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# 给定子数组中小于或等于给定数目的元素数 > 原文: []( 给定数组`a[]`和查询数量`q`。 每个查询都可以用`l, r, x`表示。 您的任务是在`l`到`r`表示的子数组中打印小于或等于`x`的元素数。 例子: ``` Input : arr[] = {2, 3, 4, 5} q = 2 0 3 5 0 2 2 Output : 4 1 Number of elements less than or equal to 5 in arr[0..3] is 4 (all elements) Number of elements less than or equal to 2 in arr[0..2] is 1 (only 2) ``` **朴素方法**每个查询的朴素方法遍历子数组并计算给定范围内的元素数。 **有效方法**的想法是使用-[二进制索引树](。 请注意,在以下步骤中,`x`是必须根据其查找元素的数字,并且子数组由`l`,`r`表示。 步骤 1:按升序对数组进行排序。 步骤 2:根据`x`对查询升序排序,将位数组初始化为 0。 步骤 3:从第一个查询开始,遍历数组,直到数组中的值小于等于`x`。 对于每个这样的元素,将位更新为等于 1 的值 步骤 4:查询范围为`l`至`r`的位数组 ``` // C++ program to answer queries to count number // of elements smaller tban or equal to x. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // structure to hold queries struct Query {     int l, r, x, idx; }; // structure to hold array struct ArrayElement {     int val, idx; }; // bool function to sort queries according to k bool cmp1(Query q1, Query q2) {     return q1.x < q2.x; } // bool function to sort array according to its value bool cmp2(ArrayElement x, ArrayElement y) {     return x.val < y.val; } // updating the bit array void update(int bit[], int idx, int val, int n) {     for (; idx<=n; idx +=idx&-idx)         bit[idx] += val; } // querying the bit array int query(int bit[], int idx, int n) {     int sum = 0;     for (; idx > 0; idx -= idx&-idx)         sum += bit[idx];     return sum; } void answerQueries(int n, Query queries[], int q,                               ArrayElement arr[]) {     // initialising bit array     int bit[n+1];     memset(bit, 0, sizeof(bit));     // sorting the array     sort(arr, arr+n, cmp2);     // sorting queries     sort(queries, queries+q, cmp1);     // current index of array     int curr = 0;     // array to hold answer of each Query     int ans[q];     // looping through each Query     for (int i=0; i<q; i++)     {         // traversing the array values till it         // is less than equal to Query number         while (arr[curr].val <= queries[i].x && curr<n)         {             // updating the bit array for the array index             update(bit, arr[curr].idx+1, 1, n);             curr++;         }         // Answer for each Query will be number of         // values less than equal to x upto r minus         // number of values less than equal to x         // upto l-1         ans[queries[i].idx] = query(bit, queries[i].r+1, n) -                               query(bit, queries[i].l, n);     }     // printing answer for each Query     for (int i=0 ; i<q; i++)         cout << ans[i] << endl; } // driver function int main() {     // size of array     int n = 4;     // initialising array value and index     ArrayElement arr[n];     arr[0].val = 2;     arr[0].idx = 0;     arr[1].val = 3;     arr[1].idx = 1;     arr[2].val = 4;     arr[2].idx = 2;     arr[3].val = 5;     arr[3].idx = 3;     // number of queries     int q = 2;     Query queries[q];     queries[0].l = 0;     queries[0].r = 2;     queries[0].x = 2;     queries[0].idx = 0;     queries[1].l = 0;     queries[1].r = 3;     queries[1].x = 5;     queries[1].idx = 1;     answerQueries(n, queries, q, arr);     return 0; } ``` 输出: ``` 1 4 ``` 如果发现任何不正确的地方,或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息,请写评论。