ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[CheckBinderDist]( "API CheckBinderDist (page does not exist)")() - Check whether the player is close enough to interact with the Hearthstone binder. [ConfirmBinder]( "API ConfirmBinder (page does not exist)")() - Confirm the request to set the binding of the player's Hearthstone. [Dismount]( "API Dismount")() - The player dismounts the current mount. [GetBindLocation]( "API GetBindLocation")() - Get the name of the location for your Hearthstone. [GetComboPoints]( "API GetComboPoints")() - Get the current number of combo points. [GetCurrentLevelFeatures]( "API GetCurrentLevelFeatures (page does not exist)")(level) - For Level Up Display [GetCurrentLevelSpells]( "API GetCurrentLevelSpells")(level) - For Level Up Display [GetCurrentTitle]( "API GetCurrentTitle")() - Returns the player's current[titleId]( "TitleId"). [GetLevelUpInstances]( "API GetLevelUpInstances")(level, isRaid) - For Level Up Display [GetMirrorTimerInfo]( "API GetMirrorTimerInfo")(id) - Returns information about a mirror timer (exhaustion, breath and feign death timers) [GetMirrorTimerProgress]( "API GetMirrorTimerProgress")(id) - Returns the current value of a mirror timer (exhaustion, breath and feign death timers) [GetMoney]( "API GetMoney")() - Returns an integer value of your held money in copper. [GetNumTitles]( "API GetNumTitles")() - Returns the maximum[titleId]( "TitleId"). [GetRestState]( "API GetRestState")() - Returns information about a player's rest state. (saved up experience bonus) [GetRuneCooldown]( "API GetRuneCooldown")(id) - Returns cooldown information about a given rune. [GetRuneCount]( "API GetRuneCount (page does not exist)")(slot) - Returns the number of Runes in the given slot. (Death Knight) [GetSheathState]( "API GetSheathState")() - Returns the sheath state of the player's weapons. [GetSpellsForCharacterUpgradeTier]( "API GetSpellsForCharacterUpgradeTier (page does not exist)")(tierIndex) - For Level Up Display [GetTimeToWellRested]( "API GetTimeToWellRested (page does not exist)")() [GetTitleName]( "API GetTitleName")([titleId]( "TitleId")) - Returns the player's current title name. [GetXPExhaustion]( "API GetXPExhaustion")() - Returns your character's current rested XP, nil if character is not rested. [HasAlternateForm]( "API HasAlternateForm")() [HasFullControl]( "API HasFullControl")() [IsChatAFK]( "API IsChatAFK (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [IsChatDND]( "API IsChatDND (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [IsEncounterInProgress]( "API IsEncounterInProgress (page does not exist)")() [IsFalling]( "API IsFalling")() - Returns 1 if your character is currently plummeting to their doom. [IsFlyableArea]( "API IsFlyableArea")() - Returns 1 if it is possible to fly here, nil otherwise. [IsFlying]( "API IsFlying")() - Returns 1 if flying, otherwise nil. [IsIndoors]( "API IsIndoors")() - Returns 1 if you are indoors, otherwise nil. Returns nil for indoor areas where you can still mount. [IsInsane]( "API IsInsane (page does not exist)")() - Used for the Insanity bar [IsMounted]( "API IsMounted")() - Returns 1 if mounted, otherwise nil. [IsOutOfBounds]( "API IsOutOfBounds")() - Returns 1 if you fell off the map. [IsOutdoors]( "API IsOutdoors")() - Returns 1 if you are outdoors, otherwise nil. Returns 1 for indoor areas where you can still mount. [IsPlayerInWorld]( "API IsPlayerInWorld (page does not exist)")() [IsPlayerNeutral]( "API IsPlayerNeutral")() [IsResting]( "API IsResting")() - Returns 1 if your character is currently resting. [IsStealthed]( "API IsStealthed")() - Returns 1 if stealthed or shadowmeld, otherwise nil. [IsSubmerged]( "API IsSubmerged")() [IsSwimming]( "API IsSwimming")() - Returns 1 if your character is currently swimming. [IsThreatWarningEnabled]( "API IsThreatWarningEnabled")() - Returns whether threat warnings should currently be displayed. [IsTitleKnown]( "API IsTitleKnown")(index) - Returns 1 if the title is valid for the player, otherwise 0. [IsXPUserDisabled]( "API IsXPUserDisabled (page does not exist)")() - Returns 1 if the character has disabled experience gain. [PlayerHasHearthstone]( "API PlayerHasHearthstone (page does not exist)")() - Returns the hearthstone ID [RandomRoll]( "API RandomRoll")(min, max) - Does a random roll between the two values. HW[SetCurrentTitle]( "API SetCurrentTitle")([titleId]( "TitleId")) - Sets the player's current title by id. [ToggleSheath]( "API ToggleSheath")() - Toggles sheathed or unsheathed weapons. PROTECTED[UseHearthstone]( "API UseHearthstone (page does not exist)")()