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# 从给定的二叉树构造祖先矩阵 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/construct-ancestor-matrix-from-a-given-binary-tree/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/construct-ancestor-matrix-from-a-given-binary-tree/) 给定一个二叉树,其中所有值都从 **0** 到 **n-1** 。 构造祖先矩阵 **mat [n] [n]** 。 祖先矩阵定义如下。 ``` mat[i][j] = 1 if i is ancestor of j mat[i][j] = 0, otherwise ``` **示例**: ``` Input: Root of below Binary Tree. 0 / \ 1 2 Output: 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Input: Root of below Binary Tree. 5 / \ 1 2 / \ / 0 4 3 Output: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 ``` **我们强烈建议您最小化浏览器,然后自己尝试。** **方法 1** 这个想法是遍历这棵树。 遍历时,请跟踪数组中的祖先。 当我们访问一个节点时,将其添加到祖先数组中,并考虑邻接矩阵中的相应行。 我们将其行中的所有祖先标记为 1。一旦处理完一个节点及其所有子节点,便从祖先数组中删除该节点。 以下是上述想法的实现。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ program to construct ancestor matrix for // given tree. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define MAX 100 /* A binary tree node */ struct Node {     int data;     Node *left, *right; }; // Creating a global boolean matrix for simplicity bool mat[MAX][MAX]; // anc[] stores all ancestors of current node.  This // function fills ancestors for all nodes. // It also returns size of tree.  Size of tree is // used to print ancestor matrix. int ancestorMatrixRec(Node *root, vector<int> &anc) {     /* base case */     if (root == NULL) return 0;;     // Update all ancestors of current node     int data = root->data;     for (int i=0; i<anc.size(); i++)        mat[anc[i]][data] = true;     // Push data to list of ancestors     anc.push_back(data);     // Traverse left and right subtrees     int l = ancestorMatrixRec(root->left, anc);     int r = ancestorMatrixRec(root->right, anc);     // Remove data from list the list of ancestors     // as all descendants of it are processed now.     anc.pop_back();     return l+r+1; } // This function mainly calls ancestorMatrixRec() void ancestorMatrix(Node *root) {     // Create an empty ancestor array     vector<int> anc;     // Fill ancestor matrix and find size of     // tree.     int n = ancestorMatrixRec(root, anc);     // Print the filled values     for (int i=0; i<n; i++)     {         for (int j=0; j<n; j++)             cout << mat[i][j] << " ";         cout << endl;     } } /* Helper function to create a new node */ Node* newnode(int data) {     Node* node = new Node;     node->data = data;     node->left = node->right = NULL;     return (node); } /* Driver program to test above functions*/ int main() {     /* Construct the following binary tree                 5               /   \             1      2           /  \    /          0    4  3    */     Node *root        = newnode(5);     root->left        = newnode(1);     root->right       = newnode(2);     root->left->left  = newnode(0);     root->left->right = newnode(4);     root->right->left = newnode(3);     ancestorMatrix(root);     return 0; } ```