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# Sidekiq Metrics API > 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/sidekiq_metrics.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/sidekiq_metrics.html) * [Get the current Queue Metrics](#get-the-current-queue-metrics) * [Get the current Process Metrics](#get-the-current-process-metrics) * [Get the current Job Statistics](#get-the-current-job-statistics) * [Get a compound response of all the previously mentioned metrics](#get-a-compound-response-of-all-the-previously-mentioned-metrics) # Sidekiq Metrics API[](#sidekiq-metrics-api "Permalink") > **注意:**此端点仅在 GitLab 8.9 及更高版本上可用. 通过此 API 端点,您可以检索有关 Sidekiq 当前状态,其作业,队列和进程的一些信息. ## Get the current Queue Metrics[](#get-the-current-queue-metrics "Permalink") 列出有关所有已注册队列,其积压和延迟的信息. ``` GET /sidekiq/queue_metrics ``` ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/sidekiq/queue_metrics" ``` 响应示例: ``` { "queues": { "default": { "backlog": 0, "latency": 0 } } } ``` ## Get the current Process Metrics[](#get-the-current-process-metrics "Permalink") 列出有关所有注册来处理您的队列的 Sidekiq 工作者的信息. ``` GET /sidekiq/process_metrics ``` ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/sidekiq/process_metrics" ``` 响应示例: ``` { "processes": [ { "hostname": "gitlab.example.com", "pid": 5649, "tag": "gitlab", "started_at": "2016-06-14T10:45:07.159-05:00", "queues": [ "post_receive", "mailers", "archive_repo", "system_hook", "project_web_hook", "gitlab_shell", "incoming_email", "runner", "common", "default" ], "labels": [], "concurrency": 25, "busy": 0 } ] } ``` ## Get the current Job Statistics[](#get-the-current-job-statistics "Permalink") 列出有关 Sidekiq 执行的作业的信息. ``` GET /sidekiq/job_stats ``` ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/sidekiq/job_stats" ``` 响应示例: ``` { "jobs": { "processed": 2, "failed": 0, "enqueued": 0, "dead": 0 } } ``` ## Get a compound response of all the previously mentioned metrics[](#get-a-compound-response-of-all-the-previously-mentioned-metrics "Permalink") 列出有关 Sidekiq 的所有当前可用信息. ``` GET /sidekiq/compound_metrics ``` ``` curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/sidekiq/compound_metrics" ``` 响应示例: ``` { "queues": { "default": { "backlog": 0, "latency": 0 } }, "processes": [ { "hostname": "gitlab.example.com", "pid": 5649, "tag": "gitlab", "started_at": "2016-06-14T10:45:07.159-05:00", "queues": [ "post_receive", "mailers", "archive_repo", "system_hook", "project_web_hook", "gitlab_shell", "incoming_email", "runner", "common", "default" ], "labels": [], "concurrency": 25, "busy": 0 } ], "jobs": { "processed": 2, "failed": 0, "enqueued": 0, "dead": 0 } } ```