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# 产品数组难题 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/a-product-array-puzzle/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/a-product-array-puzzle/) 给定 n 个整数的数组 arr [],构造乘积数组 prod [](大小相同),以使 prod [i]等于 arr []的所有元素(除 arr [i]之外)的乘积。 在`O(n)`时间中解决不带除算符的**。** **示例**: ``` Input: arr[] = {10, 3, 5, 6, 2} Output: prod[] = {180, 600, 360, 300, 900} 3 * 5 * 6 * 2 product of other array elements except 10 is 180 10 * 5 * 6 * 2 product of other array elements except 3 is 600 10 * 3 * 6 * 2 product of other array elements except 5 is 360 10 * 3 * 5 * 2 product of other array elements except 6 is 300 10 * 3 * 6 * 5 product of other array elements except 2 is 900 Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Output: prod[] = {120, 60, 40, 30, 24 } 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 product of other array elements except 1 is 120 1 * 3 * 4 * 5 product of other array elements except 2 is 60 1 * 2 * 4 * 5 product of other array elements except 3 is 40 1 * 2 * 3 * 5 product of other array elements except 4 is 30 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 product of other array elements except 5 is 24 ``` **朴素的解决方案**: **方法**:创建两个额外的空间,即两个额外的数组以存储从开始到索引的所有数组元素的乘积,另一个数组则存储从数组末尾开始的所有数组元素的乘积。 该索引的数组。 要获得不包含该索引的乘积,请将前缀乘积(直到索引 i-1)乘以后缀乘积(直到索引 i + 1)。 **算法**: 1. 创建两个长度为 *n* 的数组*前缀*和*后缀*,即原始数组的长度,初始化*前缀[0] = 1* 和*后缀[n-1] = 1* ,以及另一个用于存储乘积的数组。 2. 从第二个索引到结束遍历数组。 3. 对于每个索引 *i* ,将*前缀[i]* 更新为 *prefix [i] =前缀[i-1] * array [i-1]* ,即存储 从数组开始到乘积最高为 *i-1* 索引。 4. 从倒数第二个索引开始遍历数组。 5. 对于每个索引 *i* ,将*后缀[i]* 更新为*后缀[i] =后缀[i + 1] * array [i + 1]* ,即存储 从数组末尾开始直到 *i + 1* 索引的乘积 6. 从头到尾遍历数组。 7. 对于每个索引 *i* ,输出将为 *prefix [i] *后缀[i]* ,即该元素之外的数组元素的乘积。 ## C++ ```cpp // C++ implementation of above approach #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* Function to print product array  for a given array arr[] of size n */ void productArray(int arr[], int n) {     // Base case     if (n == 1) {         cout << 0;         return;     }     /* Allocate memory for temporary  arrays left[] and right[] */     int* left = new int[sizeof(int) * n];     int* right = new int[sizeof(int) * n];     /* Allocate memory for the product array */     int* prod = new int[sizeof(int) * n];     int i, j;     /* Left most element of left  array is always 1 */     left[0] = 1;     /* Rightmost most element of right  array is always 1 */     right[n - 1] = 1;     /* Construct the left array */     for (i = 1; i < n; i++)         left[i] = arr[i - 1] * left[i - 1];     /* Construct the right array */     for (j = n - 2; j >= 0; j--)         right[j] = arr[j + 1] * right[j + 1];     /* Construct the product array using          left[] and right[] */     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)         prod[i] = left[i] * right[i];     /* print the constructed prod array */     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)         cout << prod[i] << " ";     return; } /* Driver code*/ int main() {     int arr[] = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };     int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);     cout << "The product array is: \n";     productArray(arr, n); } // This is code is contributed by rathbhupendra ``` ## C ``` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* Function to print product array  for a given array arr[] of size n */ void productArray(int arr[], int n) {     // Base case     if (n == 1) {         printf("0");         return;     }     /* Allocate memory for temporary  arrays left[] and right[] */     int* left = (int*)malloc(         sizeof(int) * n);     int* right = (int*)malloc(         sizeof(int) * n);     /* Allocate memory for the product array */     int* prod = (int*)malloc(         sizeof(int) * n);     int i, j;     /* Left most element of left array  is always 1 */     left[0] = 1;     /* Rightmost most element of right  array is always 1 */     right[n - 1] = 1;     /* Construct the left array */     for (i = 1; i < n; i++)         left[i] = arr[i - 1] * left[i - 1];     /* Construct the right array */     for (j = n - 2; j >= 0; j--)         right[j] = arr[j + 1] * right[j + 1];     /* Construct the product array using      left[] and right[] */     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)         prod[i] = left[i] * right[i];     /* print the constructed prod array */     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)         printf("%d ", prod[i]);     return; } /* Driver program to test above functions */ int main() {     int arr[] = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };     int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);     printf("The product array is: \n");     productArray(arr, n);     getchar(); } ``` ## Java ```java class ProductArray {     /* Function to print product array      for a given array arr[] of size n */     void productArray(int arr[], int n)     {         // Base case         if (n == 1) {             System.out.print(0);             return;         }         // Initialize memory to all arrays         int left[] = new int[n];         int right[] = new int[n];         int prod[] = new int[n];         int i, j;         /* Left most element of left array  is always 1 */         left[0] = 1;         /* Rightmost most element of right  array is always 1 */         right[n - 1] = 1;         /* Construct the left array */         for (i = 1; i < n; i++)             left[i] = arr[i - 1] * left[i - 1];         /* Construct the right array */         for (j = n - 2; j >= 0; j--)             right[j] = arr[j + 1] * right[j + 1];         /* Construct the product array using          left[] and right[] */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)             prod[i] = left[i] * right[i];         /* print the constructed prod array */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)             System.out.print(prod[i] + " ");         return;     }     /* Driver program to test the aboe function */     public static void main(String[] args)     {         ProductArray pa = new ProductArray();         int arr[] = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };         int n = arr.length;         System.out.println("The product array is : ");         pa.productArray(arr, n);     } } // This code has been contributed by Mayank Jaiswal ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python implementation of the above approach  # Function to print product array for a given array  # arr[] of size n  def productArray(arr, n):      # Base case     if(n == 1):         print(0)         return     # Allocate memory for temporary arrays left[] and right[]      left = [0]*n      right = [0]*n      # Allocate memory for the product array      prod = [0]*n      # Left most element of left array is always 1      left[0] = 1     # Rightmost most element of right array is always 1      right[n - 1] = 1     # Construct the left array      for i in range(1, n):          left[i] = arr[i - 1] * left[i - 1]      # Construct the right array      for j in range(n-2, -1, -1):          right[j] = arr[j + 1] * right[j + 1]      # Construct the product array using      # left[] and right[]      for i in range(n):          prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]      # print the constructed prod array      for i in range(n):          print(prod[i], end =' ')  # Driver code  arr = [10, 3, 5, 6, 2]  n = len(arr)  print("The product array is:")  productArray(arr, n)  # This code is contributed by ankush_953  ``` ## C# ```cs using System; class GFG {     /* Function to print product array      for a given array arr[] of size n */     static void productArray(int[] arr, int n)     {         // Base case         if (n == 1) {             Console.Write(0);             return;         }         // Initialize memory to all arrays         int[] left = new int[n];         int[] right = new int[n];         int[] prod = new int[n];         int i, j;         /* Left most element of left array          is always 1 */         left[0] = 1;         /* Rightmost most element of right          array is always 1 */         right[n - 1] = 1;         /* Construct the left array */         for (i = 1; i < n; i++)             left[i] = arr[i - 1] * left[i - 1];         /* Construct the right array */         for (j = n - 2; j >= 0; j--)             right[j] = arr[j + 1] * right[j + 1];         /* Construct the product array using          left[] and right[] */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)             prod[i] = left[i] * right[i];         /* print the constructed prod array */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)             Console.Write(prod[i] + " ");         return;     }     /* Driver program to test the aboe function */     public static void Main()     {         int[] arr = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };         int n = arr.Length;         Console.Write("The product array is :\n");         productArray(arr, n);     } } // This code is contributed by nitin mittal. ``` ## PHP ```php <?php  // Function to print product  // array for a given array  // arr[] of size n  function productArray($arr, $n)  {      // Base case     if($n == 1) {         echo "0";         return;     }     // Initialize memory      // to all arrays      $left = array();      $right = array();      $prod = array();      $i; $j;      // Left most element of      // left array is always 1      $left[0] = 1;      // Rightmost most element of      // right array is always 1      $right[$n - 1] = 1;      // Construct the left array      for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++)          $left[$i] = $arr[$i - 1] *                      $left[$i - 1];      // Construct the right array      for ($j = $n - 2; $j >= 0; $j--)          $right[$j] = $arr[$j + 1] *                      $right[$j + 1];      // Construct the product array      // using left[] and right[]      for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)          $prod[$i] = $left[$i] *                      $right[$i];      // print the constructed prod array      for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)          echo $prod[$i], " ";      return;  }  // Driver Code  $arr = array(10, 3, 5, 6, 2);  $n = count($arr);  echo "The product array is : \n";  productArray($arr, $n);  // This code has been contributed by anuj_67.  ?>  ``` **输出**: ``` The product array is : 180 600 360 300 900 ``` **复杂度分析**: * **时间复杂度**:`O(n)`。 数组需要遍历 3 次,因此时间复杂度为`O(n)`。 * **空间复杂度**:`O(n)`。 需要两个额外的数组和一个用于存储输出的数组,因此空间复杂度为`O(n)` **注意**:可以优化上述方法以在空间复杂度`O(1)`中工作。 感谢 Dileep 提供以下解决方案。 **有效解决方案**: **方法**:在先前的解决方案中,创建了两个额外的数组来存储前缀和后缀,在此解决方案中,将前缀和后缀乘积存储在输出数组(或乘积数组)本身中。 从而减少了所需的空间。 **Algorithm:** 1. 创建一个数组*乘积*,并将其值初始化为 1,并将变量 *temp* = 1。 2. 从头到尾遍历数组。 3. 对于每个索引 *i* ,将*乘积[i]* 更新为*乘积[i] = temp* 和 *temp = temp * array [i]* , 即从数组开始将产品存储到 *i-1* 索引。 4. 初始化 temp = 1 并从最后一个索引开始遍历数组。 5. 对于每个索引 *i* ,将*产品[i]* 更新为*产品[i] =产品[i] * temp* 和 *temp = temp * array [i ]* ,即乘以从数组末尾到 *i + 1* 索引的乘积。 6. 打印产品数组。 ## C++ ``` // C++ implementation of above approach #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; /* Function to print product array  for a given array arr[] of size n */ void productArray(int arr[], int n) {     // Base case     if (n == 1) {         cout << 0;         return;     }     int i, temp = 1;     /* Allocate memory for the product array */     int* prod = new int[(sizeof(int) * n)];     /* Initialize the product array as 1 */     memset(prod, 1, n);     /* In this loop, temp variable contains product of         elements on left side excluding arr[i] */     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {         prod[i] = temp;         temp *= arr[i];     }     /* Initialize temp to 1      for product on right side */     temp = 1;     /* In this loop, temp variable contains product of         elements on right side excluding arr[i] */     for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {         prod[i] *= temp;         temp *= arr[i];     }     /* print the constructed prod array */     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)         cout << prod[i] << " ";     return; } // Driver Code int main() {     int arr[] = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };     int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);     cout << "The product array is: \n";     productArray(arr, n); } // This code is contributed by rathbhupendra ``` ## Java ```java class ProductArray {     void productArray(int arr[], int n)     {         // Base case         if (n == 1) {             System.out.print("0");             return;         }         int i, temp = 1;         /* Allocate memory for the product array */         int prod[] = new int[n];         /* Initialize the product array as 1 */         for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)             prod[j] = 1;         /* In this loop, temp variable contains product of            elements on left side excluding arr[i] */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {             prod[i] = temp;             temp *= arr[i];         }         /* Initialize temp to 1 for product on right side */         temp = 1;         /* In this loop, temp variable contains product of            elements on right side excluding arr[i] */         for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {             prod[i] *= temp;             temp *= arr[i];         }         /* print the constructed prod array */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)             System.out.print(prod[i] + " ");         return;     }     /* Driver program to test above functions */     public static void main(String[] args)     {         ProductArray pa = new ProductArray();         int arr[] = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };         int n = arr.length;         System.out.println("The product array is : ");         pa.productArray(arr, n);     } } // This code has been contributed by Mayank Jaiswal ``` ## Python3 ```py # Python3 program for A Product Array Puzzle def productArray(arr, n):     # Base case     if n == 1:         print(0)         return     i, temp = 1, 1     # Allocate memory for the product array      prod = [1 for i in range(n)]     # Initialize the product array as 1      # In this loop, temp variable contains product of     # elements on left side excluding arr[i]      for i in range(n):         prod[i] = temp         temp *= arr[i]     # Initialize temp to 1 for product on right side      temp = 1     # In this loop, temp variable contains product of     # elements on right side excluding arr[i]      for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):         prod[i] *= temp         temp *= arr[i]     # Print the constructed prod array      for i in range(n):         print(prod[i], end = " ")     return # Driver Code arr = [10, 3, 5, 6, 2] n = len(arr) print("The product array is: n") productArray(arr, n) # This code is contributed by mohit kumar ``` ## C# ``` using System; class GFG {     static void productArray(int[] arr, int n)     {         // Base case         if (n == 1) {             Console.Write(0);             return;         }         int i, temp = 1;         /* Allocate memory for the product         array */         int[] prod = new int[n];         /* Initialize the product array as 1 */         for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)             prod[j] = 1;         /* In this loop, temp variable contains         product of elements on left side         excluding arr[i] */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {             prod[i] = temp;             temp *= arr[i];         }         /* Initialize temp to 1 for product on          right side */         temp = 1;         /* In this loop, temp variable contains         product of elements on right side          excluding arr[i] */         for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {             prod[i] *= temp;             temp *= arr[i];         }         /* print the constructed prod array */         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)             Console.Write(prod[i] + " ");         return;     }     /* Driver program to test above functions */     public static void Main()     {         int[] arr = { 10, 3, 5, 6, 2 };         int n = arr.Length;         Console.WriteLine("The product array is : ");         productArray(arr, n);     } } // This code is contributed by nitin mittal. ``` ## PHP ```php <?php // PHP program for  // A Product Array Puzzle function productArray($arr, $n)      {         // Base case         if ($n == 1) {             echo "0";             return;         }         $i; $temp = 1;         /* Allocate memory for             the productarray */         $prod = array();         /* Initialize the product             array as 1 */         for( $j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)             $prod[$j] = 1;         /* In this loop, temp             variable contains            product of elements            on left side            excluding arr[i] */         for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)          {             $prod[$i] = $temp;             $temp *= $arr[$i];         }         /* Initialize temp to 1             for product on right            side */         $temp = 1;         /* In this loop, temp             variable contains            product of elements             on right side             excluding arr[i] */         for ($i = $n - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)          {             $prod[$i] *= $temp;             $temp *= $arr[$i];         }         /* print the constructed            prod array */         for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)             echo $prod[$i], " ";         return;     }         // Driver Code             $arr = array(10, 3, 5, 6, 2);         $n = count($arr);         echo "The product array is : \n";         productArray($arr, $n); // This code is contributed by anuj_67\. ?> ``` **输出**: ``` The product array is : 180 600 360 300 900 ``` **复杂度分析**: * **时间复杂度**:`O(n)`。 原始数组仅需要遍历一次,因此时间复杂度是恒定的。 * **空间复杂度**:`O(n)`。 即使删除了多余的数组,空间复杂度仍然为`O(n)`,因为仍然需要乘积数组。 [**产品数组拼图| 集 2(`O(1)`空间)**](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/product-array-puzzle-set-2-o1-space/) **相关问题**: [根据数组中所有元素的异或构造,将同一索引处的元素除外](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/construct-an-array-from-xor-of-all-elements-of-array-except-element-at-same-index/) 如果您发现上述代码/算法有误,请写注释,或者找到解决同一问题的更好方法。