果显示在内容中之前. * 可能包含同一 blob 的多个匹配项,因为可能在文件名和内容中都找到了搜索字符串,或者在内容中可能出现了多次. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "basename": "home", "data": "hello\n\nand bye\n\nend", "path": "", "filename": "", "id": null, "ref": "master", "startline": 5, "project_id": 6 } ] ``` **注意:**不建议使用`filename`而推荐使用`path` . 两者都返回存储库中文件的完整路径,但将来`filename`名将仅是文件名,而不是完整路径. 有关详细信息,请参见[问题 34521]( . ### Scope: commits[](#scope-commits "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": "4109c2d872d5fdb1ed057400d103766aaea97f98", "short_id": "4109c2d8", "title": "goodbye $.browser", "created_at": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "parent_ids": [ "59d05353ab575bcc2aa958fe1782e93297de64c9" ], "message": "goodbye $.browser\n", "author_name": "angus croll", "author_email": "", "authored_date": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "committer_name": "angus croll", "committer_email": "", "committed_date": "2013-02-18T22:02:54.000Z", "project_id": 6 } ] ``` ### Scope: blobs[](#scope-blobs "Permalink") 过滤器可用于以下范围: * filename * path * extension 要使用过滤器,只需将其包含在查询中,例如: `a query filename:some_name*` . 您可以使用通配符( `*` )使用全局匹配. 对文件名和内容都进行 Blob 搜索. 搜索结果: * 在文件名中找到的结果显示在内容中之前. * 可能包含同一 blob 的多个匹配项,因为可能在文件名和内容中都找到了搜索字符串,或者在内容中可能出现了多次. ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "basename": "README", "data": "```\n\n## Installation\n\nQuick start using the [pre-built", "path": "", "filename": "", "id": null, "ref": "feature", "startline": 46, "project_id": 6 } ] ``` **注意:**不建议使用`filename`而推荐使用`path` . 两者都返回存储库中文件的完整路径,但将来`filename`名将仅是文件名,而不是完整路径. 有关详细信息,请参见[问题 34521]( . ### Scope: users[](#scope-users-2 "Permalink") ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 响应示例: ``` [ { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe1", "username": "user1", "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "http://localhost/user1" } ] ```