企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[C\_PvP.GetRandomBGInfo]( "API C PvP.GetRandomBGInfo")() [C\_PvP.GetRandomBGRewards]( "API C PvP.GetRandomBGRewards")() [C\_PvP.GetRandomEpicBGInfo]( "API C PvP.GetRandomEpicBGInfo")() [C\_PvP.GetRandomEpicBGRewards]( "API C PvP.GetRandomEpicBGRewards")() [C\_PvP.GetRatedBGRewards]( "API C PvP.GetRatedBGRewards")() [C\_PvP.IsBattleground]( "API C PvP.IsBattleground")() [C\_PvP.IsBattlegroundEnlistmentBonusActive]( "API C PvP.IsBattlegroundEnlistmentBonusActive")() [C\_PvP.IsRatedBattleground]( "API C PvP.IsRatedBattleground")() [AcceptAreaSpiritHeal]( "API AcceptAreaSpiritHeal")() - Accept a spirit heal. [AcceptBattlefieldPort]( "API AcceptBattlefieldPort")(index\[, acceptFlag\]) - Accept or reject an offered battlefield port. [BattlefieldSetPendingReportTarget]( "API BattlefieldSetPendingReportTarget (page does not exist)")(index) - Unused in FrameXML. [CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup]( "API CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup")() - Returns nil if the player can not do a group join for a battlefield. [CancelAreaSpiritHeal]( "API CancelAreaSpiritHeal")() - Cancel a spirit heal. [CheckSpiritHealerDist]( "API CheckSpiritHealerDist (page does not exist)")() - Returns true if you are in range with spirit healer while dead. [GetAreaSpiritHealerTime]( "API GetAreaSpiritHealerTime")() - Returns the time left until the next resurrection by the Sprit Guide. [GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime]( "API GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime")(index) - Get the estimated wait for entry into the battlefield. [GetBattlefieldFlagPosition]( "API GetBattlefieldFlagPosition")(index) - Get the map position and texture of the flag. [GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration]( "API GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration")() - Get shutdown timer for the battlefield instance. [GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime]( "API GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime")() - In milliseconds, the time since battleground started (seems to be queried from server because it is not in sync with time()). [GetBattlefieldMapIconScale]( "API GetBattlefieldMapIconScale (page does not exist)")() - Scale of the landmark icons on the battlefield minimap. [GetBattlefieldPortExpiration]( "API GetBattlefieldPortExpiration")(index) - Get the remaining seconds before the battlefield port expires. [GetBattlefieldScore]( "API GetBattlefieldScore")(index) - Get score information about a player. [GetBattlefieldStatData]( "API GetBattlefieldStatData")(playerIndex, slotIndex) - Get information for a player from a column thats specific to a battleground (like Warsong Gulch flag captures). [GetBattlefieldStatus]( "API GetBattlefieldStatus")(index) - Get the battlefield's current status. [GetBattlefieldTimeWaited]( "API GetBattlefieldTimeWaited")(index) - Get time waited in queue in milliseconds. [GetBattlefieldWinner]( "API GetBattlefieldWinner")() - Get the battlefields winner. [GetBattlegroundInfo]( "API GetBattlegroundInfo")(index) - Returns information about a battleground type. [GetBattlegroundPoints]( "API GetBattlegroundPoints")() - Unused in FrameXML. [GetMaxBattlefieldID]( "API GetMaxBattlefieldID")() - Returns the max number of battlefields you can queue for. [GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions]( "API GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions (page does not exist)")() - Get the number of flag positions available from GetBattlefieldFlagPosition(). [GetNumBattlefieldScores]( "API GetNumBattlefieldScores")() - Returns the number of scores(players) listed in the battlefield scoreboard. [GetNumBattlegroundTypes]( "API GetNumBattlegroundTypes")() [GetPersonalRatedInfo]( "API GetPersonalRatedInfo")(bracketIndex) [GetRatedBattleGroundInfo]( "API GetRatedBattleGroundInfo (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [IsPVPTimerRunning]( "API IsPVPTimerRunning (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[JoinBattlefield]( "API JoinBattlefield")(index\[, joinAs\]) - Queue for a battleground either solo or as a group. PROTECTED[JoinRatedBattlefield]( "API JoinRatedBattlefield (page does not exist)")() [LeaveBattlefield]( "API LeaveBattlefield")() - Leave the current battlefield. [ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK]( "API ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK (page does not exist)")("unit") - Reports the specified player as AFK in a battleground. [RequestBattlefieldScoreData]( "API RequestBattlefieldScoreData")() - Request new data for GetBattlefieldScore(). [RequestRandomBattlegroundInstanceInfo]( "API RequestRandomBattlegroundInstanceInfo")() [RequestRatedInfo]( "API RequestRatedInfo")() [SetBattlefieldScoreFaction]( "API SetBattlefieldScoreFaction")(\[faction\]) - Set the faction to show on the battlefield scoreboard. [SortBattlefieldScoreData]( "API SortBattlefieldScoreData (page does not exist)")("type") [UnitInBattleground]( "API UnitInBattleground")("unit") - Returns the unit index if the unit is in your battleground, nil otherwise. DEPRECATED (8.2.0)[GetBattlefieldStatInfo]( "API GetBattlefieldStatInfo")(index) - Get the battleground specific column for the score board. DEPRECATED (8.2.0)[GetNumBattlefieldStats]( "API GetNumBattlefieldStats")() - Get the number of battleground specific columns. DEPRECATED (8.1.5)[InActiveBattlefield]( "API InActiveBattlefield")()