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# 从重复的数组中查找丢失的元素 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-lost-element-from-a-duplicated-array/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-lost-element-from-a-duplicated-array/) 给定两个数组,除了一个元素外,它们彼此重复,也就是说,其中一个元素丢失了,我们需要找到该元素。 **示例**: ``` Input: arr1[] = {1, 4, 5, 7, 9} arr2[] = {4, 5, 7, 9} Output: 1 1 is missing from second array. Input: arr1[] = {2, 3, 4, 5} arr2[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} Output: 6 6 is missing from first array. ``` 一种**简单解决方案**是遍历数组并逐元素检查元素,并在发现不匹配项时标记缺少的元素,但是此解决方案需要整个数组长度的线性时间。 另一种**有效解决方案**基于[二分搜索](http://geeksquiz.com/binary-search/)方法。 算法步骤如下: 1. 在更大的数组中开始二分搜索,并获得(lo + hi)/ 2 的中间值 2. 如果两个数组的值相同,则缺少的元素必须在右侧,因此将 lo 设置为 mid 3. 否则将 hi 设置为 mid,因为如果 mid 元素不相等,则缺少的元素必须位于较大数组的左侧。 4. 对于单元素和零元素数组,特殊情况将分别处理,单元素本身将是缺少的元素。 如果第一个元素本身不相等,则该元素将成为丢失的元素。/li> 以下是上述步骤 的实现 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ program to find missing element from same // arrays (except one missing element) #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to find missing element based on binary // search approach.  arr1[] is of larger size and // N is size of it.  arr1[] and arr2[] are assumed // to be in same order. int findMissingUtil(int arr1[], int arr2[], int N) {     // special case, for only element which is     // missing in second array     if (N == 1)         return arr1[0];     // special case, for first element missing     if (arr1[0] != arr2[0])         return arr1[0];     // Initialize current corner points     int lo = 0,  hi = N - 1;     // loop until lo < hi     while (lo < hi)     {         int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;         // If element at mid indices are equal         // then go to right subarray         if (arr1[mid] == arr2[mid])             lo = mid;         else             hi = mid;         // if lo, hi becomes contiguous,  break         if (lo == hi - 1)             break;     }     // missing element will be at hi index of     // bigger array     return arr1[hi]; } // This function mainly does basic error checking // and calls findMissingUtil void findMissing(int arr1[], int arr2[], int M, int N) {     if (N == M-1)         cout << "Missing Element is "         << findMissingUtil(arr1, arr2, M) << endl;     else if (M == N-1)         cout << "Missing Element is "         << findMissingUtil(arr2, arr1, N) << endl;     else         cout << "Invalid Input"; } // Driver Code int main() {     int arr1[] = {1, 4, 5, 7, 9};     int arr2[] = {4, 5, 7, 9};     int M = sizeof(arr1) / sizeof(int);     int N = sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(int);     findMissing(arr1, arr2, M, N);     return 0; } ```