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# 在给定的按行排序的矩阵的所有行中找到一个公共元素 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-common-element-rows-row-wise-sorted-matrix/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-common-element-rows-row-wise-sorted-matrix/) 给定一个矩阵,其中每一行都按升序排序。 编写一个在所有行中查找并返回一个公共元素的函数。 如果没有公共元素,则返回-1。 **示例**: ``` Input: mat[4][5] = { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {2, 4, 5, 8, 10}, {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, }; Output: 5 ``` 一个 **O(m * n * n)简单解决方案**是采用第一行的每个元素并在所有其他行中进行搜索,直到找到一个公共元素。 该解决方案的时间复杂度为 O(m * n * n),其中 m 是给定矩阵中的行数,n 是列数。 如果我们使用[二分搜索](http://geeksquiz.com/binary-search/)而不是线性搜索,则可以将其改进为 O(m * n * Logn)。 我们可以使用类似于[合并排序](http://geeksquiz.com/merge-sort/)的合并方法在 O(mn)时间中解决此问题**。 这个想法是从每一行的最后一列开始。 如果所有最后一列的元素都相同,那么我们找到了公共元素。 否则,我们找到所有最后一列中的最小值。 找到最小元素后,我们知道最后一列中的所有其他元素不能成为公共元素,因此我们会减少所有行的最后一列索引,除了具有最小值的行。 我们一直重复这些步骤,直到当前最后一列的所有元素都不相同,或者最后一列的索引达到 0。** 以下是上述想法的实现。 ## C++ ```cpp // A C++ program to find a common element in all rows of a // row wise sorted array #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Specify number of rows and columns #define M 4 #define N 5 // Returns common element in all rows of mat[M][N]. If there is no // common element, then -1 is returned int findCommon(int mat[M][N]) {     // An array to store indexes of current last column     int column[M];     int min_row; // To store index of row whose current     // last element is minimum     // Initialize current last element of all rows     int i;     for (i = 0; i < M; i++)         column[i] = N - 1;     min_row = 0; // Initialize min_row as first row     // Keep finding min_row in current last column, till either     // all elements of last column become same or we hit first column.     while (column[min_row] >= 0) {         // Find minimum in current last column         for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {             if (mat[i][column[i]] < mat[min_row][column[min_row]])                 min_row = i;         }         // eq_count is count of elements equal to minimum in current last         // column.         int eq_count = 0;         // Traverse current last column elements again to update it         for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {             // Decrease last column index of a row whose value is more             // than minimum.             if (mat[i][column[i]] > mat[min_row][column[min_row]]) {                 if (column[i] == 0)                     return -1;                 column[i] -= 1; // Reduce last column index by 1             }             else                 eq_count++;         }         // If equal count becomes M, return the value         if (eq_count == M)             return mat[min_row][column[min_row]];     }     return -1; } // Driver Code int main() {     int mat[M][N] = {         { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },         { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },         { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },         { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 },     };     int result = findCommon(mat);     if (result == -1)         cout << "No common element";     else         cout << "Common element is " << result;     return 0; } // This code is contributed // by Akanksha Rai ``` ## C ``` // A C program to find a common element in all rows of a // row wise sorted array #include <stdio.h> // Specify number of rows and columns #define M 4 #define N 5 // Returns common element in all rows of mat[M][N]. If there is no // common element, then -1 is returned int findCommon(int mat[M][N]) {     // An array to store indexes of current last column     int column[M];     int min_row; // To store index of row whose current     // last element is minimum     // Initialize current last element of all rows     int i;     for (i = 0; i < M; i++)         column[i] = N - 1;     min_row = 0; // Initialize min_row as first row     // Keep finding min_row in current last column, till either     // all elements of last column become same or we hit first column.     while (column[min_row] >= 0) {         // Find minimum in current last column         for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {             if (mat[i][column[i]] < mat[min_row][column[min_row]])                 min_row = i;         }         // eq_count is count of elements equal to minimum in current last         // column.         int eq_count = 0;         // Traverse current last column elements again to update it         for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {             // Decrease last column index of a row whose value is more             // than minimum.             if (mat[i][column[i]] > mat[min_row][column[min_row]]) {                 if (column[i] == 0)                     return -1;                 column[i] -= 1; // Reduce last column index by 1             }             else                 eq_count++;         }         // If equal count becomes M, return the value         if (eq_count == M)             return mat[min_row][column[min_row]];     }     return -1; } // driver program to test above function int main() {     int mat[M][N] = {         { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },         { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },         { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },         { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 },     };     int result = findCommon(mat);     if (result == -1)         printf("No common element");     else         printf("Common element is %d", result);     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // A Java program to find a common // element in all rows of a // row wise sorted array class GFG {     // Specify number of rows and columns     static final int M = 4;     static final int N = 5;     // Returns common element in all rows     // of mat[M][N]. If there is no     // common element, then -1 is     // returned     static int findCommon(int mat[][])     {         // An array to store indexes         // of current last column         int column[] = new int[M];         // To store index of row whose current         // last element is minimum         int min_row;         // Initialize current last element of all rows         int i;         for (i = 0; i < M; i++)             column[i] = N - 1;         // Initialize min_row as first row         min_row = 0;         // Keep finding min_row in current last column, till either         // all elements of last column become same or we hit first column.         while (column[min_row] >= 0) {             // Find minimum in current last column             for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {                 if (mat[i][column[i]] < mat[min_row][column[min_row]])                     min_row = i;             }             // eq_count is count of elements equal to minimum in current last             // column.             int eq_count = 0;             // Traverse current last column elements again to update it             for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {                 // Decrease last column index of a row whose value is more                 // than minimum.                 if (mat[i][column[i]] > mat[min_row][column[min_row]]) {                     if (column[i] == 0)                         return -1;                     // Reduce last column index by 1                     column[i] -= 1;                 }                 else                     eq_count++;             }             // If equal count becomes M,             // return the value             if (eq_count == M)                 return mat[min_row][column[min_row]];         }         return -1;     }     // Driver code     public static void main(String[] args)     {         int mat[][] = { { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },                         { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },                         { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },                         { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } };         int result = findCommon(mat);         if (result == -1)             System.out.print("No common element");         else             System.out.print("Common element is " + result);     } } // This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal. ``` ## Python 3 ``` # Python 3 program to find a common element  # in all rows of a row wise sorted array # Specify number of rows  # and columns M = 4 N = 5 # Returns common element in all rows  # of mat[M][N]. If there is no common  # element, then -1 is returned def findCommon(mat):     # An array to store indexes of      # current last column     column = [N - 1] * M     min_row = 0 # Initialize min_row as first row     # Keep finding min_row in current last      # column, till either all elements of      # last column become same or we hit first column.     while (column[min_row] >= 0):         # Find minimum in current last column         for i in range(M):             if (mat[i][column[i]] <                  mat[min_row][column[min_row]]):                 min_row = i         # eq_count is count of elements equal          # to minimum in current last column.         eq_count = 0         # Traverse current last column elements         # again to update it         for i in range(M):             # Decrease last column index of a row              # whose value is more than minimum.             if (mat[i][column[i]] >                  mat[min_row][column[min_row]]):                 if (column[i] == 0):                     return -1                 column[i] -= 1 # Reduce last column                                # index by 1             else:                 eq_count += 1         # If equal count becomes M, return the value         if (eq_count == M):             return mat[min_row][column[min_row]]     return -1 # Driver Code if __name__ == "__main__":     mat = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],            [2, 4, 5, 8, 10],            [3, 5, 7, 9, 11],            [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]]     result = findCommon(mat)     if (result == -1):         print("No common element")     else:         print("Common element is", result) # This code is contributed by ita_c ``` ## C# ```cs // A C# program to find a common // element in all rows of a // row wise sorted array using System; class GFG {     // Specify number of rows and columns     static int M = 4;     static int N = 5;     // Returns common element in all rows     // of mat[M][N]. If there is no     // common element, then -1 is     // returned     static int findCommon(int[, ] mat)     {         // An array to store indexes         // of current last column         int[] column = new int[M];         // To store index of row whose         // current last element is minimum         int min_row;         // Initialize current last element         // of all rows         int i;         for (i = 0; i < M; i++)             column[i] = N - 1;         // Initialize min_row as first row         min_row = 0;         // Keep finding min_row in current         // last column, till either all         // elements of last column become         // same or we hit first column.         while (column[min_row] >= 0) {             // Find minimum in current             // last column             for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {                 if (mat[i, column[i]] < mat[min_row, column[min_row]])                     min_row = i;             }             // eq_count is count of elements             // equal to minimum in current             // last column.             int eq_count = 0;             // Traverse current last column             // elements again to update it             for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {                 // Decrease last column index                 // of a row whose value is more                 // than minimum.                 if (mat[i, column[i]] > mat[min_row, column[min_row]]) {                     if (column[i] == 0)                         return -1;                     // Reduce last column index                     // by 1                     column[i] -= 1;                 }                 else                     eq_count++;             }             // If equal count becomes M,             // return the value             if (eq_count == M)                 return mat[min_row,                            column[min_row]];         }         return -1;     }     // Driver code     public static void Main()     {         int[, ] mat = { { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },                         { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },                         { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },                         { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } };         int result = findCommon(mat);         if (result == -1)             Console.Write("No common element");         else             Console.Write("Common element is "                           + result);     } } // This code is contributed by Sam007\. ``` **输出**: ``` Common element is 5 ``` **以上代码** 的工作解释让我们理解以下示例的上述代码的工作。 最后一列数组中的初始条目为 N-1,即{4,4,4,4} {1,2,3,4, **5** }, {2,4 、、 5、8, **10** }, {3、5、7、9, **11** }, {1、3、5、7, **9** }, min_row 的值为 0,因此值大于 5 的行的最后一列索引的值将减少 1。 因此 column []变为{4,3,3,3}。 {1,2,3,4, **5** }, {2,4,5, **8** ,10}, {3,5, 7, **9** ,11}, {1,3,5, **7** ,9}, min_row 的值保持为 0,值大于 5 的行的最后一列索引的值减小 1。 因此 column []变为{4,2,2,2}。 {1,2,3,4, **5** }, {2,4, **5** ,8,10}, {3,5, **7** ,9、11}, {1、3, **5** ,7、9}, min_row 的值保持为 0,值大于 5 的行的最后一列索引的值减小 1。 因此 colomun []变为{4,2,1,2}。 {1,2,3,4, **5** }, {2,4, **5** ,8,10}, {3, **5** ,7、9、11}, {1、3, **5** ,7、9}, 现在,所有行的当前最后一列中的所有值都相同,因此返回 5。 **基于哈希的解决方案** 我们也可以使用哈希。 即使未对行进行排序,此解决方案也有效。 它可用于打印所有常见元素。 ``` Step1: Create a Hash Table with all key as distinct elements of row1\. Value for all these will be 0. Step2: For i = 1 to M-1 For j = 0 to N-1 If (mat[i][j] is already present in Hash Table) If (And this is not a repetition in current row. This can be checked by comparing HashTable value with row number) Update the value of this key in HashTable with current row number Step3: Iterate over HashTable and print all those keys for which value = M ``` ## C++ ``` // C++ implementation of the approach #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Specify number of rows and columns #define M 4 #define N 5 // Returns common element in all rows of mat[M][N]. If there is no // common element, then -1 is returned int findCommon(int mat[M][N]) {     // A hash map to store count of elements     unordered_map<int, int> cnt;     int i, j;     for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {         // Increment the count of first         // element of the row         cnt[mat[i][0]]++;         // Starting from the second element         // of the current row         for (j = 1; j < N; j++) {             // If current element is different from             // the previous element i.e. it is appearing             // for the first time in the current row             if (mat[i][j] != mat[i][j - 1])                 cnt[mat[i][j]]++;         }     }     // Find element having count equal to number of rows     for (auto ele : cnt) {         if (ele.second == M)             return ele.first;     }     // No such element found     return -1; } // Driver Code int main() {     int mat[M][N] = {         { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },         { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },         { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },         { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 },     };     int result = findCommon(mat);     if (result == -1)         cout << "No common element";     else         cout << "Common element is " << result;     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java implementation of the approach import java.util.*; class GFG  { // Specify number of rows and columns static int M = 4; static int N = 5; // Returns common element in all rows of mat[M][N]. // If there is no common element, then -1 is returned static int findCommon(int mat[][]) {     // A hash map to store count of elements     HashMap<Integer,              Integer> cnt = new HashMap<Integer,                                         Integer>();     int i, j;     for (i = 0; i < M; i++)      {         // Increment the count of first         // element of the row         if(cnt.containsKey(mat[i][0]))         {             cnt.put(mat[i][0],              cnt.get(mat[i][0]) + 1);         }         else         {             cnt.put(mat[i][0], 1);         }         // Starting from the second element         // of the current row         for (j = 1; j < N; j++)          {             // If current element is different from             // the previous element i.e. it is appearing             // for the first time in the current row             if (mat[i][j] != mat[i][j - 1])                 if(cnt.containsKey(mat[i][j]))                 {                     cnt.put(mat[i][j],                      cnt.get(mat[i][j]) + 1);                 }                 else                 {                     cnt.put(mat[i][j], 1);                 }         }     }     // Find element having count      // equal to number of rows     for (Map.Entry<Integer,                     Integer> ele : cnt.entrySet())     {         if (ele.getValue() == M)             return ele.getKey();     }     // No such element found     return -1; } // Driver Code public static void main(String[] args)  {     int mat[][] = {{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },                    { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },                    { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },                    { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }};     int result = findCommon(mat);     if (result == -1)         System.out.println("No common element");     else         System.out.println("Common element is " + result);     } } // This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji ``` ## Python ``` # Python3 implementation of the approach from collections import defaultdict # Specify number of rows and columns M = 4 N = 5 # Returns common element in all rows of # mat[M][N]. If there is no # common element, then -1 is returned def findCommon(mat):     global M     global N     # A hash map to store count of elements     cnt = dict()     cnt = defaultdict(lambda: 0, cnt)     i = 0     j = 0     while (i < M ):          # Increment the count of first         # element of the row         cnt[mat[i][0]] = cnt[mat[i][0]] + 1         j = 1         # Starting from the second element         # of the current row         while (j < N ) :             # If current element is different from             # the previous element i.e. it is appearing             # for the first time in the current row             if (mat[i][j] != mat[i][j - 1]):                 cnt[mat[i][j]] = cnt[mat[i][j]] + 1             j = j + 1         i = i + 1     # Find element having count equal to number of rows     for ele in cnt:         if (cnt[ele] == M):             return ele     # No such element found     return -1 # Driver Code mat = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],         [2, 4, 5, 8, 10],         [3, 5, 7, 9, 11],         [1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ],] result = findCommon(mat) if (result == -1):     print("No common element") else:     print("Common element is ", result) # This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu ``` ## C# ``` // C# implementation of the approach using System; using System.Collections.Generic;  class GFG  { // Specify number of rows and columns static int M = 4; static int N = 5; // Returns common element in all rows of mat[M,N]. // If there is no common element, then -1 is returned static int findCommon(int [,]mat) {     // A hash map to store count of elements     Dictionary<int,                int> cnt = new Dictionary<int,                                           int>();     int i, j;     for (i = 0; i < M; i++)      {         // Increment the count of first         // element of the row         if(cnt.ContainsKey(mat[i, 0]))         {             cnt[mat[i, 0]]= cnt[mat[i, 0]] + 1;         }         else         {             cnt.Add(mat[i, 0], 1);         }         // Starting from the second element         // of the current row         for (j = 1; j < N; j++)          {             // If current element is different from             // the previous element i.e. it is appearing             // for the first time in the current row             if (mat[i, j] != mat[i, j - 1])                 if(cnt.ContainsKey(mat[i, j]))                 {                     cnt[mat[i, j]]= cnt[mat[i, j]] + 1;                 }                 else                 {                     cnt.Add(mat[i, j], 1);                 }         }     }     // Find element having count      // equal to number of rows     foreach(KeyValuePair<int, int> ele in cnt)     {         if (ele.Value == M)             return ele.Key;     }     // No such element found     return -1; } // Driver Code public static void Main(String[] args)  {     int [,]mat = {{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },                   { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 },                   { 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 },                   { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }};     int result = findCommon(mat);     if (result == -1)         Console.WriteLine("No common element");     else         Console.WriteLine("Common element is " + result);     } }  // This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar ``` **输出**: ``` Common element is 5 ``` 在哈希表中进行搜索和插入需要`O(1)`时间的假设下,上述基于哈希的解决方案的时间复杂度为 O(MN)。 感谢 Nishant 在下面的评论中建议此解决方案。 **练习**:给定 n 个大小为 m 的已排序数组,请在 O(mn)时间内找到所有数组中的所有公共元素。