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# How to unlock a locked user from the command line > 原文:[]( # How to unlock a locked user from the command line[](#how-to-unlock-a-locked-user-from-the-command-line "Permalink") 十次失败的登录尝试后,用户将进入锁定状态. 要解锁锁定的用户: 1. SSH 到您的 GitLab 服务器. 2. 启动 Ruby on Rails 控制台: ``` ## For Omnibus GitLab sudo gitlab-rails console -e production ## For installations from source sudo -u git -H bundle exec rails console -e production ``` 3. 查找要解锁的用户. 您可以通过电子邮件或 ID 进行搜索. ``` user = User.find_by(email: '') ``` or ``` user = User.where(id: 1).first ``` 4. 解锁用户: ``` user.unlock_access! ``` 5. 使用`Ctrl` + `d`退出控制台 用户现在应该可以登录了.