企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
These functions relate to the[Cursor]( "Cursor"). [AutoEquipCursorItem]( "API AutoEquipCursorItem")() - Causes the equipment on the cursor to be equipped. [ClearCursor]( "API ClearCursor")() - Clears whatever item the cursor is dragging from the cursor. [ClickSocketButton]( "API ClickSocketButton (page does not exist)")(id) - If the cursor is currently holding a gem, tentatively insert it into the socket. [CursorCanGoInSlot]( "API CursorCanGoInSlot")([invSlot]( "InventorySlotId")) - Returns true if the item currently held by the cursor can go into the given inventory (equipment) slot. [CursorHasItem]( "API CursorHasItem")() - Returns true if the cursor currently holds an item. [CursorHasMacro]( "API CursorHasMacro (page does not exist)")() - Returns 1 if the cursor is currently dragging a macro. [CursorHasMoney]( "API CursorHasMoney (page does not exist)")() - Returns true if the cursor currently holds money. [CursorHasSpell]( "API CursorHasSpell (page does not exist)")() - Returns true if the cursor currently holds a spell. [DeleteCursorItem]( "API DeleteCursorItem")() - Destroys the item on the cursor. [DropCursorMoney]( "API DropCursorMoney")() - Drops the amount of money held by the cursor. [DropItemOnUnit]( "API DropItemOnUnit")("unit") - Drops an item from the cursor onto a unit. [EquipCursorItem]( "API EquipCursorItem")([invSlot]( "InventorySlotId")) - Equips the currently picked up item to a specific inventory slot. [GetCursorDelta]( "API GetCursorDelta (page does not exist)")() [GetCursorInfo]( "API GetCursorInfo")() - Returns information about what the cursor is holding. [GetCursorMoney]( "API GetCursorMoney")() - Returns the amount of money held by the cursor. [GetCursorPosition]( "API GetCursorPosition")() - Returns the cursor's position on the screen. [HideRepairCursor]( "API HideRepairCursor")() - Hides the repair cursor. [InRepairMode]( "API InRepairMode")() - Returns true if your cursor is in repair mode. [PickupAction]( "API PickupAction")(slot) - Drags an action out of the specified quickbar slot and holds it on the cursor. [PickupBagFromSlot]( "API PickupBagFromSlot")(slot) - Picks up the bag from the specified slot, placing it in the cursor. [PickupCompanion]( "API PickupCompanion")("type", index) - Picks up the indexed companion onto the mouse cursor. [PickupContainerItem]( "API PickupContainerItem")([bagID]( "BagID"), slot) [PickupCurrency]( "API PickupCurrency (page does not exist)")(currencyType) - Unused in FrameXML. [PickupGuildBankItem]( "API PickupGuildBankItem (page does not exist)")(tab, slot) - Picks up an item from the guild bank. [PickupGuildBankMoney]( "API PickupGuildBankMoney (page does not exist)")(money) - Picks up "money" copper from the guild bank. [PickupInventoryItem]( "API PickupInventoryItem")([invSlot]( "InventorySlotId")) - Picks up an item from the player's worn inventory. [PickupItem]( "API PickupItem")(itemId or "itemString" or "itemName" or "itemLink") [PickupMacro]( "API PickupMacro")("macroName" or index) - Places the specified macro onto the cursor. [PickupMerchantItem]( "API PickupMerchantItem")(index) - Places the item onto the cursor. If the cursor already has an item, the item in the cursor will be sold. [PickupPetAction]( "API PickupPetAction")(slot) - Drags an action from the specified pet action bar slot into the cursor. [PickupPetSpell]( "API PickupPetSpell")(spellID) [PickupPlayerMoney]( "API PickupPlayerMoney")(copper) - Picks up an amount of money from the player. [PickupPvpTalent]( "API PickupPvpTalent (page does not exist)")() [PickupSpellBookItem]( "API PickupSpellBookItem")(spellSlot) [PickupSpell]( "API PickupSpell")("spellName" | spellID, "bookType") - Places the specified spell onto the cursor. [PickupStablePet]( "API PickupStablePet")(index) [PickupTalent]( "API PickupTalent (page does not exist)")(talentID) - Grabs the selected talent spell for placement on an action bar. [PickupTradeMoney]( "API PickupTradeMoney")(copper) - Picks up an amount of money from the player's trade offer. [PlaceAction]( "API PlaceAction")(slot) - Drops an action from the cursor into the specified quickbar slot. [ResetCursor]( "API ResetCursor")() [SellCursorItem]( "API SellCursorItem (page does not exist)")() [SetCursor]( "API SetCursor")("cursor") - Path to a texture to use as the cursor image (must be 32x32 pixels) or one of the built-in cursor tokens or nil. [SetItemUpgradeFromCursorItem]( "API SetItemUpgradeFromCursorItem (page does not exist)")() [ShowBuybackSellCursor]( "API ShowBuybackSellCursor (page does not exist)")(index) [ShowContainerSellCursor]( "API ShowContainerSellCursor (page does not exist)")(index, slot) [ShowInventorySellCursor]( "API ShowInventorySellCursor (page does not exist)")() [ShowRepairCursor]( "API ShowRepairCursor")()