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# 配对使得一个是其他的幂倍 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/pairs-one-power-multiple/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/pairs-one-power-multiple/) 您会得到 n 个元素的数组 A []和一个正整数 k。 现在,您已经找到了对 Ai,Aj 的数量,使得 **Ai = Aj *(k <sup>x</sup> )**,其中 x 是整数。 注意:(Ai,Aj)和(Aj,Ai)必须计数一次。 **示例**: ``` Input : A[] = {3, 6, 4, 2}, k = 2 Output : 2 Explanation : We have only two pairs (4, 2) and (3, 6) Input : A[] = {2, 2, 2}, k = 2 Output : 3 Explanation : (2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2) that are (A1, A2), (A2, A3) and (A1, A3) are total three pairs where Ai = Aj * (k^0) ``` 为了解决这个问题,我们首先对给定的数组进行排序,然后对于每个元素 Ai,对于 x 的不同值,找到等于值 Ai * k ^ x 的元素数量,直到 Ai * k ^ x 小于或等于元素 Ai 的最大值。 i 算法: ``` // sort the given array sort(A, A+n); // for each A[i] traverse rest array for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++) { // count Aj such that Ai*k^x = Aj int x = 0; // increase x till Ai * k^x <= // largest element while ((A[i]*pow(k, x)) <= A[j]) { if ((A[i]*pow(k, x)) == A[j]) { ans++; break; } x++; } } } // return answer return ans; ``` ## [Recommended: Please try your approach on ***{IDE}*** first, before moving on to the solution.](https://ide.geeksforgeeks.org/) ## C++ ```cpp // Program to find pairs count #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // function to count the required pairs int countPairs(int A[], int n, int k) {   int ans = 0;   // sort the given array   sort(A, A + n);   // for each A[i] traverse rest array   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {     for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {       // count Aj such that Ai*k^x = Aj       int x = 0;       // increase x till Ai * k^x <= largest element       while ((A[i] * pow(k, x)) <= A[j]) {         if ((A[i] * pow(k, x)) == A[j]) {           ans++;           break;         }         x++;       }     }   }   return ans; } // driver program int main() {   int A[] = {3, 8, 9, 12, 18, 4, 24, 2, 6};   int n = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);   int k = 3;   cout << countPairs(A, n, k);   return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java program to find pairs count import java.io.*; import java .util.*; class GFG {     // function to count the required pairs     static int countPairs(int A[], int n, int k)      {         int ans = 0;         // sort the given array         Arrays.sort(A);         // for each A[i] traverse rest array         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {             for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)              {                 // count Aj such that Ai*k^x = Aj                 int x = 0;                 // increase x till Ai * k^x <= largest element                 while ((A[i] * Math.pow(k, x)) <= A[j])                  {                     if ((A[i] * Math.pow(k, x)) == A[j])                      {                         ans++;                         break;                     }                     x++;                 }             }         }         return ans;     }     // Driver program     public static void main (String[] args)      {         int A[] = {3, 8, 9, 12, 18, 4, 24, 2, 6};         int n = A.length;         int k = 3;         System.out.println (countPairs(A, n, k));     } } // This code is contributed by vt_m. ``` ## Python3 ```py # Program to find pairs count import math # function to count the required pairs def countPairs(A, n, k):      ans = 0     # sort the given array     A.sort()     # for each A[i] traverse rest array     for i in range(0,n):          for j in range(i + 1, n):             # count Aj such that Ai*k^x = Aj             x = 0             # increase x till Ai * k^x <= largest element             while ((A[i] * math.pow(k, x)) <= A[j]) :                 if ((A[i] * math.pow(k, x)) == A[j]) :                     ans+=1                     break                 x+=1     return ans # driver program A = [3, 8, 9, 12, 18, 4, 24, 2, 6] n = len(A) k = 3 print(countPairs(A, n, k)) # This code is contributed by # Smitha Dinesh Semwal ``` ## C# ```cs // C# program to find pairs count using System; class GFG {     // function to count the required pairs     static int countPairs(int []A, int n, int k)      {         int ans = 0;         // sort the given array         Array.Sort(A);         // for each A[i] traverse rest array         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)          {             for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)              {                 // count Aj such that Ai*k^x = Aj                 int x = 0;                 // increase x till Ai * k^x <= largest element                 while ((A[i] * Math.Pow(k, x)) <= A[j])                  {                     if ((A[i] * Math.Pow(k, x)) == A[j])                      {                         ans++;                         break;                     }                     x++;                 }             }         }         return ans;     }     // Driver program     public static void Main ()      {         int []A = {3, 8, 9, 12, 18, 4, 24, 2, 6};         int n = A.Length;         int k = 3;         Console.WriteLine(countPairs(A, n, k));     } } // This code is contributed by vt_m. ``` ## PHP ```php <?php // PHP Program to find pairs count // function to count // the required pairs function countPairs($A, $n, $k)  { $ans = 0; // sort the given array sort($A); // for each A[i]  // traverse rest array for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)  {     for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $n; $j++)      {     // count Aj such that Ai*k^x = Aj     $x = 0;     // increase x till Ai *      // k^x <= largest element     while (($A[$i] * pow($k, $x)) <= $A[$j])      {         if (($A[$i] * pow($k, $x)) == $A[$j])          {         $ans++;         break;         }         $x++;     }     } } return $ans; } // Driver Code $A = array(3, 8, 9, 12, 18,                4, 24, 2, 6); $n = count($A); $k = 3; echo countPairs($A, $n, $k); // This code is contributed by anuj_67\. ?> ``` **输出**: ``` 6 ``` * * * * * *