企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[GetContainerFreeSlots]( "API GetContainerFreeSlots (page does not exist)")(index \[, returnTable\]) [GetContainerItemCooldown]( "API GetContainerItemCooldown")([bagID]( "BagID"), slot) [GetContainerItemDurability]( "API GetContainerItemDurability")(bag, slot) - Get current and maximum durability of an item in the character's bags. [GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfo]( "API GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfo (page does not exist)")(index, slot) - Unused in FrameXML. [GetContainerItemID]( "API GetContainerItemID")(bag, slot) - Returns the item ID of the item in a particular container slot. [GetContainerItemInfo]( "API GetContainerItemInfo")([bagID]( "BagID"), slot) - Get the info for an item in one of the player's bags. [GetContainerItemLink]( "API GetContainerItemLink")([bagID]( "BagID"), slot) - Returns the[itemLink]( "ItemLink")of the item located in bag#, slot#. [GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrency]( "API GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrency (page does not exist)")(bag, slot, itemIndex\[, isEquipped\]) [GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo]( "API GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo (page does not exist)")(index, slot\[, isEquipped\]) [GetContainerItemPurchaseItem]( "API GetContainerItemPurchaseItem (page does not exist)")(bag, slot, itemIndex\[, isEquipped\]) [GetContainerItemQuestInfo]( "API GetContainerItemQuestInfo")(bag, slot) - Returns information about quest and quest-starting items in your bags. [GetContainerNumFreeSlots]( "API GetContainerNumFreeSlots")([bagID]( "BagID")) - Returns the number of free slots and type of slots in the bag specified by the index. [GetContainerNumSlots]( "API GetContainerNumSlots")([bagID]( "BagID")) - Returns the total number of slots in the bag specified by the index. [IsContainerFiltered]( "API IsContainerFiltered (page does not exist)")(index) [IsContainerItemAnUpgrade]( "API IsContainerItemAnUpgrade (page does not exist)")(index, slot) [SplitContainerItem]( "API SplitContainerItem")(bagID, slot, amount) - Picks up part of a stack. PROTECTED (situational)[UseContainerItem]( "API UseContainerItem")([bagId]( "BagId"), slot\[, target\]) - Performs a "right click" action on, or targeted use of, on an item in bags.