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# Class Phalcon\\Debug # Class **Phalcon\\Debug** Provides debug capabilities to Phalcon applications ### Methods public **setUri** (*unknown* $uri) Change the base URI for static resources public **setShowBackTrace** (*unknown* $showBackTrace) Sets if files the exception's backtrace must be showed public **setShowFiles** (*unknown* $showFiles) Set if files part of the backtrace must be shown in the output public **setShowFileFragment** (*unknown* $showFileFragment) Sets if files must be completely opened and showed in the output or just the fragment related to the exception public **listen** (\[*unknown* $exceptions\], \[*unknown* $lowSeverity\]) Listen for uncaught exceptions and unsilent notices or warnings public **listenExceptions** () Listen for uncaught exceptions public **listenLowSeverity** () Listen for unsilent notices or warnings public **halt** () Halts the request showing a backtrace public **debugVar** (*unknown* $varz, \[*unknown* $key\]) Adds a variable to the debug output public **clearVars** () Clears are variables added previously protected **\_escapeString** (*unknown* $value) Escapes a string with htmlentities protected **\_getArrayDump** (*unknown* $argument, \[*unknown* $n\]) Produces a recursive representation of an array protected **\_getVarDump** (*unknown* $variable) Produces an string representation of a variable public **getMajorVersion** () Returns the major framework's version public **getVersion** () Generates a link to the current version documentation public **getCssSources** () Returns the css sources public **getJsSources** () Returns the javascript sources final protected **showTraceItem** (*unknown* $n, *unknown* $trace) Shows a backtrace item public **onUncaughtLowSeverity** (*unknown* $severity, *unknown* $message, *unknown* $file, *unknown* $line) Throws an exception when a notice or warning is raised public **onUncaughtException** (*unknown* $exception) Handles uncaught exceptions | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Debug\Dump") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Db\Result\Pdo") | - [API Indice](#) »