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# Class Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router # Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router** *implements*`Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface`, [*Phalcon\\Mvc\\RouterInterface*](#), [*Phalcon\\Events\\EventsAwareInterface*](#) Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router is the standard framework router. Routing is the process of taking a URI endpoint (that part of the URI which comes after the base URL) and decomposing it into parameters to determine which module, controller, and action of that controller should receive the request ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $router = new Router(); $router->add( "/documentation/{chapter}/{name}\.{type:[a-z]+}", array( "controller" => "documentation", "action" => "show" ) ); $router->handle(); echo $router->getControllerName(); ``` ``` ### Constants *integer***URI\_SOURCE\_GET\_URL** *integer***URI\_SOURCE\_SERVER\_REQUEST\_URI** *integer***POSITION\_FIRST** *integer***POSITION\_LAST** ### Methods public **\_\_construct** (\[*unknown* $defaultRoutes\]) Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router constructor public **setDI** (*unknown* $dependencyInjector) Sets the dependency injector public **getDI** () Returns the internal dependency injector public **setEventsManager** (*unknown* $eventsManager) Sets the events manager public **getEventsManager** () Returns the internal event manager public **getRewriteUri** () Get rewrite info. This info is read from $\_GET\[‘\_url'\]. This returns ‘/' if the rewrite information cannot be read public **setUriSource** (*unknown* $uriSource) Sets the URI source. One of the URI\_SOURCE\_\* constants ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $router->setUriSource(Router::URI_SOURCE_SERVER_REQUEST_URI); ``` ``` public **removeExtraSlashes** (*unknown* $remove) Set whether router must remove the extra slashes in the handled routes public **setDefaultNamespace** (*unknown* $namespaceName) Sets the name of the default namespace public **setDefaultModule** (*unknown* $moduleName) Sets the name of the default module public **setDefaultController** (*unknown* $controllerName) Sets the default controller name public **setDefaultAction** (*unknown* $actionName) Sets the default action name public **setDefaults** (*unknown* $defaults) Sets an array of default paths. If a route is missing a path the router will use the defined here This method must not be used to set a 404 route ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $router->setDefaults(array( 'module' => 'common', 'action' => 'index' )); ``` ``` public **getDefaults** () Returns an array of default parameters public **handle** (\[*unknown* $uri\]) Handles routing information received from the rewrite engine ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php //Read the info from the rewrite engine $router->handle(); //Manually passing an URL $router->handle('/posts/edit/1'); ``` ``` public **add** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $httpMethods\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router without any HTTP constraint ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php use Phalcon\Mvc\Router; $router->add('/about', 'About::index'); $router->add('/about', 'About::index', ['GET', 'POST']); $router->add('/about', 'About::index', ['GET', 'POST'], Router::POSITION_FIRST); ``` ``` public **addGet** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is GET public **addPost** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is POST public **addPut** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PUT public **addPatch** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PATCH public **addDelete** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is DELETE public **addOptions** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Add a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is OPTIONS public **addHead** (*unknown* $pattern, \[*unknown* $paths\], \[*unknown* $position\]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is HEAD public **mount** (*unknown* $group) Mounts a group of routes in the router public **notFound** (*unknown* $paths) Set a group of paths to be returned when none of the defined routes are matched public **clear** () Removes all the pre-defined routes public **getNamespaceName** () Returns the processed namespace name public **getModuleName** () Returns the processed module name public **getControllerName** () Returns the processed controller name public **getActionName** () Returns the processed action name public **getParams** () Returns the processed parameters public **getMatchedRoute** () Returns the route that matchs the handled URI public **getMatches** () Returns the sub expressions in the regular expression matched public **wasMatched** () Checks if the router macthes any of the defined routes public **getRoutes** () Returns all the routes defined in the router public **getRouteById** (*unknown* $id) Returns a route object by its id public **getRouteByName** (*unknown* $name) Returns a route object by its name public **isExactControllerName** () Returns whether controller name should not be mangled | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validator\Url") | - [API Indice](#) »