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# 查找子数组是否为山脉形式 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-whether-subarray-form-mountain-not/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-whether-subarray-form-mountain-not/) 给定一个整数数组和一个范围,我们需要查找落入该范围的子数组是否具有山峰形式的值。 如果所有值都是递增或递减的,或者先递增然后递减的,则子数组的所有值都称为山的形式。 更正式地讲,如果存在整数 K,则称子数组 *[a1,a2,a3…aN]* 为山的形式,因此< = K < = N *a1 < = a2 < = a3 .. < = aK > = a(K + 1)> = a(K + 2)…。 > = aN* **示例**: ``` Input : Arr[] = [2 3 2 4 4 6 3 2], Range = [0, 2] Output : Yes Explanation: The output is yes , subarray is [2 3 2], so subarray first increases and then decreases Input: Arr[] = [2 3 2 4 4 6 3 2], Range = [2, 7] Output: Yes Explanation: The output is yes , subarray is [2 4 4 6 3 2], so subarray first increases and then decreases Input: Arr[]= [2 3 2 4 4 6 3 2], Range = [1, 3] Output: no Explanation: The output is no, subarray is [3 2 4], so subarray is not in the form above stated ``` **解决方案:** * **方法**:该问题有多个查询,因此对于每个查询,应以尽可能少的时间复杂性来计算解决方案。 因此,请为原始数组增加两个额外的空格。 对于每个元素,找到左侧的最后一个索引,该索引增加(即大于前一个元素),找到右侧的元素,将在右侧存储第一个索引,该索引递减(即大于其下一个元素)。 如果可以在恒定时间内为每个索引计算这些值,那么对于每个给定范围,可以在恒定时间内给出答案。 * **算法**: 1. 创建两个长度为 *n* ,*左*和*右*的额外空间,以及一个额外的变量 *lastptr* 2. 初始化*左[0]* = 0 和 *lastptr* = 0 3. 从第二个索引到末尾遍历原始数组 4. 对于每个索引,检查它是否大于上一个元素,如果是,则使用当前索引更新 *lastptr* 。 5. 对于每个索引,将 *lastptr* 存储在*左[i]* 中 6. 初始化*右[N-1]* = N-1 和 *lastptr* = N-1 7. 从倒数第二个索引到起始位置遍历原始数组 8. 对于每个索引,检查它是否大于下一个元素,如果是,则使用当前索引更新 *lastptr* 。 9. 对于每个索引,将 *lastptr* 存储在*中[i]* 10. 现在处理查询 11. 对于每个查询 *l,r* ,如果 *right [l] > = left [r]* ,则打印*是*否则*否* * **实现**: ## C/C++ ``` // C++ program to check whether a subarray is in // mountain form or not #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Utility method to construct left and right array int preprocess(int arr[], int N, int left[], int right[]) {     // Initialize first left index as that index only     left[0] = 0;     int lastIncr = 0;     for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)     {         // if current value is greater than previous,         // update last increasing         if (arr[i] > arr[i - 1])             lastIncr = i;         left[i] = lastIncr;     }     // Initialize last right index as that index only     right[N - 1] = N - 1;     int firstDecr = N - 1;     for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; i--)     {         // if current value is greater than next,         // update first decreasing         if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1])             firstDecr = i;         right[i] = firstDecr;     } } // Method returns true if arr[L..R] is in mountain form bool isSubarrayMountainForm(int arr[], int left[],                              int right[], int L, int R) {     // return true only if right at starting range is     // greater than left at ending range     return (right[L] >= left[R]); } //    Driver code to test above methods int main() {     int arr[] = {2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 6, 3, 2};     int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);     int left[N], right[N];     preprocess(arr, N, left, right);     int L = 0;     int R = 2;     if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R))         cout << "Subarray is in mountain form\n";     else         cout << "Subarray is not in mountain form\n";     L = 1;     R = 3;     if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R))         cout << "Subarray is in mountain form\n";     else         cout << "Subarray is not in mountain form\n";     return 0; } ``` ## Java ``` // Java program to check whether a subarray is in // mountain form or not class SubArray {     // Utility method to construct left and right array     static void preprocess(int arr[], int N, int left[], int right[])     {         // initialize first left index as that index only         left[0] = 0;         int lastIncr = 0;         for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)         {             // if current value is greater than previous,             // update last increasing             if (arr[i] > arr[i - 1])                     lastIncr = i;             left[i] = lastIncr;         }         // initialize last right index as that index only         right[N - 1] = N - 1;         int firstDecr = N - 1;         for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; i--)         {             // if current value is greater than next,             // update first decreasing             if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1])                     firstDecr = i;             right[i] = firstDecr;         }     }     // method returns true if arr[L..R] is in mountain form     static boolean isSubarrayMountainForm(int arr[], int left[],                                     int right[], int L, int R)     {         // return true only if right at starting range is         // greater than left at ending range         return (right[L] >= left[R]);     }     public static void main(String[] args)     {         int arr[] = {2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 6, 3, 2};         int N = arr.length;         int left[] = new int[N];         int right[] = new int[N];         preprocess(arr, N, left, right);         int L = 0;         int R = 2;         if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R))             System.out.println("Subarray is in mountain form");         else             System.out.println("Subarray is not in mountain form");         L = 1;         R = 3;         if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R))             System.out.println("Subarray is in mountain form");         else             System.out.println("Subarray is not in mountain form");     } } // This Code is Contributed by Saket Kumar ``` ## Python3 ``` # Python 3 program to check whether a subarray is in # mountain form or not # Utility method to construct left and right array def preprocess(arr, N, left, right):     # initialize first left index as that index only     left[0] = 0     lastIncr = 0     for i in range(1,N):         # if current value is greater than previous,         # update last increasing         if (arr[i] > arr[i - 1]):             lastIncr = i         left[i] = lastIncr     # initialize last right index as that index only     right[N - 1] = N - 1     firstDecr = N - 1     i = N - 2     while(i >= 0):         # if current value is greater than next,         # update first decreasing         if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]):             firstDecr = i         right[i] = firstDecr         i -= 1 # method returns true if arr[L..R] is in mountain form def isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R):     # return true only if right at starting range is     # greater than left at ending range     return (right[L] >= left[R]) # Driver code  if __name__ == '__main__':     arr = [2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 6, 3, 2]     N = len(arr)     left = [0 for i in range(N)]     right = [0 for i in range(N)]     preprocess(arr, N, left, right)     L = 0     R = 2     if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R)):         print("Subarray is in mountain form")     else:         print("Subarray is not in mountain form")     L = 1     R = 3     if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left, right, L, R)):         print("Subarray is in mountain form")     else:         print("Subarray is not in mountain form") # This code is contributed by # Surendra_Gangwar ``` ## C# ``` // C# program to check whether  // a subarray is in mountain  // form or not using System; class GFG {     // Utility method to construct      // left and right array     static void preprocess(int []arr, int N,                             int []left, int []right)     {         // initialize first left          // index as that index only         left[0] = 0;         int lastIncr = 0;         for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)         {             // if current value is              // greater than previous,             // update last increasing             if (arr[i] > arr[i - 1])                     lastIncr = i;             left[i] = lastIncr;         }         // initialize last right          // index as that index only         right[N - 1] = N - 1;         int firstDecr = N - 1;         for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; i--)         {             // if current value is              // greater than next,             // update first decreasing             if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1])                     firstDecr = i;             right[i] = firstDecr;         }     }     // method returns true if     // arr[L..R] is in mountain form     static bool isSubarrayMountainForm(int []arr, int []left,                                        int []right, int L, int R)     {         // return true only if right at          // starting range is greater          // than left at ending range         return (right[L] >= left[R]);     }     // Driver Code     static public void Main ()     {         int []arr = {2, 3, 2, 4,                      4, 6, 3, 2};         int N = arr.Length;         int []left = new int[N];         int []right = new int[N];         preprocess(arr, N, left, right);         int L = 0;         int R = 2;         if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left,                                     right, L, R))             Console.WriteLine("Subarray is in " +                                  "mountain form");         else             Console.WriteLine("Subarray is not " +                                "in mountain form");         L = 1;         R = 3;         if (isSubarrayMountainForm(arr, left,                                     right, L, R))             Console.WriteLine("Subarray is in " +                                  "mountain form");         else             Console.WriteLine("Subarray is not " +                                "in mountain form");     } } // This code is contributed by aj_36 ``` * **输出**: ``` Subarray is in mountain form Subarray is not in mountain form ``` * **复杂度分析**: * **时间复杂度**:`O(n)`。 仅需要两个遍历,因此时间复杂度为`O(n)`。 * **空间复杂度**:`O(n)`。 需要两个长度为 n 的额外空间,因此空间复杂度为`O(n)`。 本文由 [**Utkarsh Trivedi**](https://in.linkedin.com/in/utkarsh-trivedi-253069a7) 提供。 如果您喜欢 GeeksforGeeks 并希望做出贡献,您还可以使用 [tribution.geeksforgeeks.org](http://www.contribute.geeksforgeeks.org) 撰写文章,或将您的文章邮寄至 tribution@geeksforgeeks.org。 查看您的文章出现在 GeeksforGeeks 主页上,并帮助其他 Geeks。