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# Final class Phalcon\\Registry # Final class **Phalcon\\Registry** *implements* ArrayAccess, Countable, Iterator, Traversable A registry is a container for storing objects and values in the application space. By storing the value in a registry, the same object is always available throughout your application. ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $registry = new \Phalcon\Registry(); // Set value $registry->something = 'something'; // or $registry['something'] = 'something'; // Get value $value = $registry->something; // or $value = $registry['something']; // Check if the key exists $exists = isset($registry->something); // or $exists = isset($registry['something']); // Unset unset($registry->something); // or unset($registry['something']); In addition to ArrayAccess, Phalcon\\Registry also implements Countable (count($registry) will return the number of elements in the registry), Serializable and Iterator (you can iterate over the registry using a foreach loop) interfaces. For PHP 5.4 and higher, JsonSerializable interface is implemented. Phalcon\\Registry is very fast (it is typically faster than any userspace implementation of the registry); however, this comes at a price: Phalcon\\Registry is a final class and cannot be inherited from. Though Phalcon\\Registry exposes methods like __get(), offsetGet(), count() etc, it is not recommended to invoke them manually (these methods exist mainly to match the interfaces the registry implements): $registry->__get('property') is several times slower than $registry->property. Internally all the magic methods (and interfaces except JsonSerializable) are implemented using object handlers or similar techniques: this allows to bypass relatively slow method calls. ``` ``` ### Methods final public **\_\_construct** () Registry constructor final public **offsetExists** (*unknown* $offset) Checks if the element is present in the registry final public **offsetGet** (*unknown* $offset) Returns an index in the registry final public **offsetSet** (*unknown* $offset, *unknown* $value) Sets an element in the registry final public **offsetUnset** (*unknown* $offset) Unsets an element in the registry final public **count** () Checks how many elements are in the register final public **next** () Moves cursor to next row in the registry final public **key** () Gets pointer number of active row in the registry final public **rewind** () Rewinds the registry cursor to its beginning public **valid** () Checks if the iterator is valid public **current** () Obtains the current value in the internal iterator final public **\_\_set** (*unknown* $key, *unknown* $value) Sets an element in the registry final public **\_\_get** (*unknown* $key) Returns an index in the registry final public **\_\_isset** (*unknown* $key) ... final public **\_\_unset** (*unknown* $key) ... | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Security") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk\Job") | - [API Indice](#) »