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# 重叠的连续子数组的 K 个最大和 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/k-maximum-sum-overlapping-contiguous-sub-arrays/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/k-maximum-sum-overlapping-contiguous-sub-arrays/) 给定一个整数数组和一个整数值`k`,找出`k`个最大和为`k`的子数组(可能重叠)。 **示例**: ``` Input : arr = {4, -8, 9, -4, 1, -8, -1, 6}, k = 4 Output : 9 6 6 5 Input : arr = {-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3}, k= 3 Output : 7 6 5 ``` 使用 [Kadane 的算法](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/),我们可以找到数组的最大连续子数组和。 但在[一些情况下](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/),Kadane 的算法不起作用。 当我们在数组中命中负数时,会将`max_ending_here`变量设置为零,因此我们错过了第二个最大值的可能性。 这里我们是由 [Sung Eun Bae 和 Tadao Takaoka](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1300488/) 提出的算法,该算法计算`O(n)`时间中的[最大子数组和问题](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/)和`O(k * n)`时间中的`k`个最大子数组和问题。 **首先,我们看一下使用这种方法的最大子数组和的问题**: **先决条件**: 1\. [前缀和数组](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/prefix-sum-array-implementation-applications-competitive-programming/) 2\. [使用前缀和](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-subarray-sum-using-prefix-sum/)的`O(n)`中最大子数组和。 **`k`个最大子数组的方法**: ``` 1\. Calculate the prefix sum of the input array. 2\. Take cand, maxi and mini as arrays of size k. 3\. Initialize mini[0] = 0 for the same reason as previous. 4\. for each value of the prefix_sum[i] do (i). update cand[j] value by prefix_sum[i] - mini[j] (ii). maxi will be the maximum k elements of maxi and cand (iii). if prefix_sum is minimum than all values of mini then include it in mini and remove maximum element form mini // After the ith iteration mini holds k minimum prefix sum upto // index i and maxi holds k maximum overlapping sub-array sums // upto index i. 5\. return maxi ``` 在整个计算方法中,我们将`maxi`保持不变,而`mini`则保持不变。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ program to find out k maximum sum of // overlapping sub-arrays #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <vector> using namespace std; // Function to compute prefix-sum of the input array vector<int> prefix_sum(vector<int> arr, int n) {     vector<int> pre_sum;     pre_sum.push_back(arr[0]);     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)          pre_sum.push_back(pre_sum[i - 1] + arr[i]);         return pre_sum; } // Update maxi by k maximum values from maxi and cand void maxMerge(vector<int>& maxi, vector<int> cand) {     // Here cand and maxi arrays are in non-increasing     // order beforehand. Now, j is the index of the     // next cand element and i is the index of next     // maxi element. Traverse through maxi array.     // If cand[j] > maxi[i] insert cand[j] at the ith     // position in the maxi array and remove the minimum     // element of the maxi array i.e. the last element     // and increase j by 1 i.e. take the next element     // from cand.     int k = maxi.size();     int j = 0;     for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {         if (cand[j] > maxi[i]) {             maxi.insert(maxi.begin() + i, cand[j]);             maxi.erase(maxi.begin() + k);             j += 1;         }     } } // Insert prefix_sum[i] to mini array if needed void insertMini(vector<int>& mini, int pre_sum) {     // Traverse the mini array from left to right.     // If prefix_sum[i] is less than any element     // then insert prefix_sum[i] at that position     // and delete maximum element of the mini array     // i.e. the rightmost element from the array.     int k = mini.size();     for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {         if (pre_sum < mini[i]) {             mini.insert(mini.begin() + i, pre_sum);             mini.erase(mini.begin() + k);             break;         }     } } // Function to compute k maximum overlapping sub- // array sums void kMaxOvSubArray(vector<int> arr, int k) {     int n = arr.size();     // Compute the prefix sum of the input array.     vector<int> pre_sum = prefix_sum(arr, n);     // Set all the elements of mini as +infinite     // except 0th. Set the 0th element as 0\.     vector<int> mini(k, numeric_limits<int>::max());     mini[0] = 0;     // Set all the elements of maxi as -infinite.     vector<int> maxi(k, numeric_limits<int>::min());     // Initialize cand array.     vector<int> cand(k);     // For each element of the prefix_sum array do:     // compute the cand array.     // take k maximum values from maxi and cand     // using maxmerge function.     // insert prefix_sum[i] to mini array if needed     // using insertMini function.     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {         for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {              if(pre_sum[i] < 0 && mini[j]==numeric_limits<int>::max())            cand[j]=(-pre_sum[i])-mini[j];          else cand[j] = pre_sum[i] - mini[j];         }         maxMerge(maxi, cand);         insertMini(mini, pre_sum[i]);     }     // Elements of maxi array is the k     // maximum overlapping sub-array sums.     // Print out the elements of maxi array.     for (int ele : maxi)         cout << ele << " ";     cout << endl; } // Driver Program int main() {     // Test case 1     vector<int> arr1 = { 4, -8, 9, -4, 1, -8, -1, 6 };     int k1 = 4;     kMaxOvSubArray(arr1, k1);     // Test case 2     vector<int> arr2 = { -2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3 };     int k2 = 3;     kMaxOvSubArray(arr2, k2);     return 0; } ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python program to find out k maximum sum of # overlapping sub-arrays # Function to compute prefix-sum of the input array def prefix_sum(arr, n):     pre_sum = list()     pre_sum.append(arr[0])     for i in range(1, n):         pre_sum.append(pre_sum[i-1] + arr[i])     return pre_sum # Update maxi by k maximum values from maxi and cand def maxMerge(maxi, cand):     # Here cand and maxi arrays are in non-increasing     # order beforehand. Now, j is the index of the     # next cand element and i is the index of next     # maxi element. Traverse through maxi array.     # If cand[j] > maxi[i] insert cand[j] at the ith     # position in the maxi array and remove the minimum     # element of the maxi array i.e. the last element     # and increase j by 1 i.e. take the next element     # from cand.     k = len(maxi)     j = 0     for i in range(k):         if (cand[j] > maxi[i]):             maxi.insert(i, cand[j])             del maxi[-1]             j += 1 # Insert prefix_sum[i] to mini array if needed def insertMini(mini, pre_sum):     # Traverse the mini array from left to right.     # If prefix_sum[i] is less than any element     # then insert prefix_sum[i] at that position     # and delete maximum element of the mini array     # i.e. the rightmost element from the array.     k = len(mini)     for i in range(k):         if (pre_sum < mini[i]):             mini.insert(i, pre_sum)             del mini[-1]             break # Function to compute k maximum overlapping sub-array sums def kMaxOvSubArray(arr, k):     n = len(arr)     # Compute the prefix sum of the input array.     pre_sum = prefix_sum(arr, n)     # Set all the elements of mini as + infinite     # except 0th. Set the 0th element as 0\.     mini = [float('inf') for i in range(k)]     mini[0] = 0     # Set all the elements of maxi as -infinite.     maxi = [-float('inf') for i in range(k)]     # Initialize cand array.     cand = [0 for i in range(k)]     # For each element of the prefix_sum array do:     # compute the cand array.     # take k maximum values from maxi and cand     # using maxmerge function.     # insert prefix_sum[i] to mini array if needed     # using insertMini function.     for i in range(n):         for j in range(k):             cand[j] = pre_sum[i] - mini[j]         maxMerge(maxi, cand)         insertMini(mini, pre_sum[i])     # Elements of maxi array is the k     # maximum overlapping sub-array sums.     # Print out the elements of maxi array.     for ele in maxi:         print(ele, end = ' ')     print('') # Driver Program # Test case 1 arr1 = [4, -8, 9, -4, 1, -8, -1, 6] k1 = 4 kMaxOvSubArray(arr1, k1) # Test case 2 arr2 = [-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3] k2 = 3 kMaxOvSubArray(arr2, k2) ``` **输出**: ``` 9 6 6 5 7 6 5 ``` **时间复杂度**:`insertMini`和`maxMerge`函数以`O(k)`时间运行,并且需要`O(k)`时间来更新`cand`数组。 我们执行此过程`n`次。 因此,总时间复杂度为`O(k * n)`。 * * * * * *