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# 示例列表(List of examples) # 示例列表(List of examples) Following examples are full applications you can use to learn more about Phalcon and use them as base for your own websites/applications: [ Phalcon's website ](http://github.com/phalcon/website) [ INVO: CRUD, Acl, Layouts and more ](http://blog.phalconphp.com/post/20928554661/invo-a-sample-application) [ PHP Alternative website: Multi-Lingual, Complex Routing and more ](http://blog.phalconphp.com/post/24622423072/sample-application-php-alternative-site) [ Phosphorum: Phalcon's forum ](http://blog.phalconphp.com/post/41461000213/phosphorum-the-phalcons-forum) [ Album O'Rama: Large Data, Volt, PHQL and Caching and more ](http://blog.phalconphp.com/post/37515965262/sample-application-album-orama) [ Vkuró: Security, Authentication, Authorization and more ](http://blog.phalconphp.com/post/49450016172/sample-application-vokuro) | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "依赖注入与服务定位器(Dependency Injection/Service Location)") | - [上一页](# "教程 7:创建简单的 REST API(Tutorial 7: Creating a Simple REST API)") |