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# 稀疏表 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sparse-table/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sparse-table/) 我们已经在[范围最小查询(平方根分解和稀疏表)](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/range-minimum-query-for-static-array/)中简要讨论了稀疏表。 稀疏表概念用于对一组静态数据进行快速查询(元素不变)。 它进行预处理,以便可以有效地回答查询。 示例问题 1:范围最小查询 我们有一个数组`arr[0 ... n-1]`。 我们需要有效地找到从索引`L`(查询开始)到`R`(查询结束)的最小值,其中`0 <= L <= R <= n-1`。 考虑存在许多范围查询的情况。 **示例**: ``` Input: arr[] = {7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18}; query[] = [0, 4], [4, 7], [7, 8] Output: Minimum of [0, 4] is 0 Minimum of [4, 7] is 3 Minimum of [7, 8] is 12 ``` 这个想法是预先计算所有大小为`2^j`的子数组的最小值,其中`j`从 0 到`log n`变化。 我们进行表`lookup[i][j]`的查找,使`lookup[i][j]`包含从`i`开始且范围为`2^j`的最小值。 例如,`lookup[0][3]`包含范围为`[0, 7]`的最小值(从 0 开始且大小为`2^3`) **如何填充此查找表或稀疏表?** 这个想法很简单,使用以前计算的值以自下而上的方式填充。 我们使用 2 的较低乘方的值计算 2 的当前乘方的范围。 例如,要找到范围`[0, 7]`的最小值(范围大小是 3 的幂),我们可以使用以下两个最小值。 a)范围`[0, 3]`的最小值(范围大小是 2 的幂) b)范围`[4, 7]`的最小值(范围大小是 2 的幂) 根据上面的示例,下面是公式, ``` // Minimum of single element subarrays is same // as the only element. lookup[i][0] = arr[i] // If lookup[0][2] <= lookup[4][2], // then lookup[0][3] = lookup[0][2] If lookup[i][j-1] <= lookup[i+2j-1-1][j-1] lookup[i][j] = lookup[i][j-1] // If lookup[0][2] > lookup[4][2], // then lookup[0][3] = lookup[4][2] Else lookup[i][j] = lookup[i+2j-1-1][j-1] ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/2c/4b/2c4b3ad745105d175b4955a455ca9d80_488x295.png) 对于任意范围`[L, R]`,我们需要使用 2 的幂的范围。想法是使用 2 的最接近的幂。我们总是需要最多进行一次比较(比较两个是 2 的幂的范围的最小值。 一个范围以`L`开头,以“`L +`最近的 2 的幂”结尾。 另一个范围以`R`结束,并以“`R – `最接近的 2 的幂`+ 1`”开头。 例如,如果给定范围是`(2, 10)`,我们比较两个范围`(2, 9)`和`(3, 10)`中的最小值。 Based on above example, below is formula, ``` // For (2, 10), j = floor(Log<sub>2</sub>(10-2+1)) = 3 j = floor(Log(R-L+1)) // If lookup[0][3] <= lookup[3][3], // then min(2, 10) = lookup[0][3] If lookup[L][j] <= lookup[R-(int)pow(2, j)+1][j] min(L, R) = lookup[L][j] // If lookup[0][3] > arr[lookup[3][3], // then min(2, 10) = lookup[3][3] Else min(L, R) = lookup[i+2j-1-1][j-1] ``` 由于我们只进行一次比较,因此查询的时间复杂度为`O(1)`。 以下是上述想法的实现。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ program to do range minimum query // using sparse table #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define MAX 500 // lookup[i][j] is going to store minimum // value in arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table // size should not be fixed and should be // determined using n Log n. It is kept // constant to keep code simple. int lookup[MAX][MAX]; // Fills lookup array lookup[][] in bottom up manner. void buildSparseTable(int arr[], int n) {     // Initialize M for the intervals with length 1     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)         lookup[i][0] = arr[i];     // Compute values from smaller to bigger intervals     for (int j = 1; (1 << j) <= n; j++) {         // Compute minimum value for all intervals with         // size 2^j         for (int i = 0; (i + (1 << j) - 1) < n; i++) {             // For arr[2][10], we compare arr[lookup[0][7]]              // and arr[lookup[3][10]]             if (lookup[i][j - 1] <                          lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1])                 lookup[i][j] = lookup[i][j - 1];             else                 lookup[i][j] =                           lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1];         }     } } // Returns minimum of arr[L..R] int query(int L, int R) {     // Find highest power of 2 that is smaller     // than or equal to count of elements in given     // range. For [2, 10], j = 3     int j = (int)log2(R - L + 1);     // Compute minimum of last 2^j elements with first     // 2^j elements in range.     // For [2, 10], we compare arr[lookup[0][3]] and     // arr[lookup[3][3]],     if (lookup[L][j] <= lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1][j])         return lookup[L][j];     else         return lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1][j]; } // Driver program int main() {     int a[] = { 7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18 };     int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);     buildSparseTable(a, n);     cout << query(0, 4) << endl;     cout << query(4, 7) << endl;     cout << query(7, 8) << endl;     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java program to do range minimum query // using sparse table import java.io.*; class GFG {     static int MAX =500;     // lookup[i][j] is going to store minimum     // value in arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table     // size should not be fixed and should be     // determined using n Log n. It is kept     // constant to keep code simple.     static int [][]lookup = new int[MAX][MAX];     // Fills lookup array lookup[][] in bottom up manner.     static void buildSparseTable(int arr[], int n)     {         // Initialize M for the intervals with length 1         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)             lookup[i][0] = arr[i];         // Compute values from smaller to bigger intervals         for (int j = 1; (1 << j) <= n; j++) {             // Compute minimum value for all intervals with             // size 2^j             for (int i = 0; (i + (1 << j) - 1) < n; i++) {                 // For arr[2][10], we compare arr[lookup[0][7]]                  // and arr[lookup[3][10]]                 if (lookup[i][j - 1] <                              lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1])                     lookup[i][j] = lookup[i][j - 1];                 else                     lookup[i][j] =                              lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1];             }         }     }     // Returns minimum of arr[L..R]     static int query(int L, int R)     {         // Find highest power of 2 that is smaller         // than or equal to count of elements in given         // range. For [2, 10], j = 3         int j = (int)Math.log(R - L + 1);         // Compute minimum of last 2^j elements with first         // 2^j elements in range.         // For [2, 10], we compare arr[lookup[0][3]] and         // arr[lookup[3][3]],         if (lookup[L][j] <= lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1][j])             return lookup[L][j];         else             return lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1][j];     }     // Driver program     public static void main (String[] args)     {         int a[] = { 7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18 };         int n = a.length;         buildSparseTable(a, n);         System.out.println(query(0, 4));         System.out.println(query(4, 7));         System.out.println(query(7, 8));     } } // This code is contributed by vt_m. ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python3 program to do range minimum  # query using sparse table  import math # Fills lookup array lookup[][] in  # bottom up manner.  def buildSparseTable(arr, n):     # Initialize M for the intervals     # with length 1      for i in range(0, n):          lookup[i][0] = arr[i]      j = 1     # Compute values from smaller to      # bigger intervals      while (1 << j) <= n:          # Compute minimum value for all          # intervals with size 2^j         i = 0         while (i + (1 << j) - 1) < n:              # For arr[2][10], we compare arr[lookup[0][7]]              # and arr[lookup[3][10]]              if (lookup[i][j - 1] <                  lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1]):                  lookup[i][j] = lookup[i][j - 1]              else:                 lookup[i][j] = \                         lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1]              i += 1         j += 1         # Returns minimum of arr[L..R]  def query(L, R):      # Find highest power of 2 that is smaller      # than or equal to count of elements in      # given range. For [2, 10], j = 3      j = int(math.log2(R - L + 1))      # Compute minimum of last 2^j elements      # with first 2^j elements in range.      # For [2, 10], we compare arr[lookup[0][3]]      # and arr[lookup[3][3]],      if lookup[L][j] <= lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1][j]:          return lookup[L][j]      else:         return lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1][j]  # Driver Code if __name__ == "__main__":     a = [7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18]      n = len(a)      MAX = 500     # lookup[i][j] is going to store minimum      # value in arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table      # size should not be fixed and should be      # determined using n Log n. It is kept      # constant to keep code simple.      lookup = [[0 for i in range(MAX)]                  for j in range(MAX)]     buildSparseTable(a, n)      print(query(0, 4))      print(query(4, 7))      print(query(7, 8))  # This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain ``` ## C# ```cs // C# program to do range minimum query // using sparse table using System; public class GFG {     static int MAX= 500;     // lookup[i][j] is going to store minimum     // value in arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table     // size should not be fixed and should be     // determined using n Log n. It is kept     // constant to keep code simple.     static int [,]lookup = new int[MAX, MAX];     // Fills lookup array lookup[][] in bottom up manner.     static void buildSparseTable(int []arr, int n)     {         // Initialize M for the intervals with length 1         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)             lookup[i, 0] = arr[i];         // Compute values from smaller to bigger intervals         for (int j = 1; (1 << j) <= n; j++) {             // Compute minimum value for all intervals with             // size 2^j             for (int i = 0; (i + (1 << j) - 1) < n; i++) {                 // For arr[2][10], we compare arr[lookup[0][7]]                  // and arr[lookup[3][10]]                 if (lookup[i, j - 1] <                              lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1)), j - 1])                     lookup[i, j] = lookup[i, j - 1];                 else                     lookup[i, j] =                              lookup[i + (1 << (j - 1)), j - 1];             }         }     }     // Returns minimum of arr[L..R]     static int query(int L, int R)     {         // Find highest power of 2 that is smaller         // than or equal to count of elements in given         // range. For [2, 10], j = 3         int j = (int)Math.Log(R - L + 1);         // Compute minimum of last 2^j elements with first         // 2^j elements in range.         // For [2, 10], we compare arr[lookup[0][3]] and         // arr[lookup[3][3]],         if (lookup[L, j] <= lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1, j])             return lookup[L, j];         else             return lookup[R - (1 << j) + 1, j];     }     // Driver program     static public void Main ()     {         int []a = { 7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18 };         int n = a.Length;         buildSparseTable(a, n);         Console.WriteLine(query(0, 4));         Console.WriteLine(query(4, 7));         Console.WriteLine(query(7, 8));     } } // This code is contributed by vt_m.  ``` Output: ``` Minimum of [0, 4] is 0 Minimum of [4, 7] is 3 Minimum of [7, 8] is 12 ``` 因此,稀疏表方法支持`O(1)`时间,`O(N log N)`预处理时间和`O(N log N)`空间的查询操作。 示例问题 2:范围 GCD 查询 我们有一个数组`arr[0 ... n-1]`。 我们需要找到`L`和`R`范围内的[最大公约数](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-program-find-gcd-hcf-two-numbers/),其中 `0 <= L <= R <= n-1`。 考虑存在许多范围查询的情况,例如: ``` Input : arr[] = {2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 8} queries[] = {(0, 2), (3, 5), (2, 3)} Output : 1 2 1 ``` **我们使用 GCD 的以下属性**: * GCD 函数是关联的,`GCD(a, b, c)= GCD(GCD(a, b), c)= GCD(a, GCD(b, c))`,我们可以使用子范围的 GCD 计算范围的 GCD 。 * 如果我们多次采用重叠范围的 GCD,那么它不会改变答案。 例如,`GCD(a, b, c)= GCD(GCD(a, b), GCD(b, c))`。 因此,像最小范围查询问题一样,我们只需进行一次比较即可找到给定范围的 GCD。 我们使用与上述相同的逻辑构建一个稀疏表。 建立稀疏表后,我们可以通过以 2 的幂打破给定范围来找到所有 GCD,并将每张 GCD 加到当前答案中。 ## C++ ``` // C++ program to do range minimum query // using sparse table #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define MAX 500 // lookup[i][j] is going to store GCD of // arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table // size should not be fixed and should be // determined using n Log n. It is kept // constant to keep code simple. int table[MAX][MAX]; // it builds sparse table. void buildSparseTable(int arr[], int n) {     // GCD of single element is element itself     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)         table[i][0] = arr[i];     // Build sparse table     for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)         for (int i = 0; i <= n - (1 << j); i++)             table[i][j] = __gcd(table[i][j - 1],                     table[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1]); } // Returns GCD of arr[L..R] int query(int L, int R) {     // Find highest power of 2 that is smaller     // than or equal to count of elements in given     // range.For [2, 10], j = 3     int j = (int)log2(R - L + 1);     // Compute GCD of last 2^j elements with first     // 2^j elements in range.     // For [2, 10], we find GCD of arr[lookup[0][3]] and     // arr[lookup[3][3]],     return __gcd(table[L][j], table[R - (1 << j) + 1][j]); } // Driver program int main() {     int a[] = { 7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18 };     int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);     buildSparseTable(a, n);     cout << query(0, 2) << endl;     cout << query(1, 3) << endl;     cout << query(4, 5) << endl;     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java program to do range minimum query  // using sparse table  import java.util.*; class GFG {  static final int MAX = 500;  // lookup[i][j] is going to store GCD of  // arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table  // size should not be fixed and should be  // determined using n Log n. It is kept  // constant to keep code simple.  static int [][]table = new int[MAX][MAX];  // it builds sparse table.  static void buildSparseTable(int arr[],                               int n)  {      // GCD of single element is     // element itself      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)          table[i][0] = arr[i];      // Build sparse table      for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)          for (int i = 0; i <= n - (1 << j); i++)              table[i][j] = __gcd(table[i][j - 1],                                  table[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1]);  }  // Returns GCD of arr[L..R]  static int query(int L, int R)  {      // Find highest power of 2 that is      // smaller than or equal to count of      // elements in given range.For [2, 10], j = 3      int j = (int)Math.log(R - L + 1);      // Compute GCD of last 2^j elements      // with first 2^j elements in range.      // For [2, 10], we find GCD of      // arr[lookup[0][3]] and arr[lookup[3][3]],      return __gcd(table[L][j],                   table[R - (1 << j) + 1][j]);  }  static int __gcd(int a, int b)  {      return b == 0 ? a : __gcd(b, a % b);      } // Driver Code public static void main(String[] args)  {      int a[] = { 7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18 };      int n = a.length;      buildSparseTable(a, n);      System.out.print(query(0, 2) + "\n");      System.out.print(query(1, 3) + "\n");      System.out.print(query(4, 5) + "\n");  }  }  // This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992 ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python3 program to do range minimum  # query using sparse table  import math # Fills lookup array lookup[][] in  # bottom up manner.  def buildSparseTable(arr, n):     # GCD of single element is element itself      for i in range(0, n):          table[i][0] = arr[i]      # Build sparse table     j = 1     while (1 << j) <= n:          i = 0         while i <= n - (1 << j):              table[i][j] = math.gcd(table[i][j - 1],                                     table[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1])             i += 1         j += 1 # Returns minimum of arr[L..R]  def query(L, R):      # Find highest power of 2 that is smaller      # than or equal to count of elements in      # given range. For [2, 10], j = 3      j = int(math.log2(R - L + 1))      # Compute GCD of last 2^j elements with      # first 2^j elements in range.      # For [2, 10], we find GCD of arr[lookup[0][3]]      # and arr[lookup[3][3]],      return math.gcd(table[L][j],                      table[R - (1 << j) + 1][j]) # Driver Code  if __name__ == "__main__":     a = [7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18]      n = len(a)      MAX = 500     # lookup[i][j] is going to store minimum      # value in arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table      # size should not be fixed and should be      # determined using n Log n. It is kept      # constant to keep code simple.      table = [[0 for i in range(MAX)]                  for j in range(MAX)]     buildSparseTable(a, n)      print(query(0, 2))      print(query(1, 3))      print(query(4, 5))  # This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain ``` ## C# ``` // C# program to do range minimum query  // using sparse table  using System; class GFG {  static readonly int MAX = 500;  // lookup[i,j] is going to store GCD of  // arr[i..j]. Ideally lookup table  // size should not be fixed and should be  // determined using n Log n. It is kept  // constant to keep code simple.  static int [,]table = new int[MAX, MAX];  // it builds sparse table.  static void buildSparseTable(int []arr,                               int n)  {      // GCD of single element is     // element itself      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)          table[i, 0] = arr[i];      // Build sparse table      for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)          for (int i = 0; i <= n - (1 << j); i++)              table[i, j] = __gcd(table[i, j - 1],                                  table[i + (1 << (j - 1)),                                                   j - 1]);  }  // Returns GCD of arr[L..R]  static int query(int L, int R)  {      // Find highest power of 2 that is      // smaller than or equal to count of      // elements in given range.     // For [2, 10], j = 3      int j = (int)Math.Log(R - L + 1);      // Compute GCD of last 2^j elements      // with first 2^j elements in range.      // For [2, 10], we find GCD of      // arr[lookup[0,3]] and arr[lookup[3,3]],      return __gcd(table[L, j],                   table[R - (1 << j) + 1, j]);  }  static int __gcd(int a, int b)  {      return b == 0 ? a : __gcd(b, a % b);      } // Driver Code public static void Main(String[] args)  {      int []a = { 7, 2, 3, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 18 };      int n = a.Length;      buildSparseTable(a, n);      Console.Write(query(0, 2) + "\n");      Console.Write(query(1, 3) + "\n");      Console.Write(query(4, 5) + "\n");  }  } // This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji ``` **输出**: ``` 1 1 5 ``` * * * * * *