企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持知识库和私有化部署方案 广告
# Webhooks > 原文:[]( * [Overview](#overview) * [Use-cases](#use-cases) * [Webhook endpoint tips](#webhook-endpoint-tips) * [Secret token](#secret-token) * [SSL verification](#ssl-verification) * [Branch filtering](#branch-filtering) * [Events](#events) * [Push events](#push-events) * [Tag events](#tag-events) * [Issue events](#issue-events) * [Comment events](#comment-events) * [Comment on commit](#comment-on-commit) * [Comment on merge request](#comment-on-merge-request) * [Comment on issue](#comment-on-issue) * [Comment on code snippet](#comment-on-code-snippet) * [Merge request events](#merge-request-events) * [Wiki Page events](#wiki-page-events) * [Pipeline events](#pipeline-events) * [Job events](#job-events) * [Image URL rewriting](#image-url-rewriting) * [Testing webhooks](#testing-webhooks) * [Troubleshoot webhooks](#troubleshoot-webhooks) * [Receiving duplicate or multiple webhook requests triggered by one event](#receiving-duplicate-or-multiple-webhook-requests-triggered-by-one-event) * [Troubleshooting: “Unable to get local issuer certificate”](#troubleshooting-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate) * [Example webhook receiver](#example-webhook-receiver) # Webhooks[](#webhooks "Permalink") > **注意:**从 GitLab 8.5 开始: > > * 不推荐使用`repository`密钥,而推荐使用`project`密钥 > * 不推荐使用`project.ssh_url`密钥,而推荐使用`project.git_ssh_url`密钥 > * 不推荐使用`project.http_url`键,而推荐使用`project.git_http_url`键 > > **注意:**从 GitLab 11.1 开始,一个月后会自动删除 Webhooks 的日志. > > **注意:**从 GitLab 11.2 开始: > > * 重写问题,合并请求,评论和 Wiki 页面的`description`字段,以便简单的 Markdown 图像引用(如`![](/uploads/...)` )将其目标 URL 更改为绝对 URL. 有关更多详细信息,请参见[图像 URL 重写](#image-url-rewriting) . 通过项目 webhooks,您可以在例如推送新代码或创建新问题时触发 URL. 您可以将 webhook 配置为侦听特定事件,例如推送,问题或合并请求. GitLab 会将带有数据的 POST 请求发送到 webhook URL. 在大多数情况下,您需要设置自己的[Webhook 接收器](#example-webhook-receiver)以从 GitLab 接收信息,然后根据需要将其发送到另一个应用程序. 我们已经有一个[内置接收器,](slack.html)用于*每个项目*发送[Slack](通知. ## Overview[](#overview "Permalink") [Webhooks](是" *用户定义的 HTTP 回调* ". 它们通常是由某些事件触发的,例如将代码推送到存储库或将评论发布到博客. 发生该事件时,源应用程序向为 Webhook 配置的 URI 发出 HTTP 请求. 采取的措施可能是任何事情. 常见用途是触发具有持续集成系统的构建或通知错误跟踪系统. Webhooks 可用于更新外部问题跟踪器,触发 CI 作业,更新备份镜像,甚至部署到您的生产服务器. 他们**每个项目**可以 GitLab 社区版,以及**每个项目和每个组** **GitLab 企业版** . 通过转到项目的**设置➔Webhooks**导航到 webhooks 页面. **注意:**在 上,每个项目和每个组的[最大 Webhooks 数量](../../../user/gitlab_com/index.html#maximum-number-of-webhooks)是有限的. ## Use-cases[](#use-cases "Permalink") * 您可以在 GitLab 中设置一个 Webhook,以在每次作业失败时向[Slack](发送通知. * 每当在 GitLab 中为特定项目或组创建问题时,您都可以[与 Twilio 集成以通过 SMS 收到通知]( * You can use them to [automatically assign labels to merge requests]( ## Webhook endpoint tips[](#webhook-endpoint-tips "Permalink") 如果您正在编写自己的将接收 GitLab webhooks 的端点(Web 服务器),请记住以下几点: * 您的端点应尽快发送其 HTTP 响应. 如果等待时间太长,GitLab 可能会确定挂钩失败并重试. * 您的端点应始终返回有效的 HTTP 响应. 如果您不这样做,则 GitLab 会认为挂钩失败并重试. 大多数 HTTP 库会自动为您处理此问题,但是如果您正在编写低级钩子,记住这一点很重要. * GitLab 会忽略端点返回的 HTTP 状态代码. ## Secret token[](#secret-token "Permalink") 如果您指定一个秘密令牌,它将与挂钩请求一起在`X-Gitlab-Token` HTTP 标头中发送. 您的 webhook 端点可以检查以验证请求是否合法. ## SSL verification[](#ssl-verification "Permalink") 默认情况下,将基于证书颁发机构的内部列表来验证 webhook 端点的 SSL 证书,这意味着该证书无法进行自签名. 您可以在 GitLab 项目的 webhook 设置中将其关闭. [![SSL Verification](](img/webhooks_ssl.png) ## Branch filtering[](#branch-filtering "Permalink") 在 GitLab 11.3 中[引入]( . 可以使用分支名称或通配符模式按分支过滤推送事件,以限制将哪些推送事件发送到您的 Webhook 端点. 默认情况下,该字段为空白,导致所有推送事件都发送到您的 Webhook 端点. ## Events[](#events "Permalink") 下面介绍了受支持的事件. ### Push events[](#push-events "Permalink") 当您推送到存储库时(推送标签时除外)触发. **注意:**一次推送超过 20 个提交时,出于性能原因, `commits` webhook 属性将仅包含前 20 个. 加载详细的提交数据非常昂贵. 请注意,尽管`commits`属性中仅存在 20 个提交,但`total_commits_count`属性将包含实际总数. 另外,如果单个推送包含三个以上分支的更改(默认情况下,取决于[`push_event_hooks_limit`设置](../../../api/settings.html#list-of-settings-that-can-be-accessed-via-api-calls) ),则不会执行此挂钩. **请求标头**: ``` X-Gitlab-Event: Push Hook ``` **要求正文:** ``` { "object_kind": "push", "before": "95790bf891e76fee5e1747ab589903a6a1f80f22", "after": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7", "ref": "refs/heads/master", "checkout_sha": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7", "user_id": 4, "user_name": "John Smith", "user_username": "jsmith", "user_email": "", "user_avatar": "", "project_id": 15, "project":{ "id": 15, "name":"Diaspora", "description":"", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Mike", "visibility_level":0, "path_with_namespace":"mike/diaspora", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "repository":{ "name": "Diaspora", "url": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "git_http_url":"", "git_ssh_url":"", "visibility_level":0 }, "commits": [ { "id": "b6568db1bc1dcd7f8b4d5a946b0b91f9dacd7327", "message": "Update Catalan translation to e38cb41.\n\nSee for more information", "title": "Update Catalan translation to e38cb41.", "timestamp": "2011-12-12T14:27:31+02:00", "url": "", "author": { "name": "Jordi Mallach", "email": "" }, "added": ["CHANGELOG"], "modified": ["app/controller/application.rb"], "removed": [] }, { "id": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7", "message": "fixed readme", "title": "fixed readme", "timestamp": "2012-01-03T23:36:29+02:00", "url": "", "author": { "name": "GitLab dev user", "email": "gitlabdev@dv6700.(none)" }, "added": ["CHANGELOG"], "modified": ["app/controller/application.rb"], "removed": [] } ], "total_commits_count": 4 } ``` ### Tag events[](#tag-events "Permalink") 在创建(或删除)存储库标签时触发. **注意:**如果单个推送包含三个以上的更改(默认情况下,取决于[`push_event_hooks_limit`设置](../../../api/settings.html#list-of-settings-that-can-be-accessed-via-api-calls) ),则不会执行此挂钩. **请求标头**: ``` X-Gitlab-Event: Tag Push Hook ``` **要求正文:** ``` { "object_kind": "tag_push", "before": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "after": "82b3d5ae55f7080f1e6022629cdb57bfae7cccc7", "ref": "refs/tags/v1.0.0", "checkout_sha": "82b3d5ae55f7080f1e6022629cdb57bfae7cccc7", "user_id": 1, "user_name": "John Smith", "user_avatar": "", "project_id": 1, "project":{ "id": 1, "name":"Example", "description":"", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Jsmith", "visibility_level":0, "path_with_namespace":"jsmith/example", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "repository":{ "name": "Example", "url": "ssh://", "description": "", "homepage": "", "git_http_url":"", "git_ssh_url":"", "visibility_level":0 }, "commits": [], "total_commits_count": 0 } ``` ### Issue events[](#issue-events "Permalink") 在创建新问题或更新/关闭/重新打开现有问题时触发. **请求标头**: ``` X-Gitlab-Event: Issue Hook ``` **要求正文:** ``` { "object_kind": "issue", "event_type": "issue", "user": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "avatar_url": "\u0026d=identicon", "email": "" }, "project": { "id": 1, "name":"Gitlab Test", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"GitlabHQ", "visibility_level":20, "path_with_namespace":"gitlabhq/gitlab-test", "default_branch":"master", "ci_config_path": null, "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "object_attributes": { "id": 301, "title": "New API: create/update/delete file", 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How does this work?", "noteable_type": "Commit", "author_id": 1, "created_at": "2015-05-17 18:08:09 UTC", "updated_at": "2015-05-17 18:08:09 UTC", "project_id": 5, "attachment":null, "line_code": "bec9703f7a456cd2b4ab5fb3220ae016e3e394e3_0_1", "commit_id": "cfe32cf61b73a0d5e9f13e774abde7ff789b1660", "noteable_id": null, "system": false, "st_diff": { "diff": "--- /dev/null\n+++ b/six\n@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n+Subproject commit 409f37c4f05865e4fb208c771485f211a22c4c2d\n", "new_path": "six", "old_path": "six", "a_mode": "0", "b_mode": "160000", "new_file": true, "renamed_file": false, "deleted_file": false }, "url": "" }, "commit": { "id": "cfe32cf61b73a0d5e9f13e774abde7ff789b1660", "message": "Add submodule\n\nSigned-off-by: Example User \\u003e\n", "timestamp": "2014-02-27T10:06:20+02:00", "url": "", "author": { "name": "Example User", "email": "" } } } ``` #### Comment on merge request[](#comment-on-merge-request "Permalink") **请求标头**: ``` X-Gitlab-Event: Note Hook ``` **要求正文:** ``` { "object_kind": "note", "user": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "avatar_url": "\u0026d=identicon" }, "project_id": 5, "project":{ "id": 5, "name":"Gitlab Test", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Gitlab Org", "visibility_level":10, "path_with_namespace":"gitlab-org/gitlab-test", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "repository":{ "name": "Gitlab Test", "url": "http://localhost/gitlab-org/gitlab-test.git", "description": "Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "homepage": "" }, "object_attributes": { "id": 1244, "note": "This MR needs work.", "noteable_type": "MergeRequest", "author_id": 1, "created_at": "2015-05-17 18:21:36 UTC", "updated_at": "2015-05-17 18:21:36 UTC", "project_id": 5, "attachment": null, "line_code": null, "commit_id": "", "noteable_id": 7, "system": false, "st_diff": null, "url": "" }, "merge_request": { "id": 7, "target_branch": "markdown", "source_branch": "master", "source_project_id": 5, "author_id": 8, "assignee_id": 28, "title": "Tempora et eos debitis quae laborum et.", "created_at": "2015-03-01 20:12:53 UTC", "updated_at": "2015-03-21 18:27:27 UTC", "milestone_id": 11, "state": "opened", "merge_status": "cannot_be_merged", "target_project_id": 5, "iid": 1, "description": "Et voluptas corrupti assumenda temporibus. Architecto cum animi eveniet amet asperiores. Vitae numquam voluptate est natus sit et ad id.", "position": 0, "source":{ "name":"Gitlab Test", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Gitlab Org", "visibility_level":10, "path_with_namespace":"gitlab-org/gitlab-test", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "target": { "name":"Gitlab Test", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Gitlab Org", "visibility_level":10, "path_with_namespace":"gitlab-org/gitlab-test", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "last_commit": { "id": "562e173be03b8ff2efb05345d12df18815438a4b", "message": "Merge branch 'another-branch' into 'master'\n\nCheck in this test\n", "timestamp": "2015-04-08T21: 00:25-07:00", "url": "", "author": { "name": "John Smith", "email": "" } }, "work_in_progress": false, "assignee": { "name": "User1", "username": "user1", "avatar_url": "\u0026d=identicon" } } } ``` #### Comment on issue[](#comment-on-issue "Permalink") **请求标头**: ``` X-Gitlab-Event: Note Hook ``` **要求正文:** ``` { "object_kind": "note", "user": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "avatar_url": "\u0026d=identicon" }, "project_id": 5, "project":{ "id": 5, "name":"Gitlab Test", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Gitlab Org", "visibility_level":10, "path_with_namespace":"gitlab-org/gitlab-test", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "repository":{ "name":"diaspora", "url":"", "description":"", "homepage":"" }, "object_attributes": { "id": 1241, "note": "Hello world", "noteable_type": "Issue", "author_id": 1, "created_at": "2015-05-17 17:06:40 UTC", "updated_at": "2015-05-17 17:06:40 UTC", "project_id": 5, "attachment": null, "line_code": null, 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**请求标头**: ``` X-Gitlab-Event: Note Hook ``` **要求正文:** ``` { "object_kind": "note", "user": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "avatar_url": "\u0026d=identicon" }, "project_id": 5, "project":{ "id": 5, "name":"Gitlab Test", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "web_url":"", "avatar_url":null, "git_ssh_url":"", "git_http_url":"", "namespace":"Gitlab Org", "visibility_level":10, "path_with_namespace":"gitlab-org/gitlab-test", "default_branch":"master", "homepage":"", "url":"", "ssh_url":"", "http_url":"" }, "repository":{ "name":"Gitlab Test", "url":"", "description":"Aut reprehenderit ut est.", "homepage":"" }, "object_attributes": { "id": 1245, "note": "Is this snippet doing what it's supposed to be doing?", "noteable_type": "Snippet", "author_id": 1, "created_at": "2015-05-17 18:35:50 UTC", "updated_at": "2015-05-17 18:35:50 UTC", "project_id": 5, "attachment": null, "line_code": null, "commit_id": "", "noteable_id": 53, "system": false, "st_diff": null, "url": "" }, 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"description": "Atque in sunt eos similique dolores voluptatem.", "homepage": "", "git_ssh_url": "git@", "git_http_url": "", "visibility_level": 20 }, "runner": { "active": true, "is_shared": false, "id": 380987, "description": "" } } ``` 请注意, ``是管道的 ID,而不是提交的 ID. ## Image URL rewriting[](#image-url-rewriting "Permalink") 从 GitLab 11.2 开始,简单的图像引用被重写为在 webhooks 中使用绝对 URL. 因此,如果图像,合并请求,评论或维基页面的描述中包含以下内容: ``` ![image](/uploads/$sha/image.png) ``` 它将显示在 webhook 主体中,如下所示(假设 GitLab 安装在`` ,并且该项目位于`example-group/example-project` ): ``` ![image]($sha/image.png) ``` 这不会重写已经指向 HTTP,HTTPS 或协议相对 URL 的 URL. 它还不会使用链接标记之类的高级 Markdown 功能重写图像 URL. ## Testing webhooks[](#testing-webhooks "Permalink") 您可以手动触发 Webhook. 将使用项目中的样本数据. >例如:要触发" `Push Events`您的项目应至少提交一次. [![Webhook testing](](img/webhook_testing.png) ## Troubleshoot webhooks[](#troubleshoot-webhooks "Permalink") manbetx 客户端打不开存储 webhook 的每个执行. 您可以在每个 Webhook 的编辑页面上的"最近发送"部分中找到最近 2 天的记录. [![Recent deliveries](](img/webhook_logs.png) 在本部分中,您可以看到 HTTP 状态代码(绿色表示 200-299 代码,红色表示其他代码,传递失败的`internal error` ),触发的事件,事件被调用的时间,请求的经过时间. 如果需要有关执行的更多信息,可以单击`View details`链接. 在此页面上,您可以查看 GitLab 发送的数据(请求标头和正文)和收到的数据(响应标头和正文). 在此页面上,您可以通过单击" `Resend Request`按钮以相同的数据重复`Resend Request` . > **注意:**如果已更新 Webhook 的 URL 或秘密令牌,则数据将被传递到新地址. ### Receiving duplicate or multiple webhook requests triggered by one event[](#receiving-duplicate-or-multiple-webhook-requests-triggered-by-one-event "Permalink") 当 GitLab 发送一个 Webhook 时,它期望在 10 秒内响应(设置默认值). 如果没有收到,它将重试网络挂钩. 如果端点在这 10 秒钟内未发送 HTTP 响应,则 GitLab 可能会确定挂钩失败并重试. 如果接收到多个请求,可以通过取消注释或将以下设置添加到`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`来尝试增加发送`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`之后的默认值,以等待 HTTP 响应: ``` gitlab_rails['webhook_timeout'] = 10 ``` ### Troubleshooting: “Unable to get local issuer certificate”[](#troubleshooting-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate "Permalink") 启用 S​​SL 验证后,此错误表明 GitLab 无法验证 Webhook 端点的 SSL 证书. 通常,这是因为根证书不是由[](确定的受信任的证书颁发机构[颁发的]( . 如果不是这种情况,请考虑使用[SSL Checker](来识别故障. 缺少中间证书是验证失败的常见原因. ## Example webhook receiver[](#example-webhook-receiver "Permalink") 如果您希望通过测试了解 GitLab 的 webhooks,可以使用在控制台会话中运行的简单回显脚本. 为了使以下脚本正常工作,您需要安装 Ruby. 将以下文件另存为`print_http_body.rb` : ``` require 'webrick' server = => ARGV.first) server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res| puts req.body end trap 'INT' do server.shutdown end server.start ``` 选择一个未使用的端口(例如 8000)并启动脚本: `ruby print_http_body.rb 8000` . 然后,将您的服务器作为 Webhook 接收器添加到 GitLab 中,作为`` . 在 GitLab 中按"测试"时,您应该在控制台中看到以下内容: ``` {"before":"077a85dd266e6f3573ef7e9ef8ce3343ad659c4e","after":"95cd4a99e93bc4bbabacfa2cd10e6725b1403c60",<SNIP>} - - [14/May/2014:07:45:26 EDT] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0 - -> / ``` **注意:**您可能需要[允许向本地网络](../../../security/webhooks.html)发送[请求,](../../../security/webhooks.html)以便添加此接收器.