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# Dashboard YAML properties > 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html) * [**Dashboard (top-level) properties**](#dashboard-top-level-properties) * [**Templating (`templating`) properties**](#templating-templating-properties) * [**Links (`links`) properties**](#links-links-properties) * [**Panel group (`panel_groups`) properties**](#panel-group-panel_groups-properties) * [**Panel (`panels`) properties**](#panel-panels-properties) * [**Axis (`panels[].y_axis`) properties**](#axis-panelsy_axis-properties) * [**Metrics (`metrics`) properties**](#metrics-metrics-properties) * [Dynamic labels](#dynamic-labels) * [Dashboard YAML syntax validation](#dashboard-yaml-syntax-validation) # Dashboard YAML properties[](#dashboard-yaml-properties "Permalink") 仪表板包含几个组件: * 模板变量. * 面板组,由面板组成. * 支持一个或多个指标的面板. 下表概述了预期属性的详细信息. ## **Dashboard (top-level) properties**[](#dashboard-top-level-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `dashboard` | string | yes | 前往仪表板. 每个文件只能定义一个仪表板. | | `panel_groups` | array | yes | 应在仪表板上的面板组. | | `templating` | hash | no | 可以在其下添加模板相关选项的顶级键. | | `links` | array | no | 添加链接以显示在仪表板上. | ## **Templating (`templating`) properties**[](#templating-templating-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `variables` | hash | yes | 可以在这里定义变量. | 阅读有关[模板](templating_variables.html)的文档. ## **Links (`links`) properties**[](#links-links-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `url` | string | yes | 链接的地址. | | `title` | string | no | 显示链接的标题. | | `type` | string | no | 链接的类型. 指定链接类型,可以是: `grafana` | 阅读有关[链接](index.html#add-related-links-to-custom-dashboards)的文档. ## **Panel group (`panel_groups`) properties**[](#panel-group-panel_groups-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `group` | string | required | 前往面板组. | | `priority` | number | 可选,默认为按文件顺序 | 命令显示在仪表板上. 数字越高意味着优先级越高,该页面上的优先级越高. 数字不必是连续的. | | `panels` | array | required | 应在面板组中的面板. | 面板组中的面板排成一排,每行包含两个面板. 该规则的一个例外是一行上的单个面板:这些面板将采用其所在行的整个宽度. ## **Panel (`panels`) properties**[](#panel-panels-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `type` | enum | 不,默认为`area-chart` | 指定要使用的面板类型,例如`area-chart` , `line-chart`或`anomaly-chart` . [查看所有面板类型的文档.](panel_types.html) | | `title` | string | yes | 前往面板. | | `y_label` | string | 不,但强烈鼓励 | 面板的 Y 轴标签. | | `y_axis` | string | no | 面板的 Y 轴配置. | | `max_value` | number | no | 分母值用于计算[基于百分位数的结果](panel_types.html#percentile-based-results) | | `weight` | number | 否,默认为按文件顺序 | 顺序出现在分组中. 较低的数字表示较高的优先级,在页面上较高. 数字不必是连续的. | | `metrics` | array | yes | 应在面板中显示的指标. 当`type`是`area-chart`或`line-chart` ,可以显示任意数量的度量标准,而当`type`是`anomaly-chart`时,只能显示 3 个度量标准. | | `links` | array | no | 添加链接以显示在图表的[上下文菜单上](index.html#chart-context-menu) . | ## **Axis (`panels[].y_axis`) properties**[](#axis-panelsy_axis-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description |   | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `name` | string | 不,但强烈鼓励 | 面板的 Y 轴标签. 如果设置,则替换`y_label` . |   | | `format` | string | 否,默认为`engineering` | 使用的单位格式. 请参阅[单位](yaml_number_format.html)的[完整列表](yaml_number_format.html) . |   | | `precision` | number | 否,默认为`2` | 要显示在数字中的小数位数. |   | ## **Metrics (`metrics`) properties**[](#metrics-metrics-properties "Permalink") | Property | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `id` | string | no | 用于将仪表板指标与数据库记录相关联. 在仪表板配置文件中必须唯一. [警报所](../alerts.html)必需(尚未启用支持,请参阅[相关问题](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/27980) ). | | `unit` | string | yes | 定义查询的返回数据的单位. | | `label` | string | 不,但强烈鼓励 | 定义查询的图例标签. 在面板指标内应唯一. 可以包含时间序列标签作为内插变量. | | `query` | string | 是,如果没有定义`query_range` | 定义用于填充图表/面板的 Prometheus 查询. 如果定义,将使用[Prometheus API](https://s0prometheus0io.icopy.site/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/)的`query`端点. | | `query_range` | string | 是,如果未定义`query` | 定义用于填充图表/面板的 Prometheus 查询. 如果定义,将使用[Prometheus API](https://s0prometheus0io.icopy.site/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/)的`query_range`端点. | | `step` | number | 不,如果未定义,则计算值 | 定义查询解析步长(以秒为单位). 同一面板上的指标应使用相同的`step`值. | ## Dynamic labels[](#dynamic-labels "Permalink") 从 Prometheus 查询返回多个时间序列时,动态标签很有用. 当使用静态标签并且查询返回多个时间序列时,所有图例项将被标记为相同,这使得识别每个时间序列变得困难: ``` metrics: - id: my_metric_id query_range: 'http_requests_total' label: "Time Series" unit: "count" ``` 这可能会生成如下图例: [![repeated legend label chart](https://img.kancloud.cn/9d/d6/9dd6f9fec91b7b24207be35584cc4ef1_1006x66.png)](../../../user/project/integrations/img/prometheus_dashboard_repeated_label.png) 为了使标签更明确,使用反映时间序列标签的变量是一个好习惯. 渲染图例时,变量将被时间序列标签的值替换: ``` metrics: - id: my_metric_id query_range: 'http_requests_total' label: "Instance: {{instance}}, method: {{method}}" unit: "count" ``` 生成的渲染图例将如下所示: [![legend with label variables](https://img.kancloud.cn/46/7f/467ffea1db602e03ecd1b66006e4158b_1082x104.png)](../../../user/project/integrations/img/prometheus_dashboard_label_variables.png) 动态仪表板标签还有一个简写值,该标签仅使用一个时间序列标签: ``` metrics: - id: my_metric_id query_range: 'http_requests_total' label: "Method" unit: "count" ``` 这可以通过降低`label`的值来实现,如果还有更多的单词用空格分隔,请用下划线( `_` )替换这些空格. 然后根据 Prometheus 查询返回的时间序列的标签检查转换后的值. 如果找到与转换后的值相等的时间序列标签,则将使用标签值并将其呈现在图例中,如下所示: [![legend with label shorthand variable](https://img.kancloud.cn/75/d1/75d11b48334a2c3834d93bb40a63341d_1020x62.png)](../../../user/project/integrations/img/prometheus_dashboard_label_variable_shorthand.png) ## Dashboard YAML syntax validation[](#dashboard-yaml-syntax-validation "Permalink") 在 GitLab 13.1 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/33202) . 要确认您的仪表板定义包含有效的 YAML 语法,请执行以下操作: 1. 导航 **存储库>文件** . 2. 导航到存储库中的仪表板文件. 3. 查看文件内容上方显示的有关文件的信息窗格. 具有有效语法的文件显示**Metrics 仪表板 YAML 定义有效** ,而具有无效语法的文件显示**Metrics Dashboard YAML 定义无效** . [![Metrics Dashboard_YAML_syntax_validation](https://img.kancloud.cn/91/7e/917ea25b521f9547a0a952458ca5e444_1000x295.png)](../../../user/project/integrations/img/prometheus_dashboard_yaml_validation_v13_1.png) 当" **指标仪表板" YAML 定义无效时** ,将至少显示以下消息之一: 1. `dashboard: can't be blank` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#dashboard-top-level-properties) 2. `panel_groups: should be an array of panel_groups objects` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#dashboard-top-level-properties) 3. `group: can't be blank` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#panel-group-panel_groups-properties) 4. `panels: should be an array of panels objects` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#panel-group-panel_groups-properties) 5. `title: can't be blank` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#panel-panels-properties) 6. `metrics: should be an array of metrics objects` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#panel-panels-properties) 7. `query: can't be blank` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#metrics-metrics-properties) 8. `query_range: can't be blank` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#metrics-metrics-properties) 9. `unit: can't be blank` [learn more](../../../operations/metrics/dashboards/yaml.html#metrics-metrics-properties) 10. `YAML syntax: The parsed YAML is too big` 当 YAML 文件大于 1 MB 时显示. 11. `YAML syntax: Invalid configuration format` 当 YAML 文件为空或不包含有效的 YAML 时显示. 指标仪表板 YAML 定义验证信息也可以作为[GraphQL API 字段获得](../../../api/graphql/reference/index.html#metricsdashboard)