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# 检查数组元素是否连续 新增方法 3 > 原文: [https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-if-array-elements-are-consecutive/](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-if-array-elements-are-consecutive/) 给定一个未排序的数字数组,编写一个函数,如果该数组包含连续的数字,则该函数返回 true。 **示例**: **a)**如果数组为{5,2,3,1,4},则该函数应返回 true,因为数组具有从 1 到 5 的连续数字 。 **b)**如果数组为{83,78,80,81,79,82},则该函数应返回 true,因为数组具有从 78 到 83 的连续数字。 **c)**如果数组是{34,23,52,12,3},则该函数应返回 false,因为元素不连续。 **d)**如果数组是{7,6,5,5,5,3,4},则该函数应返回 false,因为 5 和 5 不连续。 **方法 1(使用排序)** 1)对所有元素进行排序。 2)对排序后的数组进行线性扫描。 如果当前元素和下一个元素之间的差不是 1,则返回 false。 如果所有差异均为 1,则返回 true。 时间复杂度:O(nLogn) **方法 2(使用访问数组)** 这个想法是要检查以下两个条件。 如果满足以下两个条件,则返回 true。 1) *max-min + 1 = n* 其中 max 是数组中的最大元素,min 是数组中的最小元素,n 是数组中的元素数。 2)所有元素都是不同的。 要检查所有元素是否都不同,我们可以创建大小为 n 的 visited []数组。 我们可以使用 arr [i]-min 作为 Visited []中的索引,将输入数组 arr []的第 i 个元素映射到访问数组。 ## C++ ```cpp #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> /* Helper functions to get minimum and maximum in an array */ int getMin(int arr[], int n); int getMax(int arr[], int n); /* The function checks if the array elements are consecutive   If elements are consecutive, then returns true, else returns   false */ bool areConsecutive(int arr[], int n) {   if ( n <  1 )     return false;   /* 1) Get the minimum element in array */   int min = getMin(arr, n);   /* 2) Get the maximum element in array */   int max = getMax(arr, n);   /* 3) max - min + 1 is equal to n,  then only check all elements */   if (max - min  + 1 == n)   {       /* Create a temp array to hold visited flag of all elements.          Note that, calloc is used here so that all values are initialized           as false */        bool *visited = (bool *) calloc (n, sizeof(bool));       int i;       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)       {          /* If we see an element again, then return false */          if ( visited[arr[i] - min] != false )            return false;          /* If visited first time, then mark the element as visited */          visited[arr[i] - min] = true;       }       /* If all elements occur once, then return true */       return true;   }   return false; // if (max - min  + 1 != n) } /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ int getMin(int arr[], int n) {   int min = arr[0];   for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)    if (arr[i] < min)      min = arr[i];   return min; } int getMax(int arr[], int n) {   int max = arr[0];   for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)    if (arr[i] > max)      max = arr[i];   return max; } /* Driver program to test above functions */ int main() {     int arr[]= {5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6};     int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);     if(areConsecutive(arr, n) == true)         printf(" Array elements are consecutive ");     else         printf(" Array elements are not consecutive ");     getchar();     return 0; } ``` ## Java ```java class AreConsecutive  {     /* The function checks if the array elements are consecutive        If elements are consecutive, then returns true, else returns        false */     boolean areConsecutive(int arr[], int n)      {         if (n < 1)             return false;         /* 1) Get the minimum element in array */         int min = getMin(arr, n);         /* 2) Get the maximum element in array */         int max = getMax(arr, n);         /* 3) max - min + 1 is equal to n,  then only check all elements */         if (max - min + 1 == n)          {             /* Create a temp array to hold visited flag of all elements.                Note that, calloc is used here so that all values are initialized                 as false */             boolean visited[] = new boolean[n];             int i;             for (i = 0; i < n; i++)              {                 /* If we see an element again, then return false */                 if (visited[arr[i] - min] != false)                     return false;                 /* If visited first time, then mark the element as visited */                 visited[arr[i] - min] = true;             }             /* If all elements occur once, then return true */             return true;         }         return false; // if (max - min  + 1 != n)     }     /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */     int getMin(int arr[], int n)      {         int min = arr[0];         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)          {             if (arr[i] < min)                 min = arr[i];         }         return min;     }     int getMax(int arr[], int n)      {         int max = arr[0];         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)          {             if (arr[i] > max)                 max = arr[i];         }         return max;     }     /* Driver program to test above functions */     public static void main(String[] args)      {         AreConsecutive consecutive = new AreConsecutive();         int arr[] = {5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6};         int n = arr.length;         if (consecutive.areConsecutive(arr, n) == true)             System.out.println("Array elements are consecutive");         else             System.out.println("Array elements are not consecutive");     } } // This code has been contributed by Mayank Jaiswal ``` ## Python3 ```py # Helper functions to get Minimum and # Maximum in an array  # The function checks if the array elements  # are consecutive. If elements are consecutive,  # then returns true, else returns false  def areConsecutive(arr, n):     if ( n < 1 ):         return False     # 1) Get the Minimum element in array */     Min = min(arr)     # 2) Get the Maximum element in array */     Max = max(arr)     # 3) Max - Min + 1 is equal to n,      # then only check all elements */     if (Max - Min + 1 == n):         # Create a temp array to hold visited          # flag of all elements. Note that, calloc          # is used here so that all values are          # initialized as false         visited = [False for i in range(n)]         for i in range(n):             # If we see an element again,              # then return false */             if (visited[arr[i] - Min] != False):                 return False             # If visited first time, then mark             # the element as visited */             visited[arr[i] - Min] = True         # If all elements occur once,         # then return true */         return True     return False # if (Max - Min + 1 != n) # Driver Code arr = [5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6] n = len(arr) if(areConsecutive(arr, n) == True):     print("Array elements are consecutive ") else:     print("Array elements are not consecutive ") # This code is contributed by mohit kumar ``` ## C# ```cs using System; class GFG {     /* The function checks if the array elements     are consecutive If elements are consecutive,     then returns true, else returns    false */     static bool areConsecutive(int []arr, int n)      {         if (n < 1)             return false;         /* 1) Get the minimum element in array */         int min = getMin(arr, n);         /* 2) Get the maximum element in array */         int max = getMax(arr, n);         /* 3) max - min + 1 is equal to n, then          only check all elements */         if (max - min + 1 == n)          {             /* Create a temp array to hold visited             flag of all elements. Note that, calloc             is used here so that all values are             initialized as false */             bool []visited = new bool[n];             int i;             for (i = 0; i < n; i++)              {                 /* If we see an element again, then                 return false */                 if (visited[arr[i] - min] != false)                     return false;                 /* If visited first time, then mark                  the element as visited */                 visited[arr[i] - min] = true;             }             /* If all elements occur once, then             return true */             return true;         }         return false; // if (max - min + 1 != n)     }     /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */     static int getMin(int []arr, int n)      {         int min = arr[0];         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)          {             if (arr[i] < min)                 min = arr[i];         }         return min;     }     static int getMax(int []arr, int n)      {         int max = arr[0];         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)          {             if (arr[i] > max)                 max = arr[i];         }         return max;     }     /* Driver program to test above functions */     public static void Main()      {         int []arr = {5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6};         int n = arr.Length;         if (areConsecutive(arr, n) == true)             Console.Write("Array elements are"                               + " consecutive");         else             Console.Write("Array elements are"                          + " not consecutive");     } } // This code is contributed by nitin mittal. ``` ## PHP ```php <?php // PHP Program for above approach // The function checks if the array elements  // are consecutive. If elements are consecutive,  // then returns true, else returns false  function areConsecutive($arr, $n)  {      if ( $n < 1 )          return false;      // 1) Get the minimum element in array      $min = getMin($arr, $n);      // 2) Get the maximum element in array      $max = getMax($arr, $n);      // 3) $max - $min + 1 is equal to $n,      // then only check all elements      if ($max - $min + 1 == $n)      {          // Create a temp array to hold          // visited flag of all elements.         $visited = array();          for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)          {              $visited[$i] = false;          }          for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)          {              // If we see an element again,              // then return false              if ( $visited[$arr[$i] - $min] != false )              return false;              // If visited first time, then mark              // the element as visited             $visited[$arr[$i] - $min] = true;          }          // If all elements occur once,          // then return true          return true;      }      return false; // if ($max - $min + 1 != $n)  }  // UTILITY FUNCTIONS  function getMin($arr, $n)  {      $min = $arr[0];      for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++)          if ($arr[$i] < $min)              $min = $arr[$i];      return $min;  }  function getMax($arr, $n)  {      $max = $arr[0];      for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++)          if ($arr[$i] > $max)              $max = $arr[$i];      return $max;  }  // Driver Code $arr = array(5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6);  $n = count($arr); if(areConsecutive($arr, $n) == true)      echo "Array elements are consecutive ";  else     echo "Array elements are not consecutive ";  // This code is contributed by rathbhupendra ?> ``` **时间复杂度**:`O(n)` **额外空间**:`O(n)` **方法 3(将访问的数组元素标记为负)** 此方法具有`O(n)`时间复杂度和`O(1)`额外空间,但是它更改了原始数组,并且仅当所有数字均为 正。 我们可以通过添加一个额外的步骤来获得原始数组。 它是方法 2 的扩展,具有相同的两个步骤。 1) *max-min + 1 = n* 其中 max 是数组中的最大元素,min 是数组中的最小元素,n 是数组中的元素数。 2)所有元素都是不同的。 在此方法中,步骤 2 的实现与方法 2 不同。我们没有创建新的数组,而是修改了输入数组 arr []来跟踪访问的元素。 这个想法是遍历数组,对于每个索引 i(其中 0≤i < n),将 arr [arr [i] – min]]设为负值。 如果我们再次看到负值,则说明存在重复。 ## C++ ``` #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> /* Helper functions to get minimum and maximum in an array */ int getMin(int arr[], int n); int getMax(int arr[], int n); /* The function checks if the array elements are consecutive   If elements are consecutive, then returns true, else returns   false */ bool areConsecutive(int arr[], int n) {     if ( n <  1 )         return false;     /* 1) Get the minimum element in array */     int min = getMin(arr, n);     /* 2) Get the maximum element in array */     int max = getMax(arr, n);     /* 3) max - min + 1 is equal to n then only check all elements */     if (max - min  + 1 == n)     {         int i;         for(i = 0; i < n; i++)         {             int j;             if (arr[i] < 0)                 j = -arr[i] - min;             else                 j = arr[i] - min;             // if the value at index j is negative then             // there is repetition             if (arr[j] > 0)                 arr[j] = -arr[j];             else                 return false;         }         /* If we do not see a negative value then all elements            are distinct */         return true;     }     return false; // if (max - min  + 1 != n) } /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ int getMin(int arr[], int n) {     int min = arr[0];     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)         if (arr[i] < min)             min = arr[i];     return min; } int getMax(int arr[], int n) {     int max = arr[0];     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)         if (arr[i] > max)             max = arr[i];     return max; } /* Driver program to test above functions */ int main() {     int arr[]= {1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6};     int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);     if(areConsecutive(arr, n) == true)         printf(" Array elements are consecutive ");     else         printf(" Array elements are not consecutive ");     getchar();     return 0; } ```