合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
# Class Phalcon\\Crypt # Class **Phalcon\\Crypt** *implements*[*Phalcon\\CryptInterface*](#) Provides encryption facilities to phalcon applications ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $crypt = new \Phalcon\Crypt(); $key = 'le password'; $text = 'This is a secret text'; $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt($text, $key); echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key); ``` ``` ### Constants *integer***PADDING\_DEFAULT** *integer***PADDING\_ANSI\_X\_923** *integer***PADDING\_PKCS7** *integer***PADDING\_ISO\_10126** *integer***PADDING\_ISO\_IEC\_7816\_4** *integer***PADDING\_ZERO** *integer***PADDING\_SPACE** ### Methods public **setPadding** (*int* $scheme) Changes the padding scheme used public **setCipher** (*unknown* $cipher) Sets the cipher algorithm public **getCipher** () Returns the current cipher public **setMode** (*unknown* $mode) Sets the encrypt/decrypt mode public **getMode** () Returns the current encryption mode public **setKey** (*unknown* $key) Sets the encryption key public **getKey** () Returns the encryption key protected **\_cryptPadText** (*unknown* $text, *unknown* $mode, *unknown* $blockSize, *unknown* $paddingType) Pads texts before encryption protected **\_cryptUnpadText** (*unknown* $text, *unknown* $mode, *unknown* $blockSize, *unknown* $paddingType) If the function detects that the text was not padded, it will return it unmodified public **encrypt** (*unknown* $text, \[*unknown* $key\]) Encrypts a text ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt("Ultra-secret text", "encrypt password"); ``` ``` public **decrypt** (*unknown* $text, \[*unknown* $key\]) Decrypts an encrypted text ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, "decrypt password"); ``` ``` public **encryptBase64** (*unknown* $text, \[*unknown* $key\], \[*unknown* $safe\]) Encrypts a text returning the result as a base64 string public **decryptBase64** (*unknown* $text, \[*unknown* $key\], \[*unknown* $safe\]) Decrypt a text that is coded as a base64 string public **getAvailableCiphers** () Returns a list of available cyphers public **getAvailableModes** () Returns a list of available modes | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Crypt\Exception") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Config\Exception") | - [API Indice](#) »