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# Class Phalcon\\Events\\Manager # Class **Phalcon\\Events\\Manager** *implements*[*Phalcon\\Events\\ManagerInterface*](#) Phalcon Events Manager, offers an easy way to intercept and manipulate, if needed, the normal flow of operation. With the EventsManager the developer can create hooks or plugins that will offer monitoring of data, manipulation, conditional execution and much more. ### Methods public **attach** (*string* $eventType, *object|callable* $handler, \[*int* $priority\]) Attach a listener to the events manager public **detach** (*string* $eventType, *object* $handler) Detach the listener from the events manager public **enablePriorities** (*unknown* $enablePriorities) Set if priorities are enabled in the EventsManager public **arePrioritiesEnabled** () Returns if priorities are enabled public **collectResponses** (*unknown* $collect) Tells the event manager if it needs to collect all the responses returned by every registered listener in a single fire public **isCollecting** () Check if the events manager is collecting all all the responses returned by every registered listener in a single fire public *array***getResponses** () Returns all the responses returned by every handler executed by the last ‘fire' executed public **detachAll** (\[*unknown* $type\]) Removes all events from the EventsManager public **dettachAll** (\[*unknown* $type\]) Alias of detachAll final public *mixed***fireQueue** (*SplPriorityQueue|array* $queue, [*Phalcon\\Events\\Event*](#) $event) Internal handler to call a queue of events public *mixed***fire** (*string* $eventType, *object* $source, \[*mixed* $data\], \[*boolean* $cancelable\]) Fires an event in the events manager causing the active listeners to be notified about it ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $eventsManager->fire('db', $connection); ``` ``` public **hasListeners** (*unknown* $type) Check whether certain type of event has listeners public *array***getListeners** (*string* $type) Returns all the attached listeners of a certain type | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Exception") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Events\Exception") | - [API Indice](#) »