💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
# Class Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager # Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager** *implements*[*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ManagerInterface*](#), `Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface`, [*Phalcon\\Events\\EventsAwareInterface*](#) This components controls the initialization of models, keeping record of relations between the different models of the application. A ModelsManager is injected to a model via a Dependency Injector/Services Container such as Phalcon\\DI. ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php use Phalcon\DI; use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager as ModelsManager; $di = new DI(); $di->set('modelsManager', function() { return new ModelsManager(); }); $robot = new Robots($di); ``` ``` ### Methods public **setDI** (*unknown* $dependencyInjector) Sets the DependencyInjector container public **getDI** () Returns the DependencyInjector container public **setEventsManager** (*unknown* $eventsManager) Sets a global events manager public **getEventsManager** () Returns the internal event manager public **setCustomEventsManager** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $eventsManager) Sets a custom events manager for a specific model public **getCustomEventsManager** (*unknown* $model) Returns a custom events manager related to a model public **initialize** (*unknown* $model) Initializes a model in the model manager public **isInitialized** (*unknown* $modelName) Check whether a model is already initialized public **getLastInitialized** () Get last initialized model public **load** (*unknown* $modelName, \[*unknown* $newInstance\]) Loads a model throwing an exception if it doesn't exist public **setModelSource** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $source) Sets the mapped source for a model public **getModelSource** (*unknown* $model) Returns the mapped source for a model public **setModelSchema** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $schema) Sets the mapped schema for a model public **getModelSchema** (*unknown* $model) Returns the mapped schema for a model public **setConnectionService** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $connectionService) Sets both write and read connection service for a model public **setWriteConnectionService** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $connectionService) Sets write connection service for a model public **setReadConnectionService** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $connectionService) Sets read connection service for a model public **getReadConnection** (*unknown* $model) Returns the connection to read data related to a model public **getWriteConnection** (*unknown* $model) Returns the connection to write data related to a model protected **\_getConnection** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $connectionServices) Returns the connection to read or write data related to a model depending on the connection services. public **getReadConnectionService** (*unknown* $model) Returns the connection service name used to read data related to a model public **getWriteConnectionService** (*unknown* $model) Returns the connection service name used to write data related to a model public **\_getConnectionService** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $connectionServices) Returns the connection service name used to read or write data related to a model depending on the connection services public **notifyEvent** (*unknown* $eventName, *unknown* $model) Receives events generated in the models and dispatches them to a events-manager if available Notify the behaviors that are listening in the model public **missingMethod** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $eventName, *unknown* $data) Dispatch a event to the listeners and behaviors This method expects that the endpoint listeners/behaviors returns true meaning that a least one was implemented public **addBehavior** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $behavior) Binds a behavior to a model public **keepSnapshots** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $keepSnapshots) Sets if a model must keep snapshots public **isKeepingSnapshots** (*unknown* $model) Checks if a model is keeping snapshots for the queried records public **useDynamicUpdate** (*unknown* $model, *unknown* $dynamicUpdate) Sets if a model must use dynamic update instead of the all-field update public **isUsingDynamicUpdate** (*unknown* $model) Checks if a model is using dynamic update instead of all-field update public [*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Relation*](#)**addHasOne** ([*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model*](#) $model, *mixed* $fields, *string* $referencedModel, *mixed* $referencedFields, \[*array* $options\]) Setup a 1-1 relation between two models public [*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Relation*](#)**addBelongsTo** ([*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model*](#) $model, *mixed* $fields, *string* $referencedModel, *mixed* $referencedFields, \[*array* $options\]) Setup a relation reverse many to one between two models public **addHasMany** ([*Phalcon\\Mvc\\ModelInterface*](#) $model, *mixed* $fields, *string* $referencedModel, *mixed* $referencedFields, \[*array* $options\]) Setup a relation 1-n between two models public [*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Relation*](#)**addHasManyToMany** ([*Phalcon\\Mvc\\ModelInterface*](#) $model, *string* $fields, *string* $intermediateModel, *string* $intermediateFields, *string* $intermediateReferencedFields, *string* $referencedModel, *string* $referencedFields, \[*array* $options\]) Setups a relation n-m between two models public **existsBelongsTo** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation) Checks whether a model has a belongsTo relation with another model public **existsHasMany** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation) Checks whether a model has a hasMany relation with another model public **existsHasOne** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation) Checks whether a model has a hasOne relation with another model public **existsHasManyToMany** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation) Checks whether a model has a hasManyToMany relation with another model public **getRelationByAlias** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $alias) Returns a relation by its alias final protected **\_mergeFindParameters** (*unknown* $findParamsOne, *unknown* $findParamsTwo) Merge two arrays of find parameters public [*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Resultset\\Simple*](#)[|](#)[*Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Resultset\\Simple*](#)[|](#)false **getRelationRecords** (*unknown* $relation, *unknown* $method, *unknown* $record, \[*unknown* $parameters\]) Helper method to query records based on a relation definition public **getReusableRecords** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $key) Returns a reusable object from the internal list public **setReusableRecords** (*unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $key, *unknown* $records) Stores a reusable record in the internal list public **clearReusableObjects** () Clears the internal reusable list public **getBelongsToRecords** (*unknown* $method, *unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation, *unknown* $record, \[*unknown* $parameters\]) Gets belongsTo related records from a model public **getHasManyRecords** (*unknown* $method, *unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation, *unknown* $record, \[*unknown* $parameters\]) Gets hasMany related records from a model public **getHasOneRecords** (*unknown* $method, *unknown* $modelName, *unknown* $modelRelation, *unknown* $record, \[*unknown* $parameters\]) Gets belongsTo related records from a model public **getBelongsTo** (*unknown* $model) Gets all the belongsTo relations defined in a model ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $relations = $modelsManager->getBelongsTo(new Robots()); ``` ``` public **getHasMany** (*unknown* $model) Gets hasMany relations defined on a model public **getHasOne** (*unknown* $model) Gets hasOne relations defined on a model public **getHasManyToMany** (*unknown* $model) Gets hasManyToMany relations defined on a model public **getHasOneAndHasMany** (*unknown* $model) Gets hasOne relations defined on a model public **getRelations** (*unknown* $modelName) Query all the relationships defined on a model public **getRelationsBetween** (*unknown* $first, *unknown* $second) Query the first relationship defined between two models public **createQuery** (*unknown* $phql) Creates a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query without execute it public **executeQuery** (*unknown* $phql, \[*unknown* $placeholders\], \[*unknown* $types\]) Creates a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query and execute it public **createBuilder** (\[*unknown* $params\]) Creates a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\Builder public **getLastQuery** () Returns the last query created or executed in the models manager public **registerNamespaceAlias** (*unknown* $alias, *unknown* $namespaceName) Registers shorter aliases for namespaces in PHQL statements public **getNamespaceAlias** (*unknown* $alias) Returns a real namespace from its alias public **getNamespaceAliases** () Returns all the registered namespace aliases | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Message") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Exception") | - [API Indice](#) »