💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
# 排除某些元素的最大子数组总和 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-subarray-sum-excluding-certain-elements/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-subarray-sum-excluding-certain-elements/) 给定 n 个整数的 A 数组和 m 个整数的 B 数组,找到数组 A 的最大连续子数组总和,以使该子数组中不存在数组 B 的任何元素 **示例**: > 输入:A = {1,7,-10,6,2},B = {5,6,7,1} > 输出:2 > **说明** A 不允许在数组 B 中存在任何元素。 > 满足此条件的最大和子数组为 **{2}** ,因为唯一允许的子数组为:{-10}和{2}。 最大和子数组为{2},总计为 2 > > 输入:A = {3,4,5,-4,6},B = {1,8,5} > 输出:7 > > **说明** > 满足此要求的最大和子数组为 **{3,4}** ,因为唯一允许的子数组为{3},{4},{3、4},{- 4},{6},{-4、6}。 最大和子数组为{3,4},总计为 7 **方法 1(O(n * m)方法)**: 我们可以使用 [Kadane 算法](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/)解决此问题。 由于我们不希望数组 B 的任何元素成为 A 的任何子数组的一部分,因此我们需要对经典的 Kadane 算法进行一些修改。 每当我们考虑 Kadane 算法中的元素时,我们要么扩展当前子数组,要么开始一个新的子数组。 ``` curr_max = max(a[i], curr_max+a[i]); if (curr_max < 0) curr_max = 0 ``` 现在,在这个问题中,当我们考虑任何元素时,我们通过在数组 B 中线性搜索[进行检查,如果该元素存在于 B 中,则将 curr_max 设置为零,这意味着在该索引处我们考虑的所有子数组 到这一点将结束,并且不会进一步扩展,因为无法形成其他连续数组,即](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/linear-search/) > 如果 B 中存在 A <sub>i</sub> ,则无法进一步扩展 A 中从 0 到(i – 1)的所有子数组,因为第 i <sup>个</sup>元素永远不会包含在任何子数组中 如果数组 A 的当前元素不是数组 B 的一部分,我们将继续使用 Kadane 算法,并跟踪 max_so_far。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ Program to find max subarray // sum excluding some elements #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to check the element  // present in array B bool isPresent(int B[], int m, int x) {     for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)         if (B[i] == x)             return true;     return false; } // Utility function for findMaxSubarraySum() // with the following parameters  // A => Array A, // B => Array B, // n => Number of elements in Array A, // m => Number of elements in Array B  int findMaxSubarraySumUtil(int A[], int B[],                         int n, int m) {     // set max_so_far to INT_MIN     int max_so_far = INT_MIN, curr_max = 0;     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {         // if the element is present in B,          // set current max to 0 and move to          // the next element */         if (isPresent(B, m, A[i])) {             curr_max = 0;             continue;         }         // Proceed as in Kadane's Algorithm          curr_max = max(A[i], curr_max + A[i]);         max_so_far = max(max_so_far, curr_max);     }     return max_so_far; } // Wrapper for findMaxSubarraySumUtil()  void findMaxSubarraySum(int A[], int B[],                         int n, int m) {     int maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B,                                                 n, m);     // This case will occour when all elements     // of A are present in B, thus     // no subarray can be formed      if (maxSubarraySum == INT_MIN) {         cout << "Maximum Subarray Sum cant be found"              << endl;     }     else {         cout << "The Maximum Subarray Sum = "             << maxSubarraySum << endl;     } } // Driver Code int main() {     int A[] = { 3, 4, 5, -4, 6 };     int B[] = { 1, 8, 5 };     int n = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);     int m = sizeof(B) / sizeof(B[0]);     // Calling function     findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m);     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java Program to find max subarray // sum excluding some elements import java.io.*; class GFG {     // Function to check the element      // present in array B     static boolean isPresent(int B[],                             int m,                             int x)     {         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)             if (B[i] == x)                 return true;         return false;     }     // Utility function for findMaxSubarraySum()     // with the following parameters     // A => Array A,     // B => Array B,     // n => Number of elements in Array A,     // m => Number of elements in Array B     static int findMaxSubarraySumUtil(int A[], int B[],                                       int n, int m)     {         // set max_so_far to INT_MIN         int max_so_far = -2147483648, curr_max = 0;         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {             // if the element is present in B,             // set current max to 0 and move to             // the next element             if (isPresent(B, m, A[i])) {                 curr_max = 0;                 continue;             }             // Proceed as in Kadane's Algorithm             curr_max = Math.max(A[i], curr_max + A[i]);             max_so_far = Math.max(max_so_far, curr_max);         }         return max_so_far;     }     // Wrapper for findMaxSubarraySumUtil()     static void findMaxSubarraySum(int A[], int B[],                                    int n, int m)     {         int maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B,                                                     n, m);         // This case will occour when all         // elements of A are present         // in B, thus no subarray can be formed         if (maxSubarraySum == -2147483648) {                         System.out.println("Maximum Subarray Sum"                                         + " " + "can't be found");         }         else {             System.out.println("The Maximum Subarray Sum = "                                 + maxSubarraySum);         }     }     // Driver code     public static void main(String[] args)     {         int A[] = { 3, 4, 5, -4, 6 };         int B[] = { 1, 8, 5 };         int n = A.length;         int m = B.length;         // Calling Function         findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m);     } } // This code is contributed by Ajit. ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python Program to find max  # subarray sum excluding some # elements  # Function to check the element  # present in array B  INT_MIN = -2147483648 def isPresent(B, m, x):     for i in range(0, m):         if B[i] == x:             return True     return False # Utility function for findMaxSubarraySum()  # with the following parameters  # A => Array A,  # B => Array B,  # n => Number of elements in Array A,  # m => Number of elements in Array B  def findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B, n, m):      #set max_so_far to INT_MIN     max_so_far = INT_MIN     curr_max = 0     for i in range(0, n):         if isPresent(B, m, A[i]) == True:             curr_max = 0             continue         # Proceed as in Kadane's Algorithm         curr_max = max(A[i], curr_max + A[i])         max_so_far = max(max_so_far, curr_max)     return max_so_far # Wrapper for findMaxSubarraySumUtil() def findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m):     maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B, n, m)     # This case will occour when all       # elements of A are present      # in B, thus no subarray can be      # formed      if maxSubarraySum == INT_MIN:         print('Maximum Subarray Sum cant be found')     else:         print('The Maximum Subarray Sum =',                              maxSubarraySum) # Driver code A = [3, 4, 5, -4, 6 ] B = [ 1, 8, 5 ] n = len(A) m = len(B) # Calling function  findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m) # This code is contributed # by sahil shelangia ``` ## C# ```cs // C# Program to find max subarray // sum excluding some elements using System; class GFG {     // Function to check the element      // present in array B     static bool isPresent(int[] B, int m,                                     int x)     {         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)             if (B[i] == x)                 return true;         return false;     }     // Utility function for findMaxSubarraySum()     // with the following parameters     // A => Array A,     // B => Array B,     // n => Number of elements in Array A,     // m => Number of elements in Array B     static int findMaxSubarraySumUtil(int[] A, int[] B,                                       int n, int m)     {         // set max_so_far to INT_MIN         int max_so_far = -2147483648, curr_max = 0;         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {             // if the element is present in B,             // set current max to 0 and move to             // the next element             if (isPresent(B, m, A[i])) {                 curr_max = 0;                 continue;             }             // Proceed as in Kadane's Algorithm             curr_max = Math.Max(A[i], curr_max + A[i]);             max_so_far = Math.Max(max_so_far, curr_max);         }         return max_so_far;     }     // Wrapper for findMaxSubarraySumUtil()     static void findMaxSubarraySum(int[] A, int[] B,                                     int n, int m)     {         int maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B,                                                     n, m);         // This case will occour when all         // elements of A are present         // in B, thus no subarray can be formed         if (maxSubarraySum == -2147483648)         {             Console.Write("Maximum Subarray Sum"                            + " " + "can't be found");         }         else          {             Console.Write("The Maximum Subarray Sum = "                            + maxSubarraySum);         }     }     // Driver Code     static public void Main ()     {         int[] A = {3, 4, 5, -4, 6};         int[] B = {1, 8, 5};         int n = A.Length;         int m = B.Length;         // Calling Function         findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m);     } } // This code is contributed by Shrikant13\. ``` ## PHP ```php <?php // PHP Program to find max subarray // sum excluding some elements // Function to check the element  // present in array B function isPresent($B, $m, $x) {     for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++)         if ($B[$i] == $x)             return true;     return false; } // Utility function for  // findMaxSubarraySum()  // with the following  // parameters  // A => Array A, // B => Array B, // n => Number of elements //      in Array A, // m => Number of elements  //      in Array B  function findMaxSubarraySumUtil($A, $B,                                 $n, $m) {     // set max_so_far     // to INT_MIN     $max_so_far = PHP_INT_MIN;     $curr_max = 0;     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)      {         // if the element is present          // in B, set current max to          // 0 and move to the next          // element          if (isPresent($B, $m, $A[$i]))         {             $curr_max = 0;             continue;         }         // Proceed as in         // Kadane's Algorithm          $curr_max = max($A[$i],          $curr_max + $A[$i]);         $max_so_far = max($max_so_far,                            $curr_max);     }     return $max_so_far; } // Wrapper for  // findMaxSubarraySumUtil()  function findMaxSubarraySum($A, $B,                             $n, $m) {     $maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil($A, $B,                                              $n, $m);     // This case will occour      // when all elements of      // A are present in     // B, thus no subarray      // can be formed      if ($maxSubarraySum == PHP_INT_MIN)      {         echo ("Maximum Subarray " .              "Sum cant be found\n");     }     else      {         echo ("The Maximum Subarray Sum = ".                       $maxSubarraySum. "\n");     } } // Driver Code $A = array(3, 4, 5, -4, 6); $B = array(1, 8, 5); $n = count($A); $m = count($B); // Calling function findMaxSubarraySum($A, $B, $n, $m); // This code is contributed by  // Manish Shaw(manishshaw1) ?> ``` **输出**: ``` The Maximum Subarray Sum = 7 ``` 这种方法的时间复杂度为 O(n * m) **方法 2(O((n + m)* log(m))方法)** 该方法背后的主要思想与方法 1 完全相同。 使用 [**二分搜索**](http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/binary-search/) ,可以更快地使用数组 B 中的数组 A 的元素。 ## C++ ``` // C++ Program to find max subarray  // sum excluding some elements #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Utility function for findMaxSubarraySum() // with the following parameters  // A => Array A, // B => Array B, // n => Number of elements in Array A, // m => Number of elements in Array B  int findMaxSubarraySumUtil(int A[], int B[],                            int n, int m) {     // set max_so_far to INT_MIN     int max_so_far = INT_MIN, curr_max = 0;     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {         // if the element is present in B,          // set current max to 0 and move to         // the next element          if (binary_search(B, B + m, A[i])) {             curr_max = 0;             continue;         }         // Proceed as in Kadane's Algorithm          curr_max = max(A[i], curr_max + A[i]);         max_so_far = max(max_so_far, curr_max);     }     return max_so_far; } // Wrapper for findMaxSubarraySumUtil() void findMaxSubarraySum(int A[], int B[],                          int n, int m) {     // sort array B to apply Binary Search     sort(B, B + m);     int maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B,                                                  n, m);     // This case will occour when all elements     // of A are present in B, thus no subarray      // can be formed      if (maxSubarraySum == INT_MIN) {         cout << "Maximum subarray sum cant be found"             << endl;     }     else {         cout << "The Maximum subarray sum = "              << maxSubarraySum << endl;     } } // Driver Code int main() {     int A[] = { 3, 4, 5, -4, 6 };     int B[] = { 1, 8, 5 };     int n = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);     int m = sizeof(B) / sizeof(B[0]);     // Calling fucntion     findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m);     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java Program to find max subarray  // sum excluding some elements import java.util.*; class GFG  {     // Utility function for findMaxSubarraySum()     // with the following parameters      // A => Array A,     // B => Array B,     // n => Number of elements in Array A,     // m => Number of elements in Array B      static int findMaxSubarraySumUtil(int A[], int B[],                                         int n, int m)      {         // set max_so_far to INT_MIN         int max_so_far = Integer.MIN_VALUE, curr_max = 0;         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)          {             // if the element is present in B,              // set current max to 0 and move to             // the next element              if (Arrays.binarySearch(B, A[i]) >= 0)              {                 curr_max = 0;                 continue;             }             // Proceed as in Kadane's Algorithm              curr_max = Math.max(A[i], curr_max + A[i]);             max_so_far = Math.max(max_so_far, curr_max);         }         return max_so_far;     }     // Wrapper for findMaxSubarraySumUtil()     static void findMaxSubarraySum(int A[], int B[],                                         int n, int m)      {         // sort array B to apply Binary Search         Arrays.sort(B);         int maxSubarraySum = findMaxSubarraySumUtil(A, B,                 n, m);         // This case will occour when all elements         // of A are present in B, thus no subarray          // can be formed          if (maxSubarraySum == Integer.MIN_VALUE)          {             System.out.println("Maximum subarray sum cant be found");         }          else          {             System.out.println("The Maximum subarray sum = "                     + maxSubarraySum);         }     }     // Driver Code     public static void main(String[] args)      {         int A[] = {3, 4, 5, -4, 6};         int B[] = {1, 8, 5};         int n = A.length;         int m = B.length;         // Calling fucntion         findMaxSubarraySum(A, B, n, m);     } } // This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar ``` **输出**: ``` The Maximum subarray sum = 7 ``` 此方法的时间复杂度为 O(nlog(m)+ mlog(m))或 O((n + m)log(m))。 注意:mlog(m)因子归因于对数组 B 的排序。 * * * * * *