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# 返回扩展矩阵中的前一个元素 > 原文: []( 我们有一个正方形矩阵,其大小连续扩大 2 倍。给定任意时间点在位置(i,j)处存在于矩阵中的序列,我们需要返回在位置(i,(j + N -1)% N),其中 N 是矩阵的大小。 当我们说矩阵正在扩展时,扩展矩阵是通过将原始 2 x 2 矩阵的每个元素与当前 N x N 矩阵本身相乘而形成的。 扩展矩阵的尺寸为 2N x 2N。 ``` For Instance, consider below 2x2 matrix, [a b] [c d] Expanding it will result in a 4x4 matrix as follows: ax[a b] bx[a b] [aa ab ba bb] [c d] [c d] [ac ad bc bd] --> [ca cb da db] cx[a b] dx[a b] [cc cd dc dd] [c d] [c d] Expanding it again results in an 8x8 matrix as follows, and so on. ax[aa ab ba bb] bx[aa ab ba bb] [aaa aab aba abb baa bab bba bbb] [ac ad bc bd] [ac ad bc bd] [aac aad abc abd bac bad bbc bbd] [ca cb da db] [ca cb da db] [aca acb ada adb bca bcb bda bdb] [cc cd dc dd] [cc cd dc dd] [acc acd adc add bcc bcd bdc bdd] --> [caa cab cba cbb daa dab dba dbb] cx[aa ab ba bb] dx[aa ab ba bb] [cac cad cbc cbd dac dad dbc dbd] [ac ad bc bd] [ac ad bc bd] [cca ccb cda cdb dca dcb dda ddb] [ca cb da db] [ca cb da db] [ccc ccd cdc cdd dcc dcd ddc ddd] [cc cd dc dd] [cc cd dc dd] ``` 基本上,对于给定的序列,我们需要找出刚剩下的序列。 可以假设矩阵是圆形的,即位置(i,0)处的序列应返回位置(i,N-1)处的序列 **示例**: ``` Input: str = dda Output: dcb Input: str = cca Output: ddb Input: str = aacbddc Output: aacbdcd ``` **我们强烈建议您最小化浏览器,然后自己尝试。** 如果我们仔细分析,我们可以在此处看到一个模式。 **算法**: 我们从最右边的位置开始扫描字符串,并对每个字符执行以下操作– 1.如果当前字符是“ b”或“ d”,则分别更改为“ a”或“ c”并返回字符串。 2.如果当前字符是“ a”或“ c”,则分别将其更改为“ b”或“ d”,然后移至左侧的下一个字符。 对左下一个字符重复步骤 1。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ Program to return previous element in an expanding // matrix. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Returns left of str in an expanding matrix of // a, b, c, and d. string findLeft(string str) {     int n = str.length();     // Start from rightmost position     while (n--)     {         // If the current character is ‘b’ or ‘d’,         // change to ‘a’ or ‘c’ respectively and         // break the loop         if (str[n] == 'd')         {             str[n] = 'c';             break;         }         if (str[n] == 'b')         {             str[n] = 'a';             break;         }         // If the current character is ‘a’ or ‘c’,         // change it to ‘b’ or ‘d’ respectively         if (str[n] == 'a')             str[n] = 'b';         else if (str[n] == 'c')             str[n] = 'd';     }     return str; } // driver program to test above method int main() {     string str = "aacbddc";     cout << "Left of " << str << " is "          << findLeft(str);    return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java program to return previous element // in an expanding matrix import*; class GFG  {     // Returns left of str in an expanding matrix      // of a, b, c  and d.     static StringBuilder findLeft(StringBuilder str)     {         int n = str.length();         // Start from rightmost position         while (n > 0)         {             n--;             // If the current character is b or d,             // change to a or c respectively and             // break the loop             if (str.charAt(n) == 'd')             {                 str.setCharAt(n,'c');                 break;             }             if (str.charAt(n) == 'b')             {                 str.setCharAt(n,'a');                 break;             }             // If the current character is a or c,             // change it to b or d respectively             if (str.charAt(n) == 'a')                 str.setCharAt(n,'b');             else if (str.charAt(n) == 'c')                 str.setCharAt(n,'d');         }         return str;     }     // driver program to test above method     public static void main (String[] args)      {         StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("aacbddc");         System.out.print("Left of " + str + " is " +                                      findLeft(str));     } } // This code is contributed by Prakriti Gupta ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python3 Program to return previous element  # in an expanding matrix. # Returns left of str in an  # expanding matrix of a, b, c, and d. def findLeft(str):     n = len(str) - 1;     # Start from rightmost position     while (n > 0):         # If the current character is ‘b’ or ‘d’,         # change to ‘a’ or ‘c’ respectively and         # break the loop         if (str[n] == 'd'):             str = str[0:n] + 'c' + str[n + 1:];             break;         if (str[n] == 'b'):             str = str[0:n] + 'a' + str[n + 1:];             break;         # If the current character is ‘a’ or ‘c’,         # change it to ‘b’ or ‘d’ respectively         if (str[n] == 'a'):             str = str[0:n] + 'b' + str[n + 1:];         elif (str[n] == 'c'):             str = str[0:n] + 'd' + str[n + 1:];         n-=1;     return str; # Driver Code if __name__ == '__main__':     str = "aacbddc";     print("Left of", str, "is", findLeft(str)); # This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992 ``` ## C# ```cs using System; using System.Text; // C# program to return previous element  // in an expanding matrix  public class GFG {     // Returns left of str in an expanding matrix       // of a, b, c  and d.      public static StringBuilder findLeft(StringBuilder str)     {         int n = str.Length;         // Start from rightmost position          while (n > 0)         {             n--;             // If the current character is b or d,              // change to a or c respectively and              // break the loop              if (str[n] == 'd')             {                 str[n] = 'c';                 break;             }             if (str[n] == 'b')             {                 str[n] = 'a';                 break;             }             // If the current character is a or c,              // change it to b or d respectively              if (str[n] == 'a')             {                 str[n] = 'b';             }             else if (str[n] == 'c')             {                 str[n] = 'd';             }         }         return str;     }     // driver program to test above method      public static void Main(string[] args)     {         StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("aacbddc");         Console.Write("Left of " + str + " is " + findLeft(str));     } } // This code is contributed by Shrikant13 ``` ## PHP ```php <?php  // PHP program to return previous element in an expanding // matrix. // Returns left of str in an expanding matrix of // a, b, c  and d. function findLeft($str) {     $n = strlen($str);     // Start from rightmost position     while ($n--)     {         // If the current character is ‘b’ or ‘d’,         // change to ‘a’ or ‘c’ respectively and         // break the loop         if ($str[$n] == 'd')         {             $str[$n] = 'c';             break;         }         if ($str[$n] == 'b')         {             $str[$n] = 'a';             break;         }         // If the current character is ‘a’ or ‘c’,         // change it to ‘b’ or ‘d’ respectively         if ($str[$n] == 'a')             $str[$n] = 'b';         else if ($str[$n] == 'c')             $str[$n] = 'd';     }     return $str; } // Driver Code $str = "aacbddc"; echo "Left of " . $str . " is "          . findLeft($str); return 0; ?> ``` **输出**: ``` Left of aacbddc is aacbdcd ```