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# Class Phalcon\\Assets\\Resource # Class **Phalcon\\Assets\\Resource** Represents an asset resource ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $resource = new \Phalcon\Assets\Resource('js', 'javascripts/jquery.js'); ``` ``` ### Methods public **getType** () ... public **getPath** () ... public **getLocal** () ... public **getFilter** () ... public **getAttributes** () ... public **getSourcePath** () ... public **getTargetPath** () ... public **getTargetUri** () ... public **\_\_construct** (*string* $type, *string* $path, \[*boolean* $local\], \[*boolean* $filter\], \[*array* $attributes\]) Phalcon\\Assets\\Resource constructor public **setType** (*unknown* $type) Sets the resource's type public **setPath** (*unknown* $path) Sets the resource's path public **setLocal** (*unknown* $local) Sets if the resource is local or external public **setFilter** (*unknown* $filter) Sets if the resource must be filtered or not public **setAttributes** (*unknown* $attributes) Sets extra HTML attributes public **setTargetUri** (*unknown* $targetUri) Sets a target uri for the generated HTML public **setSourcePath** (*unknown* $sourcePath) Sets the resource's source path public **setTargetPath** (*unknown* $targetPath) Sets the resource's target path public **getContent** (\[*unknown* $basePath\]) Returns the content of the resource as an string Optionally a base path where the resource is located can be set public **getRealTargetUri** () Returns the real target uri for the generated HTML public **getRealSourcePath** (\[*unknown* $basePath\]) Returns the complete location where the resource is located public **getRealTargetPath** (\[*unknown* $basePath\]) Returns the complete location where the resource must be written | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Assets\Resource\Css") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Assets\Manager") | - [API Indice](#) »