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# Todos API > 原文:[]( * [Get a list of todos](#get-a-list-of-todos) * [Mark a todo as done](#mark-a-todo-as-done) * [Mark all todos as done](#mark-all-todos-as-done) # Todos API[](#todos-api "Permalink") 在 GitLab 8.10 中[引入]( . ## Get a list of todos[](#get-a-list-of-todos "Permalink") 返回待办事项列表. 如果未应用任何过滤器,它将返回当前用户的所有待处理的待办事项. 不同的过滤器使用户可以精确地处理请求. ``` GET /todos ``` Parameters: | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `action` | string | no | 要过滤的动作. 可以`assigned` , `mentioned` , `build_failed` , `marked` , `approval_required` , `unmergeable`或`directly_addressed` `unmergeable` . | | `author_id` | integer | no | 作者的 ID | | `project_id` | integer | no | 项目 ID | | `group_id` | integer | no | 组的 ID | | `state` | string | no | 待办事项的状态. 可以`pending`或`done` | | `type` | string | no | 待办事项的类型. 可以是`Issue`或`MergeRequest` | ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 示例响应: ``` [ { "id": 102, "project": { "id": 2, "name": "Gitlab Ce", "name_with_namespace": "Gitlab Org / Gitlab Ce", "path": "gitlab-foss", "path_with_namespace": "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss" }, "author": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "id": 1, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "action_name": "marked", "target_type": "MergeRequest", "target": { "id": 34, "iid": 7, "project_id": 2, "title": "Dolores in voluptatem tenetur praesentium omnis repellendus voluptatem quaerat.", "description": "Et ea et omnis illum cupiditate. Dolor aspernatur tenetur ducimus facilis est nihil. Quo esse cupiditate molestiae illo corrupti qui quidem dolor.", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:49:24.419Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:43.484Z", "target_branch": "tutorials_git_tricks", "source_branch": "DNSBL_docs", "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "author": { "name": "Maxie Medhurst", "username": "craig_rutherford", "id": 12, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "assignee": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "id": 1, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "source_project_id": 2, "target_project_id": 2, "labels": [], "work_in_progress": false, "milestone": { "id": 32, "iid": 2, "project_id": 2, "title": "v1.0", "description": "Assumenda placeat ea voluptatem voluptate qui.", "state": "active", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:47:34.163Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:47:34.163Z", "due_date": null }, "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false, "merge_status": "cannot_be_merged", "subscribed": true, "user_notes_count": 7 }, "target_url": "", "body": "Dolores in voluptatem tenetur praesentium omnis repellendus voluptatem quaerat.", "state": "pending", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:35.225Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:35.225Z" }, { "id": 98, "project": { "id": 2, "name": "Gitlab Ce", "name_with_namespace": "Gitlab Org / Gitlab Ce", "path": "gitlab-foss", "path_with_namespace": "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss" }, "author": { "name": "Maxie Medhurst", "username": "craig_rutherford", "id": 12, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "action_name": "assigned", "target_type": "MergeRequest", "target": { "id": 34, "iid": 7, "project_id": 2, "title": "Dolores in voluptatem tenetur praesentium omnis repellendus voluptatem quaerat.", "description": "Et ea et omnis illum cupiditate. Dolor aspernatur tenetur ducimus facilis est nihil. Quo esse cupiditate molestiae illo corrupti qui quidem dolor.", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:49:24.419Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:43.484Z", "target_branch": "tutorials_git_tricks", "source_branch": "DNSBL_docs", "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "author": { "name": "Maxie Medhurst", "username": "craig_rutherford", "id": 12, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "assignee": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "id": 1, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "source_project_id": 2, "target_project_id": 2, "labels": [], "work_in_progress": false, "milestone": { "id": 32, "iid": 2, "project_id": 2, "title": "v1.0", "description": "Assumenda placeat ea voluptatem voluptate qui.", "state": "active", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:47:34.163Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:47:34.163Z", "due_date": null }, "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false, "merge_status": "cannot_be_merged", "subscribed": true, "user_notes_count": 7 }, "target_url": "", "body": "Dolores in voluptatem tenetur praesentium omnis repellendus voluptatem quaerat.", "state": "pending", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:49:24.624Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:49:24.624Z" } ] ``` ## Mark a todo as done[](#mark-a-todo-as-done "Permalink") 将其 ID 给当前用户的单个待处理待办事项标记为已完成. 标记为已完成的待办事项在响应中返回. ``` POST /todos/:id/mark_as_done ``` Parameters: | Attribute | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `id` | integer | yes | 待办事项编号 | ``` curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ``` 示例响应: ``` { "id": 102, "project": { "id": 2, "name": "Gitlab Ce", "name_with_namespace": "Gitlab Org / Gitlab Ce", "path": "gitlab-foss", "path_with_namespace": "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss" }, "author": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "id": 1, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "action_name": "marked", "target_type": "MergeRequest", "target": { "id": 34, "iid": 7, "project_id": 2, "title": "Dolores in voluptatem tenetur praesentium omnis repellendus voluptatem quaerat.", "description": "Et ea et omnis illum cupiditate. Dolor aspernatur tenetur ducimus facilis est nihil. Quo esse cupiditate molestiae illo corrupti qui quidem dolor.", "state": "opened", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:49:24.419Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:43.484Z", "target_branch": "tutorials_git_tricks", "source_branch": "DNSBL_docs", "upvotes": 0, "downvotes": 0, "author": { "name": "Maxie Medhurst", "username": "craig_rutherford", "id": 12, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "assignee": { "name": "Administrator", "username": "root", "id": 1, "state": "active", "avatar_url": "", "web_url": "" }, "source_project_id": 2, "target_project_id": 2, "labels": [], "work_in_progress": false, "milestone": { "id": 32, "iid": 2, "project_id": 2, "title": "v1.0", "description": "Assumenda placeat ea voluptatem voluptate qui.", "state": "active", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:47:34.163Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:47:34.163Z", "due_date": null }, "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false, "merge_status": "cannot_be_merged", "subscribed": true, "user_notes_count": 7 }, "target_url": "", "body": "Dolores in voluptatem tenetur praesentium omnis repellendus voluptatem quaerat.", "state": "done", "created_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:35.225Z", "updated_at": "2016-06-17T07:52:35.225Z" } ``` ## Mark all todos as done[](#mark-all-todos-as-done "Permalink") 将当前用户的所有待处理待办事项标记为已完成. 它返回带有空响应的 HTTP 状态代码`204` . ``` POST /todos/mark_as_done ``` ``` curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "" ```