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# 使用最少的比较次数搜索未排序数组中的元素 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/search-element-unsorted-array-using-minimum-number-comparisons/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/search-element-unsorted-array-using-minimum-number-comparisons/) 给定 **n** 个不同整数的数组和一个元素 **x** 。 使用最少的比较次数在数组中搜索元素 **x** 。 任何种类的比较都会为比较计数贡献 1。 例如,用于终止循环的条件也将在每次执行比较时为比较计数贡献 1。 像 **while(n){n–;}** 这样的表达式也有助于比较计数,因为在内部对 **n** 的值进行了比较,从而决定是否终止循环。 例子: ``` Input : arr[] = {4, 6, 1, 5, 8}, x = 1 Output : Found Input : arr[] = {10, 3, 12, 7, 2, 11, 9}, x = 15 Output : Not Found ``` 在 Adobe 采访中问 以下最简单的搜索方法在最坏的情况下需要 **2n + 1** 比较。 ``` for (i = 0; i < n; i++) // Worst case n+1 if (arr[i] == x) // Worst case n return i; ``` **如何减少比较次数?** 的想法是将 x(要搜索的元素)复制到最后一个位置,以便保存 x 在 arr []中不存在时的最后一个比较。 **算法**: ``` search(arr, n, x) if arr[n-1] == x // 1 comparison return "true" backup = arr[n-1] arr[n-1] = x for i=0, i++ // no termination condition if arr[i] == x // execute at most n times // that is at-most n comparisons arr[n-1] = backup return (i < n-1) // 1 comparison ``` ## C/C++ ``` // C++ implementation to search an element in // the unsorted array using minimum number of // comparisons #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // function to search an element in // minimum number of comparisons string search(int arr[], int n, int x) {     // 1st comparison     if (arr[n - 1] == x)         return "Found";     int backup = arr[n - 1];     arr[n - 1] = x;     // no termination condition and thus     // no comparison     for (int i = 0;; i++) {         // this would be executed at-most n times         // and therefore at-most n comparisons         if (arr[i] == x) {             // replace arr[n-1] with its actual element             // as in original 'arr[]'             arr[n - 1] = backup;             // if 'x' is found before the '(n-1)th'             // index, then it is present in the array             // final comparison             if (i < n - 1)                 return "Found";             // else not present in the array             return "Not Found";         }     } } // Driver program to test above int main() {     int arr[] = { 4, 6, 1, 5, 8 };     int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);     int x = 1;     cout << search(arr, n, x);     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java // Java implementation to search an element in // the unsorted array using minimum number of // comparisons import java.io.*; class GFG {     // Function to search an element in     // minimum number of comparisons     static String search(int arr[], int n, int x)     {         // 1st comparison         if (arr[n - 1] == x)             return "Found";         int backup = arr[n - 1];         arr[n - 1] = x;         // no termination condition and thus         // no comparison         for (int i = 0;; i++) {             // this would be executed at-most n times             // and therefore at-most n comparisons             if (arr[i] == x) {                 // replace arr[n-1] with its actual element                 // as in original 'arr[]'                 arr[n - 1] = backup;                 // if 'x' is found before the '(n-1)th'                 // index, then it is present in the array                 // final comparison                 if (i < n - 1)                     return "Found";                 // else not present in the array                 return "Not Found";             }         }     }     // driver program     public static void main(String[] args)     {         int arr[] = { 4, 6, 1, 5, 8 };         int n = arr.length;         int x = 1;         System.out.println(search(arr, n, x));     } } // Contributed by Pramod Kumar ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python3 implementation to search an  # element in the unsorted array using  # minimum number of comparisons # function to search an element in # minimum number of comparisons def search(arr, n, x):     # 1st comparison     if (arr[n-1] == x) :         return "Found"     backup = arr[n-1]     arr[n-1] = x     # no termination condition and      # thus no comparison     i = 0     while(i < n) :         # this would be executed at-most n times         # and therefore at-most n comparisons         if (arr[i] == x) :             # replace arr[n-1] with its actual              # element as in original 'arr[]'             arr[n-1] = backup             # if 'x' is found before the '(n-1)th'             # index, then it is present in the              # array final comparison             if (i < n-1):                 return "Found"             # else not present in the array             return "Not Found"         i = i + 1 # Driver Code arr = [4, 6, 1, 5, 8] n = len(arr) x = 1 print (search(arr, n, x)) # This code is contributed by rishabh_jain ``` ## C# ```cs // C# implementation to search an  // element in the unsorted array  // using minimum number of comparisons using System; class GFG {     // Function to search an element in     // minimum number of comparisons     static String search(int[] arr, int n, int x)     {         // 1st comparison         if (arr[n - 1] == x)             return "Found";         int backup = arr[n - 1];         arr[n - 1] = x;         // no termination condition and thus         // no comparison         for (int i = 0;; i++) {             // this would be executed at-most n times             // and therefore at-most n comparisons             if (arr[i] == x) {                 // replace arr[n-1] with its actual element                 // as in original 'arr[]'                 arr[n - 1] = backup;                 // if 'x' is found before the '(n-1)th'                 // index, then it is present in the array                 // final comparison                 if (i < n - 1)                     return "Found";                 // else not present in the array                 return "Not Found";             }         }     }     // driver program     public static void Main()     {         int[] arr = { 4, 6, 1, 5, 8 };         int n = arr.Length;         int x = 1;         Console.WriteLine(search(arr, n, x));     } } // This code is contributed by Sam007 ``` ## PHP ```php <?php // PHP implementation to  // search an element in // the unsorted array  // using minimum number of // comparisons // function to search an // element in minimum // number of comparisons function search($arr, $n, $x) {     // 1st comparison     if ($arr[$n - 1] == $x)         return "Found";     $backup = $arr[$n - 1];     $arr[$n - 1] = $x;     // no termination      // condition and thus     // no comparison     for ($i = 0; ; $i++)     {         // this would be executed         // at-most n times and         // therefore at-most          // n comparisons         if ($arr[$i] == $x)          {             // replace arr[n-1]              // with its actual element             // as in original 'arr[]'             $arr[$n - 1] = $backup;             // if 'x' is found before              // the '(n-1)th' index,             // then it is present              // in the array             // final comparison             if ($i < $n - 1)                 return "Found";             // else not present             // in the array             return "Not Found";         }     } } // Driver Code $arr = array( 4, 6, 1, 5, 8 ); $n = sizeof($arr); $x = 1; echo(search($arr, $n, $x)); // This code is contributed by Ajit. ?> ``` Output: ``` Found ``` 时间复杂度:`O(n)` 比较数:最多**(n + 2)**比较