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The[Barbershop]( "Barbershop")was introduced in[Patch 3.0.2]( "Patch 3.0.2"). [ApplyBarberShopStyle]( "API ApplyBarberShopStyle")() - Purchase and apply the cosmetic changes. [BarberShopReset]( "API BarberShopReset")() - Reset any changes made in the Barber Shop. [CanAlterSkin]( "API CanAlterSkin (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [CancelBarberShop]( "API CancelBarberShop")() - Exit the Barber Shop chair. [GetBarberShopStyleInfo]( "API GetBarberShopStyleInfo")(id) - Returns information about the currently selected style. [GetBarberShopTotalCost]( "API GetBarberShopTotalCost")() - Returns the total costs of the cosmetic changes. [GetCustomizationDetails]( "API GetCustomizationDetails (page does not exist)")(customizationIndex) [IsBarberShopStyleValid]( "API IsBarberShopStyleValid (page does not exist)")() [SetBarberShopAlternateFormFrame]( "API SetBarberShopAlternateFormFrame (page does not exist)")() [SetNextBarberShopStyle]( "API SetNextBarberShopStyle")(id\[, reverse\]) - Alters style selection in a particular category.