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[DeclineName]( "API DeclineName (page does not exist)")("name", gender, declensionSet) - Returns suggested declensions for a German or Russian name. [GetAvailableLocales]( "API GetAvailableLocales")() [GetLocale]( "API GetLocale")() - Returns client locale, example 'enUS'. [GetNumDeclensionSets]( "API GetNumDeclensionSets (page does not exist)")("name", gender) - Returns the number of suggested declension sets for a German or Russian name. [GetOSLocale]( "API GetOSLocale (page does not exist)")() [GetText]( "API GetText")() - Used to localize some client text. [IsEuropeanNumbers]( "API IsEuropeanNumbers (page does not exist)")() [SetEuropeanNumbers]( "API SetEuropeanNumbers (page does not exist)")(flag) - Sets the decimal separator to a comma instead of a dot.