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# Class Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager # Class **Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager** Manages collections of CSS/Javascript assets ### Methods public **\_\_construct** (\[*array* $options\]) public **setOptions** (*unknown* $options) Sets the manager options public **getOptions** () Returns the manager options public **useImplicitOutput** (*unknown* $implicitOutput) Sets if the HTML generated must be directly printed or returned public **addCss** (*unknown* $path, \[*unknown* $local\], \[*unknown* $filter\], \[*unknown* $attributes\]) Adds a Css resource to the ‘css' collection ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $assets->addCss('css/bootstrap.css'); $assets->addCss('http://bootstrap.my-cdn.com/style.css', false); ``` ``` public **addInlineCss** (*unknown* $content, \[*unknown* $filter\], \[*unknown* $attributes\]) Adds a inline Css to the ‘css' collection public **addJs** (*unknown* $path, \[*unknown* $local\], \[*unknown* $filter\], \[*unknown* $attributes\]) Adds a javascript resource to the ‘js' collection ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $assets->addJs('scripts/jquery.js'); $assets->addJs('http://jquery.my-cdn.com/jquery.js', false); ``` ``` public **addInlineJs** (*unknown* $content, \[*unknown* $filter\], \[*unknown* $attributes\]) Adds a inline javascript to the ‘js' collection public **addResourceByType** (*unknown* $type, *unknown* $resource) Adds a resource by its type ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $assets->addResourceByType('css', new \Phalcon\Assets\Resource\Css('css/style.css')); ``` ``` public **addInlineCodeByType** (*unknown* $type, *unknown* $code) Adds a inline code by its type public **addResource** (*unknown* $resource) Adds a raw resource to the manager ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $assets->addResource(new Phalcon\Assets\Resource('css', 'css/style.css')); ``` ``` public **addInlineCode** (*unknown* $code) Adds a raw inline code to the manager public **set** (*unknown* $id, *unknown* $collection) Sets a collection in the Assets Manager ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $assets->set('js', $collection); ``` ``` public **get** (*unknown* $id) Returns a collection by its id ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $scripts = $assets->get('js'); ``` ``` public **getCss** () Returns the CSS collection of assets public **getJs** () Returns the CSS collection of assets public **collection** (*unknown* $name) Creates/Returns a collection of resources public **output** ([*Phalcon\\Assets\\Collection*](#) $collection, *callback* $callback, *string* $type) Traverses a collection calling the callback to generate its HTML public **outputInline** ([*Phalcon\\Assets\\Collection*](#) $collection, *string* $type) Traverses a collection and generate its HTML public **outputCss** (\[*string* $collectionName\]) Prints the HTML for CSS resources public **outputInlineCss** (\[*string* $collectionName\]) Prints the HTML for inline CSS public **outputJs** (\[*string* $collectionName\]) Prints the HTML for JS resources public **outputInlineJs** (\[*string* $collectionName\]) Prints the HTML for inline JS public **getCollections** () Returns existing collections in the manager | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Assets\Resource") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Assets\Inline\Js") | - [API Indice](#) »