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# Insights > 原文:[]( * [View your project’s Insights](#view-your-projects-insights) * [Configure your Insights](#configure-your-insights) * [Permissions](#permissions) * [Writing your `.gitlab/insights.yml`](#writing-your-gitlabinsightsyml) * [Configuration parameters](#configuration-parameters) * [Parameter details](#parameter-details) * [`title`](#title) * [`description`](#description) * [`type`](#type) * [`query`](#query) * [`query.issuable_type`](#queryissuable_type) * [`query.issuable_state`](#queryissuable_state) * [`query.filter_labels`](#queryfilter_labels) * [`query.collection_labels`](#querycollection_labels) * [`query.group_by`](#querygroup_by) * [`query.period_limit`](#queryperiod_limit) * [`query.period_field`](#queryperiod_field) * [`projects`](#projects) * [`projects.only`](#projectsonly) * [Complete example](#complete-example) # Insights[](#insights-ultimate "Permalink") [Introduced]( in [GitLab Ultimate]( 12.0. 配置对您的项目至关重要的见解,以探索数据,例如分类诊断,在给定期间内创建/关闭的问题,合并请求的平均合并时间等等. [![Insights example bar chart](](img/project_insights.png) **注意:**此功能[在组级别也可用](../../group/insights/index.html) . ## View your project’s Insights[](#view-your-projects-insights "Permalink") 您可以通过点击左侧栏中的**Analytics(分析)> Insights**链接来访问项目的 Insights: [![Insights sidebar link](](img/insights_sidebar_link_v12_8.png) ## Configure your Insights[](#configure-your-insights "Permalink") 使用项目中名为`.gitlab/insights.yml`的 YAML 文件配置`.gitlab/insights.yml` . 该文件将在项目的"见解"页面中使用. 有关此文件内容的详细信息,请参见下面的[编写`.gitlab/insights.yml`](#writing-your-gitlabinsightsyml) . **注意:**一旦创建了配置文件,您也可以[将其用于项目的 group](../../group/insights/index.html#configure-your-insights) .**注意:**如果项目没有任何配置文件,则将尽可能尝试使用组配置. 如果该组没有任何配置,将使用默认配置. ## Permissions[](#permissions "Permalink") 如果您有权查看项目,则可以查看其见解. **注意:**您无法访问的问题或合并请求(因为您无法访问它们所属的项目,或者因为它们是机密的)会从 Insights 图表中过滤掉. 您也可以查阅[组权限表](../../permissions.html#group-members-permissions) . ## Writing your `.gitlab/insights.yml`[](#writing-your-gitlabinsightsyml "Permalink") `.gitlab/insights.yml`文件定义了将在项目或组的每个 Insights 页面中显示的 Insights 图表的结构和顺序. 每个页面都有一个唯一的键以及一组要获取和显示的图表. 例如,这是 Insights 的单个定义,它将显示一个带有一个图表的页面: ``` bugsCharts: title: "Charts for bugs" charts: - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 ``` 每个图表定义均由键值对组成的哈希组成. 例如,这是单个图表定义: ``` - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 ``` ## Configuration parameters[](#configuration-parameters "Permalink") 图表被定义为定义图表行为的参数列表. 下表列出了图表的可用参数: | Keyword | Description | | --- | --- | | [`title`](#title) | 图表标题. 这将显示在"见解"页面上. | | [`description`](#description) | 单个图表的描述. 这将显示在相关图表上方. | | [`type`](#type) | 图表类型: `bar` , `line`或`stacked-bar` . | | [`query`](#query) | 散列,用于定义要成为图表一部分的问题/合并请求的条件. | ## Parameter details[](#parameter-details "Permalink") 以下是用于配置 Insights 图表的参数的详细说明. ### `title`[](#title "Permalink") `title`是图表的标题,它将显示在 Insights 页面上. 例如: ``` monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" ``` ### `description`[](#description "Permalink") `description`文字显示在图表上方,但标题下方. 它用于提供有关图表的更多详细信息,例如: ``` monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" ``` ### `type`[](#type "Permalink") `type`是图表类型. 例如: ``` monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" type: bar ``` Supported values are: | Name | Example | | --- | --- | | `bar` | [![Insights example bar chart](](img/insights_example_bar_chart.png) | | `bar` (time series, i.e. when `group_by` is used) | [![Insights example bar time series chart](](img/insights_example_bar_time_series_chart.png) | | `line` | [![Insights example stacked bar chart](](img/insights_example_line_chart.png) | | `stacked-bar` | [![Insights example stacked bar chart](](img/insights_example_stacked_bar_chart.png) | ### `query`[](#query "Permalink") `query`允许定义条件/合并请求成为图表的一部分. Example: ``` monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 ``` #### `query.issuable_type`[](#queryissuable_type "Permalink") 定义要为其创建图表的"可发行"的类型. 支持的值为: * `issue` :图表将显示问题的数据. * `merge_request` :图表将显示合并请求的数据. #### `query.issuable_state`[](#queryissuable_state "Permalink") 按查询的"可发行"状态过滤. 默认情况下,将使用`opened`状态过滤器. 支持的值为: * `opened` :未解决问题/合并请求. * `closed` :已关闭未解决的问题/合并请求. * `locked` :已锁定讨论的问题/合并请求. * `merged` :合并的合并请求. * `all` :在所有状态下发出/合并请求 #### `query.filter_labels`[](#queryfilter_labels "Permalink") 按应用于查询的"可发行"的标签过滤. 默认情况下,不应用标签过滤器. 必须将所有定义的标签应用于"可发行",才能对其进行选择. Example: ``` monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly regressions created" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug - regression ``` #### `query.collection_labels`[](#querycollection_labels "Permalink") 通过配置的标签将"可发行"分组. 默认情况下,不会进行分组. 使用此关键字时,需要将`type`设置为`line`或`stacked-bar` . Example: ``` weeklyBugsBySeverity: title: "Weekly bugs by severity" type: stacked-bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 ``` #### `query.group_by`[](#querygroup_by "Permalink") 定义图表的 X 轴. 支持的值为: * `day` : `day`组数据. * `week` : `week`组数据. * `month` : `month`组数据. #### `query.period_limit`[](#queryperiod_limit "Permalink") 定义过去查询"可耗材"的距离. 该单位与您定义的`query.group_by`有关. 例如,如果您定义了`query.group_by: 'day'`则`query.period_limit: 365`意思是"收集并显示最近 365 天的数据". 默认情况下,将根据您定义的`query.group_by`应用默认值. | `query.group_by` | 默认值 | | --- | --- | | `day` | 30 | | `week` | 4 | | `month` | 12 | #### `query.period_field`[](#queryperiod_field "Permalink") 定义用于将"可耗材"分组的时间戳字段. 支持的值为: * `created_at` (默认):使用`created_at`字段对数据进行分组. * `closed_at` :使用`closed_at`字段对数据进行`closed_at` (仅针对问题). * `merged_at` :使用`merged_at`字段对数据进行`merged_at` (仅适用于合并请求). `period_field`自动设置为: * `closed_at` if `query.issuable_state` is `closed` * `merged_at` if `query.issuable_state` is `merged` * `created_at` otherwise **注意:**在解决[此错误](之前,您可能会看到`created_at`代替`merged_at` . 将使用`created_at`代替. ### `projects`[](#projects "Permalink") [Introduced]( in [GitLab Ultimate]( 12.4. 您可以限制从以下位置查询"可耗材"的位置: * 如果`.gitlab/insights.yml`用于一[组的见解](../../group/insights/index.html#configure-your-insights) ,有`projects` ,你可以限制要查询的项目. 默认情况下,将使用该组下的所有项目. * 如果将`.gitlab/insights.yml`用于项目的见解,则指定任何其他项目均不会产生任何结果. 默认情况下,将使用项目本身. #### `projects.only`[](#projectsonly "Permalink") `projects.only`选项指定应从中查询"可发行物品"的项目. 在以下情况下,此处列出的项目将被忽略: * 它们不存在. * 当前用户没有足够的权限来读取它们. * 他们不在小组中. 在以下`insights.yml`示例中,我们指定将在其中使用查询的项目. 设置小组的见解时,此示例非常有用: ``` monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug projects: only: - 3 # You can use the project ID - groupA/projectA # Or full project path - groupA/subgroupB/projectC # Projects in subgroups can be included - groupB/project # Projects outside the group will be ignored ``` ## Complete example[](#complete-example "Permalink") ``` .projectsOnly: &projectsOnly projects: only: - 3 - groupA/projectA - groupA/subgroupB/projectC bugsCharts: title: "Charts for bugs" charts: - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar <<: *projectsOnly query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 - title: "Weekly bugs by severity" type: stacked-bar <<: *projectsOnly query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 - title: "Monthly bugs by team" type: line <<: *projectsOnly query: issuable_type: merge_request issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - Manage - Plan - Create group_by: month period_limit: 24 ```