ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
UI[EasyMenu]( "API EasyMenu")(menuList, menuFrame, anchor, x, y, displayMode, autoHideDelay) These functions toggle the Interface Panels, but if they use[ShowUIPanel]( "API ShowUIPanel")() they can not be called in combat. UI[PVEFrame\_ToggleFrame]( - Toggles the Group Finder. UI[ToggleAchievementFrame]( - Shows the Achievements frame. UI[ToggleBackpack]( "API ToggleBackpack")() - Toggles your backpack open/closed. UI[ToggleBag]( "API ToggleBag")([bagID]( "BagID")) - Opens or closes the specified bag. UI[ToggleCharacter]( "API ToggleCharacter")(index) - Toggles the character pane to the specified frame. UI[ToggleCollectionsJournal]( - Toggles the Collections window. UI[ToggleDropDownMenu]( "API ToggleDropDownMenu")(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset) UI[ToggleEncounterJournal]( - Toggles the Adventure Guide. UI[ToggleFriendsFrame]( "API ToggleFriendsFrame")(\[tabNumber\]) - Opens/closes the friends pane, optionally on a specific tab. UI[ToggleGameMenu]( "API ToggleGameMenu")() - Opens/closes the game menu. UI[ToggleGuildFrame]( - Toggles the Guild & Communites frame. UI[ToggleHelpFrame]( - Opens the Help Request frame. UI[ToggleMinimap]( "API ToggleMinimap")() - Turns the minimap display on/off. UI[TogglePVPUI]( "API TogglePVPUI")() - Opens/closes the PvP frame. UI[ToggleSpellBook]( "API ToggleSpellBook")("bookType") - Shows the spellbook. Can show your spells or your pet's. UI[ToggleTalentFrame]( "API ToggleTalentFrame")() - Opens the Talent frame.