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# Class Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter\\Csv # Class **Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter\\Csv** *extends* abstract class [*Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter*](#) *implements*[*Phalcon\\Translate\\AdapterInterface*](#), ArrayAccess Allows to define translation lists using CSV file ### Methods public **\_\_construct** (*unknown* $options) Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter\\Csv constructor public **query** (*unknown* $index, \[*unknown* $placeholders\]) Returns the translation related to the given key public **exists** (*unknown* $index) Check whether is defined a translation key in the internal array public *string***t** (*string* $translateKey, \[*array* $placeholders\]) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Returns the translation string of the given key public *string*\*\*\_\*\* (*string* $translateKey, \[*array* $placeholders\]) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Returns the translation string of the given key (alias of method ‘t') public **offsetSet** (*string* $offset, *string* $value) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Sets a translation value public **offsetExists** (*unknown* $translateKey) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Check whether a translation key exists public **offsetUnset** (*string* $offset) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Unsets a translation from the dictionary public *string***offsetGet** (*string* $translateKey) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Returns the translation related to the given key protected **replacePlaceholders** (*unknown* $translation, \[*unknown* $placeholders\]) inherited from Phalcon\\Translate\\Adapter Replaces placeholders by the values passed | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\Gettext") | - [上一页](# "Abstract class Phalcon\Translate\Adapter") | - [API Indice](#) »